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Documentary materials and feature films on the lives of Russian, and Central & East European writers

Index to the documentary materials and feature films about the lives of Russian, Central European and East European writers, held by UCL SSEES Library.

Documentary materials on Russian, Central European and East European writers are listed here. They are listed by country, and, for each country, first generally and then alphabetically by individuals. The index includes feature films on the lives of individual writers. There is a separate index forLiterary Adaptations from Russian, Central European and East European Sources.

The Call numbers of the discs and tapes on which these films are held are given after the entries. Follow the link to retrieve full details.Timings for recordings include advertising breaks.

DVD language options

For DVD material the original language is indicated, together with brief details of the subtitle options. Many of the DVDs in the collection offer optional subtitles in a range of languages. For further information on these language options, follow the link.

Collection contents

Materials are listed under the following countries:


SAYAT-NOVA [Harutyun Sayatyan]

  • La Vie de Sayat-Nova [The Life of Sayat-Nova] 1977, 26 minutes 11 seconds, in French and Armenian with optional English subtitles
    Call number



  • Liebelei, directed by MaxOphüls, 1933, 84 minutes, in German with optional English subtitles
    Call number

ZWEIG, Stefan

  • Vor den Morgenröte. Stefan Zweig in Amerika [Stefan Zweig, adieu l'Europe [Stefan Zweig, Goodbye Europe] directed by Maria Schrader, 2016, 102 minutes, in German with some French, English, Spanish and Portuguese with French subtitles
    Call number



  • Kapka Kassabova - interview, 18½ minutes, in English
    Call number


GELLNER, František

  • Kritická hybridní edice. Dílo Františka Gellnera [Critical Hybrid Edition. The Works of František Gellner] 2012, in Czech
    Call number(Data DVD)

HRABAL, Bohumil

  • Closely Observed Films: Michael Brooke explores the six-film collaboration between Jiří Menzel and the novelist Bohumil Hrabal, 2015, 47 minutes 45 seconds, in English
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
    Call number

KAFKA, Franz

  • Kafka, designed by Zbig Rybczynski, Channel Four, 47 minutes, in English
    Call number
  • Kafka geht ins Kino [Kafka Goes to the Movies] 4 DVDs, consisting of a selection of the films he saw and the documentaryKafka va au cinéma(q.v.), in various languages with optional German, English and French subtitles
    Call numbers ,,Ի
  • Franz Kafka, directed by Piotr Dumała, 1991, 16 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number
  • Kafka va au cinéma [Kafka geht ins Kino] [Kafka Goes to the Movies] 2002, French, German or English narration
    Call number

LUSTIG, Arnošt

  • Arnošt Lustig Through the Eyes of Jan Němec 1993, 15 minutes 1 second, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number(The Criterion Collection No. 969)


BRECHT, Bertolt

  • Zolotoi vek Taganki. Zhizn´ Galileia [The Golden Age of the Taganka. The Life of Galileo] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von

  • Ein Weimarfilm [A Weimar Film] directed by Jürgen Böttcher, 1976, 60 minutes, inGerman with optional English and French subtitles
    Call number
  • Grosskochberg - Garten der öffentlichen Landschaft [Grosskochberg - Public Landscape Gardens]directed by Jürgen Böttcher, 1976, 15 minutes, in German with optional English and French subtitles
    Call number


  • The Ister, directed by David Barison and Daniel Ross, 2004, 189 minutes, in French, German, Croatian and English with English subtitles
    Call number

HÖLDERLIN, Friedrich

  • The Ister, directed by David Barison and Daniel Ross, 2004, 189 minutes, in French, German, Croatian and English with English subtitles
    Call number

KÖRTNER, Theodor

  • Theodor Körtner, directed by Gerhard Dammann and Franz Porten, 1912, restored by Filmmuseum München, 41 minutes, German titles with optional English and French subtitles, tinted, silent with added music track
    Call number

SCHILLER, Friedrich

  • Friedrich Schiller - Eine Dichterjugend [Friedrich Schiller - The Poet as a Young Man] directed by Curt Goetz, 1923, 102 minutes, German titles with optional English, French, Spanish and Portuguese subtitles, silent with added music score, tinted
    Call number


MIŁOSZ, Czesław [MILOŠAS, Česlovas]

  • Polska Czesława Miłosza [The Poland of Czesław Miłosz] 2011, 76 minutes, in Polish
    Call number(this is a CD)
  • Stephen Fry reads Czesław Miłosz, 2011, 33 poems, 58 minutes, in English
    Call number(this is a CD)
  • Česlovo Milošo Amzius [The Age of Czesław Miłosz] 2012, 185 minutes, in Lithuanian, Polish and English with English subtitles
    Call numbersԻ


HERBERT, Zbigniew

  • Obywatel poeta [A Citizen of a Poet] 2000, 76 minutes, in Polish without subtitles
    Call number

KANTOR, Tadeusz

  • Le Théatre de Tadeusz Kantor [The Theatre of Tadeusz Kantor] directed by Denis Bablet, 1991, 145 minutes, in French and English with English subtitles
    Call number


  • Ryszard Kapuściński, 2011, 45 minutes, in Polish
    Call number

KRASZEWSKI, Józef Ignacy

  • Józef Ignacy Kraszewski, 2013, in Polish, Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian
    Call numbersԻ(2 data discs, playable via computer)

MIŁOSZ, Czesław

  • Polska Czesława Miłosza [The Poland of Czesław Miłosz] 2011, 76 minutes, in Polish
    Call number(this is a CD)
  • Stephen Fry reads Czesław Miłosz, 2011, 33 poems, 58 minutes, in English
    Call number(this is a CD)
  • Česlovo Milošo Amzius [The Age of Czesław Miłosz] 2012, 185 minutes, in Lithuanian, Polish and English with English subtitles
    Call numbersԻ


  • Gliwickie lata Tadeusza Różewicza [The Gliwice Years of Tadeusz Różewicz] 2009, 58 minutes, in Polish
    Call number


  • Koniec i początek. Spotkanie z Wisławą Szymborską [The End and the Beginning. A Meeting with Wisława Szymborska] 2011, 55 minutes, in Polish
    Call number
  • Wisława Szymborska reads 15 of her poems, 2011, 30 minutes, in Polish
    Call number

WAJS, Bronisława

  • Papusza, directed by Joanna Kos-Krauze and Krzysztof Krauze, 2013, 126 minutes, in Polish and Romany with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • Wojaczek, directed by Lech Majewski, 1999, 90 minutes, in Polish with optional English and French subtitles
    Call number


BLECHER, Max (Marcel)

  • Inimi cicatrizate [Scarred Hearts] directed by Radu Jude, 2016, 141 minutes, in Romanian with English subtitles
    Call number


  • Lucia Hossu Longin in dialog, pe tema Cenzurii cu scritorul Bujor Nedelcovici [Lucia Hossu Longin talks to the writer Bujor Nedelcovici about Censorship] 2005, 38 minutes, in Romanian
    Call number

Russia, The Soviet Union

General Films on Literature

  • The Arts and Glasnost. Writers, directed by Irina Mishina, Omnibus, BBC1, 1987, 60 minutes
    Call number
  • Great Russian Writers. Gosteleradio SSSR / Poseidon Films,1992, each 25 minutes; broadcast on Channel Four September - October 1992 1. Boris Pasternak, 2 September 1992 -- 2. Vladimir Maiakovskii, 9 September 1992 -- 3. Aleksandr Blok, 16 September 1992 -- 4. Maksim Gor´kii, 23 September 1992 -- 5. Anton Chekhov, 30 September 1992 -- 6. Lev Tolstoi, 7 October 1992 -- 7. Fedor Dostoevskii, 14 October 1992
    Call number
    8. Aleksandr Pushkin, 21 October 1992
    Call number
  • John Glad interviews 1. Interviews with Vasilii Aksenov and Iuz Aleshkovskii. Video Labs Corporation. The Living Archive, in Russian
    Call number
  • John Glad interviews 2. Interviews with Igor´ Chinnov and Ivan Elagin. Video Labs Corporation. The Living Archive, in Russian
    Call number
  • John Glad interviews 3. Interviews with Andrei Siniavskii and Mariia Rozanova. Video Labs Corporation. The Living Archive, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi sovremenniki [My Contemporaries] [film about Okudzhava and the generation of the 1960s] directed by Vladislav Vinogradov, 1984, with Bulat Okudzhava, Evgenii Evtushenko, Robert Rozhdestvenskii, Andrei Voznesenskii, Iaroslav Golovanov, Oleg Tabakov, Nikolai Gubenko, Marlen Khutsiev and memories of Iurii Gagarin and Gennadii Shpalikov, Russian Television, Pervyi kanal, 21 July 1997, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pochtovye loshadi prosveshcheniia [The Post Horses of Enlightenment], one of the films in the seriesTeni slov[The Shadows of Words] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • The Secret Life of the Soviet [the suppression of literature; evidence from KGB files] directed by Roger Graeff, Signals, Soviet Spring, Channel Four, 24 January 1990, 45 minutes, in Russian and English with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Slovo. Glavnaia redaktsiia literaturno-khudozhestvennykh programm Tsentral´nogo televideniia, 30.10.1990. Programme devoted to the Leeds Russian Archive, 120 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sovetskaia odisseia Dzhoisa [Joyce's Soviet Odyssey] one of the films in the seriesTeni slov[The Shadows of Words] (on the work of Joyce translators Igor´ Romanovich, Valentin Stenich, Viktor Khinkis and Sergei Khoruzhii) 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Stranitsy sovetskogo iskusstva. Literatura i teatr Programme 1: Literatura i teatr 1917-1921 gg., 65 minutes -- Programme 3: Literatura i teatr. 1934-1941 gg., 80 minutes in Russian
    Call number
  • Stranitsy sovetskogo iskusstva. Literatura i teatr Programme 4: Literatura i teatr 1941-1945 gg., 60 minutes -- Programme 5: Literatura i teatr 1946-1953 gg., 80 minutes in Russian
    Call number
  • Stranitsy sovetskogo iskusstva. Literatura i teatr Programme 6: Literatura i teatr 1954-1959 gg., 70 minutes -- Programme 7: Literatura i teatr 1960-1965 gg., 60 minutes in Russian
    Call number
  • Stranitsy sovetskogo iskusstva. Literatura i teatr Programme 9: Literatura i teatr 1971-1976 gg., 60 minutes -- Programme 10: Literatura i teatr 1977-1986 gg., 70 minutes in Russian
    Call number
  • Teni slov [The Shadows of Words] (four films about the history of translation in Russia) 2008, 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

Individual Writers


  • Ostrova. Fedor Abramov [Islands. Fedor Abramov] 2010, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Severnoe siianie Fedora Abramova [The Northern Lights of Fedor Abramov] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Literaturnye vstrechi. Na voprosy otvechaet Chingiz Aitmatov, Russian Television, 77 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kod Aitmatova [The Aitmatov Code] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kumiry. Bella Akhmadulina. "A naposledok ia skazhu." [Idols. Bella Akhmadulina. "And in Conclusion I'll Say."] 2012, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Lichnoe delo Anny Akhmatovoi [The Anna Akhmatova File] directed by Semen Aranovich, 1989, 66 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Isaiah Berlin. Freedom and its Enemies [Stalinism and the Cold War; recalls his meeting with Akhmatova] produced by David Herman, BBC2, 15 November 1997, 50 minutes
    Call number
  • Anna Akhmatova. Komarovskie nabroski [Anna Akhmatova. Komarovo Notes] 1999, 19 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Istoricheskie khroniki. 1946. Anna Akhmatova [Historical Chronicles. 1946. Anna Akhmatova] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vselennaia Viacheslava Ivanova [The Universe of Viacheslav Ivanov] 2012, Part 3, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

AKSENOV, Vasilii

  • John Glad interviews 1. Interviews with Vasilii Aksenov and Iuz Aleshkovskii. Video Labs Corporation. The Living Archive, in Russian
    Call number
  • Interview with Vasilii Aksenov about the film 'Moi mladshii brat', 1990s, 6 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Poka vse doma. Vasilii Aksenov [While Everyone's at Home. Vasilii Aksenov] 1998, 22 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ia khochu zhit´ vzvolnovanno... [I Want to Live with Emotion...] 2007, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Istoricheskie khroniki. 1979. Ostrov Krym Vasiliia Aksenova [Historical Chronicles. 1979. Vasilii Aksenov'sThe Island of Crimea] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian (on the Metropol´ affair,Ostrov Krymand the invasion of Afghanistan)
    Call number


  • Novaia antologiia. Rossiiskie pisateli. Boris Akunin [The New Anthology. Russian Writers. Boris Akunin] 2010, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Shpionskie strasti. Chto ostalos´ za kadrom [Spying Passions. What Was Left Outside the Shot] 2012, 44 minutes, in Russian
    (A film about the making of the filmShpionfrom Boris Akunin's novelShpionskii roman)
    Call number


  • John Glad interviews 1. Interviews with Vasilii Aksenov and Iuz Aleshkovskii. Video Labs Corporation. The Living Archive, in Russian
    Call number
  • Iuz, dzhaz, Irka i pes [Iuz, Jazz, Irka and the Dog] directed by Sergei Miroshnichenko, 2005, 71 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number


  • Slovo, 1990, programme devoted to the Leeds Russian Archive, includes materials on Leonid Andreev's photographs, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Iraklii Andronikov. Pervyi raz na estrade [Irakli Andronikov. First Time on Stage] 1971, 65 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Bol´shie roditeli. Iraklii Andronikov [Big Parents. Iraklii Andronikov] 2003, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdy efira. Iraklii Andronikov [Stars of the Ether. Iraklii Andronikov] 2005, 32 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vselennaia Viacheslava Ivanova [The Universe of Viacheslav Ivanov] 2012, Part 3, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ARBUZOV, Aleksei

  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Aleksei Arbuzov [My Silver Globe. Aleksei Arbuzov] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Arkadii Averchenko [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Arkadii Averchenko] 2005, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Arkadii Averchenko. Chelovek, kotoryi smeialsia [Arkadii Averchenko. The Man Who Laughed] 2006, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BABEL´, Isaak

  • Rokovoi treugol´nik. Isaak Babel´ [The Fatal Triangle. Isaak Babel´] 2006, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BAKHTIN, Mikhail

  • Academia. Vladimir Novikov. 'Mikhail Bakhtin: sintez filologii i filosofii' [Academia. Vladimir Novikov. 'Mikhail Bakhtin: a synthesis of philology and philosophy'] (a lecture about Bakhtin by the Moscow University professor Vladimir Novikov) 2011, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vozvrashchenie [The Return] [Andrei Bitov talks about Iosif Brodskii and Evgenii Baratynskii] 2000, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BATIUSHKOV, Konstantin

  • Est´ stranstviiam konets. Konstantin Batiushkov [There is an End to Wandering. Konstantin Batiushkov] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Sovetskii skaz Pavla Bazhova [The Soviet skaz of Pavel Bazhov] 2010, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BEDNYI, Dem´ian

  • Stalin i pisateli [Stalin and the Writers] Dem´ian Bednyi, 2011, 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BELIAEV, Aleksandr

  • Aleksandr Beliaev. Bunt ikhtiandra [Aleksandr Beliaev. Ikhtiandr's Rebellion] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Aleksandr Beliaev [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Aleksandr Beliaev] 2006, 23 minuteslacks ending and rest of credits, in Russian
    Call numebr

BELINSKII, Vissarion

  • Belinskii, directed by Grigorii Kozintsev, 1951, 102 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BELYI, Andrei

  • Andrei Belyi. Okhota na angela, ili chetyre liubvi poeta i proritsatelia [Andrei Belyi. Angel Hunt, or The Four Loves of a Poet and Prophet] directed by Andrei Osipov, 2001, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Peterburg. Vremia i mesto. 'Moei glukhoi sud´biny povest´...'. Andrei Belyi [Petersburg. Time and Place. 'The Tale of My Dull Fate...' Andrei Belyi] 2007, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Mistika liubvi. Duel´. Valerii Briusov i Nina Petrovskaia [The Mysticism of Love: A Duel. Valerii Briusov and Nina Petrovskaia] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Mistika liubvi. 'Vash rytsar´': Andrei Belyi i Margarita Morozova [The Mysticism of Love: 'Your Knight': Andrei Belyi and Margarita Morozova] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BELYKH, Grigorii

  • Glavnaia taina. Respublika ShKID [The Main Secret. The Republic of ShKID] 2009, in Russian, 44 minutes
    Call number


  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Ol´ga Berggol´ts [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Ol´ga Berggol´ts] 2005, 32 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BITOV, Andrei

  • Vozvrashchenie [The Return] [Andrei Bitov talks about Iosif Brodskii and Evgenii Baratynskii] 2000, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Andrei Bitov. Razdvoenie vechnosti, ili Mezh dvukh stolits Imperii [Andrei Bitov. A Splitting of Eternity, or Between Two Capitals of the Empire.] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BLOK, Aleksandr

  • '"Ia ne utratil prezhnii svet". Aleksandr Blok', directed by Iurii Beliankin, Russian Television, 1986, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Great Russian Writers 3: Alexander Blok, directed by T. Iovleva, 1992, 25 minutes; broadcast on Channel Four, 16 September 1994
    Call number
  • Serebrianyi shar. Aleksandr Blok [The Silver Globe. Aleksandr Blok] 2003, 41 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Peterburg. Vremia i mesto. 'Moei glukhoi sud´biny povest´...'. Andrei Belyi [Petersburg. Time and Place. 'The Tale of My Dull Fate...' Andrei Belyi] 2007, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Nashe nasledie. Aleksandr Blok. Shakhmatovo - territoriia liubvi [Our Heritage. Aleksandr Blok. Shakhmatovo - Territory of Love] 2012, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Mgnoveniia Iuriia Bondareva [The Moments of Iurii Bondarev] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BONDI, Sergei

  • "Ogon´ v ochage". Sergei Bondi ["Fire in the Hearth". Sergei Bondi] 2011, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BRIUSOV, Valerii

  • Mistika liubvi. Duel´. Valerii Briusov i Nina Petrovskaia [The Mysticism of Love: A Duel. Valerii Briusov and Nina Petrovskaia] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Joseph Brodsky. A maddening space, 1989, 55 minutes, in English
    Call number
  • Iosif Brodskii. Prodolzhenie vody [Brodskii in Venice] directed by Harald Lüders and Natan Fedorovskii, 1991, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Progulki s Brodskim [Walks with Brodskii] authors and presenters Elena Iakovich, Evgenii Rein, and Aleksei Shishov, 1995, in Russian
    Call numberFilm 1, 42 minutes
    Call numberFilms 1 and 2, 40 + 40 minutes
    Call number82 minutes
  • '...I liazhet put´ moi cherez etot gorod...' Neskol´ko s´´emochnykh dnei s Iosifom Brodskim ['...And My Way Will Lie Across This Town...' A few days of filming with Iosif Brodskii] 2000, 40 + 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Progulki s Brodskim II. Istoriia s´´emok [Walks with Brodskii, 2, The History of the Filming], 2000, 81 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vozvrashchenie [The Return] [Andrei Bitov talks about Iosif Brodskii and Evgenii Baratynskii] 2000, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Iosif Brodskii, 2002, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Iosif Brodskii. Istoriia pobega [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Iosif Brodskii. A History of Flight] 2006, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • V plenu u angelov. Pis´mo v butylke [Captured by Angels. A Letter in a Bottle] directed by Evgenii Potievskii, 2007, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Poltory komnaty, ili sentimental´noe puteshestvie na Rodinu [A Room and a Half, or a Sentimental Journey to the Motherland] directed by Andrei Khrzhanovskii, 2008, 124 minutes
    Call numberin Russian (followed by 64 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Vremena ne vybiraiut. Avtorskaia programma Aleksandra Kushnera [You Don't Choose Your Times. A programme made by Aleksandr Kushner] 2011, 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    (film 2 is about Kushner's friendship with Brodskii)
    Call number

BUIDA, Iurii

  • Novaia antologiia. Rossiiskie pisateli. Iurii Buida [The New Anthology. Russian Writers. Iurii Buida] 2010, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Report on the 'Bulgakov flat' on the Sadovoe kol´tso in Moscow, in Hello, do you hear us?, directed by Juris Podnieks, Programme 3, Them and Us, Soviet Spring, Channel Four, 29 January 1990, 55 minutes
    Call number
  • The Devil in Moscow, directed by Andzej Fidyk, BBC2, 11 December 1991, 50 minutes, in English
    Call number
  • Mikhail Bulgakov. Romany i sud´ba... [Mikhail Bulgakov. The Novels and the Fate...] 2000, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • General Roshchin, muzh Margarity [General Roshchin, the Husband of Margarita] 2004, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Master i tri Margarity [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. The Master and Three Margaritas] 2005, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zagadki "Mastera i Margarity" [Enigmas ofThe Master and Margarita] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Academia. Evgenii Iablokov. '"Master i Margarita" kak roman ob istine' [Academia. Evgenii Iablokov. 'The Master and Margaritaas a novel about truth'] 2011, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Academia. Spetskurs "Master i Margarita". Chitaet Marietta Chudakova. 1-ia lektsiia, 2-ia lektsiia [Academia. Special Course "The Master and Margarita". Lectures by Marietta Chudakova. Lectures 1 and 2] 2011, 44 + 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Academia. Spetskurs "Master i Margarita". Chitaet Andrei Kuraev [Academia. Special Course "The Master and Margarita". Lecture by Andrei Kuraev] 2011, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Academia. Spetskurs "Master i Margarita". Chitaet Aleksandr Uzhankov [Academia. Special Course "The Master and Margarita". Lecture by Aleksandr Uzhankov] 2011, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Misticheskaia sila Mastera [The Mystical Power of the Master] 2011, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moi sosed M. Bulgakov [My Neighbour Mikhail Bulgakov] 2012, 26 + 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    (films about the inhabitants of Ulitsa Furmanova (now Nashchokinskii pereulok), Dom 3/5, in flat 6 of which Bulgakov wroteMaster i Margarita)
    Call number
  • Zolotoi vek Taganki. Master i Margarita [The Golden Age of the Taganka. The Master and Margarita] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Dvoinoi portret. Bulgakov i Florenskii [A Double Portrait. Bulgakov and Florenskii] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number


  • Slovo, Russian Television, 1990, programme devoted to the Leeds Russian Archive, includes materials on the Bunin museum in Elets, 15 minutes and further Bubin materials, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dnevnik ego zheny [His Wife's Diary] directed by Aleksei Uchitel´, 2000, 104 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Okaiannye dni Ivana Bunina [Ivan Bunin's Accursed Days] 2007, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. David Burliuk - otets velikana [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. David Burliuk - Father of the Giant] 2003, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Korol´ chetvertogo izmereniia. David Burliuk [The King of the Fourth Dimension. David Burliuk] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BYKOV, Dmitrii

  • Grazhdanin poet. 31 nomer khudozhestvennoi samodeiatel´nosti [Citizen Poet. 31 Numbers of Amateur Dramatics] 2012, 98 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Grazhdanin poet. Na smert´ proekta. Grazhdanskaia panikhida. [Citizen Poet. On the Death of the Project. Civic Requiem] 2012, 176 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Grazhdanin poet. Niuzikl´ [Citizen Poet. The Newsical] 2012, 100 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Grazhdanin poet. Progon goda [Citizen Poet. The Run of the Year] 2012, 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BYKOV, Vasil´

  • Vasil´ Bykov. Voskhozhdenie [Vasil´ Bykov. The Ascent] (documentary about Bykov), direction and script by V. Dashuk, 1987, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vasil´ Bykov. Liniia fronta [Vasil´ Bykov. The Front Line] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Siuzhet dlia nebol´shogo rasskaza [A Subject for a Short Story] also known as Lika - liubov´ Chekhova [Lika - Chekhov's Love] [Un Amour de Chékhov] directed by Sergei Iutkevich, 1969, 81 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberFrench dubbed version
  • Pennington's Chekhov, 1984, 27 minutes, in English
    Call number
  • A Visit from Vanya, BBC, 1987, 41 minutes, in English with some Russian with English subtitles
    (Oleg Efremov conducts Master Classes onUncle Vaniawith American students in Oxford in July 1987)
    Call number(Side B)
  • Great Russian Writers 5: Anton Chekhov directed by T. Shakh-Azizova, 1992, 25 minutes; broadcast on Channel Four, 30 September 1994
    Call number
  • Ivanov goes to Moscow, directed by Geoff Dunlop, Arthouse, Channel Four, 14 December 1997, 55 minutes
    Call number
  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Anton Chekhov. Pozdniaia liubov´ [The Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Anton Chekhov. Late Love] 2003, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Chekhov the Immigrant, 2004, 40 minutes, in English
    Call number
  • Chekhov v Moskve [Chekhov in Moscow] 2009, 16½ minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • The House that Chekhov Built, BBC Radio, 2010, 30 minutes, in English
    (a radio documentary about Chekhov's house in Yalta, played here over Aleksandr Sokurov's film´)
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Palata No 6 (2009, directed by Karen Shakhnazarov) [Private View. Ward No. 6 (2009 directed by Karen Shakhnazarov)] 2010, 7 + 83 + 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tainy veka. Chekhov. Neopublikovannaia zhizn´ [Secrets of the Age. Chekhov. An Unpublished Life] 2010, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zagadka Chekhova [The Chekhov Enigma] directed by Evgenii Tsymbal and Sergei Golovetskii, 2010, 52 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English, French, German and Spanish subtitles
    Call number
  • Poklonnitsa (L´vy, orly i kuropatki) [The Fan (Lions, Eagles and Partridges)] directed by Vitalii Mel´nikov, 2012, 102 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Anton Tchékhov - 1890, directed by René Féret, 2014, 92 minutes, in French titles with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • John Glad interviews 2. Interviews with Igor´ Chinnov and Ivan Elagin. Video Labs Corporation. The Living Archive, in Russian
    Call number


  • Liniia zhizni. Elena Chukovskaia [Life Line. Elena Chukovskaia] 2012, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Kornei Chukovskii [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Kornei Chukovskii] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kornei Chukovskii. Zapreshchennye skazki [Kornei Chukovskii. The Forbidden Tales] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Istoricheskie khroniki. 1969. Kornei Chukovskii [Historical Chronicles. 1969. Kornei Chukovskii] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Liniia zhizni. Elena Chukovskaia [Life Line. Elena Chukovskaia] 2012, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

DANIEL´, Iulii

  • Protsess Siniavskogo i Danielia [The Trial of Siniavskii and Daniel´] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Dvadtsat´shest´ dnei iz zhizni Dostoevskogo [Twenty Six Days in the Life of Dostoevsky] directed by Aleksandr Zarkhi, 1980, 79 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Dostoevsky's Travels, directed by Paul Pawlikowski, 1991, 50 minutes; re-broadcast in Bookmark, BBC2, 8 January 1992
    Call number
  • Great Russian Writers 7: Fedor Dostoevsky, directed by T. Iovleva, 1992, 25 minutes; broadcast on Channel Four, 14 October 1994
    Call number
  • Die Frau mit den 5 Elefanten [The Woman with the 5 Elephants] directed by Vadim Jendreyko, 2009, 98 minutes, in German and Russian with optional English subtitles
    (A Film about Svetlana Geier, who has translated Dostoevskii's five major novels into German)
    Call number
  • Dostoevskii. Zhizn´, polnaia strastei [Dostoevskii. A Life Full of Passion], directed by Vladimir Khotinenko, 2010
    Call numbersԻ382 minutes, in Russian
    Call number437 minutes 16 seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles


  • Zhizn´ nelegka. Sergei Dovlatov [Life is not Easy. Sergei Dovlatov] 2007, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(lacks opening credits)
  • Ushel, chtoby ostat´sia. Sergei Dovlatov [He Went Away, so as to Remain. Sergei Dovlatov] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Napisano Sergeem Dovlatovym [Written by Sergei Dovlatov] directed by Roman Liberov, 2012, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zakrytyi pokaz. Napisano Sergeem Dovlatovym (2012) [Private View. Written by Sergei Dovlatov (2012)] 2013, 8 + 52 + 51 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dovlatov, directed by Aleksei Alekseevich German, 2018, 126 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with English subtitles


  • John Glad interviews 2. Interviews with Igor´ Chinnov and Ivan Elagin. Video Labs Corporation. The Living Archive, in Russian
    Call number

ERDMAN, Nikolai

  • Slovo, Russian Television, 1990, programme devoted to the Leeds Russian Archive, includes materials on Prokof´ev, Erdman and Liubimov staging Samoubiitsa, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Nikolai Erdman: vystrel "samoubiitsy" [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Nikolai Erdman: The "Suicide's" Shot] 2004, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Angelina Stepanova. "Segodnia moi den´..." [Angelina Stepanova. "Today is My Day..."] 2005, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ispanskii sled. Il´ia Erenburg [The Spanish Trace. Il´ia Erenburg] 2011, 32 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

EROFEEV, Venedikt

  • Venededikt Erofeev, Bookmark, 10 April 1990, 50 minutes, in English
    Call number
  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Venedikt Erofeev [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Venedikt Erofeev] 2006, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ostrova. Venedikt Erofeev [Islands. Venedikt Erofeev] 2008, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number


  • Viktor Erofeev [Erofeev wanders around Moscow in search of Irina, the heroine of his Russkaia krasavitsa] The Late Show, BBC2, January 1993, 40 minutes
    Call number

ESENIN, Sergei

  • Tainy veka. Sergei Esenin. Noch´ v "Angletere" [Secrets of the Age. Sergei Esenin. The Night in the Angleterre] 2004, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Deti Esenina [Esenin's Children] 2005, 37 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Esenin, directed by Igor´ Zaitsev, 2005, 560 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call numberEpisodes 1-4, 207 minutes
    Call numberEpisodes 5-8, 200 minutes
    Call numberEpisodes 9-11, 153 minutes
  • Zolotoi vek Taganki. Pugachev [The Golden Age of the Taganka. Pugachev] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

FADEEV, Aleksandr

  • Bol´shie roditeli. Aleksandr Fadeev [Big Parents. Aleksandr Fadeev] 2002, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Angelina Stepanova. "Segodnia moi den´..." [Angelina Stepanova. "Today is My Day..."] 2005, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Aleksandr Fadeev [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Aleksandr Fadeev] 2005, 27 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pisatel´ i vozhd´. Aleksandr Fadeev. Vystrel v Partiiu [The Writer and the Leader. Aleksandr Fadeev. A Shot at the Party] 2008, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Dvoinoi portret. Bulgakov i Florenskii [A Double Portrait. Bulgakov and Florenskii] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number

GABBE, Tamara

  • Pisateli nashego detstva. Volshebnitsa iz Goroda masterov. Tamara Gabbe [The Writers of Our Childhood. The Magician from the Town of Masters. Tamara Grabbe] 2010, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GAIDAR, Arkadii

  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Arkadii Gaidar [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Arkadii Gaidar] 2004, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ark. Gaidar. Vozvrashchenie geroia [Arkadii Gaidar. The Return of the Hero] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GALICH, Aleksandr

  • Aleksandr Galich. Izgnanie [Aleksandr Galich. Exile] directed by Iosif Pasternak, 1989, 89 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zaveshchanie Aleksandra Galicha [Aleksandr Galich's Will] 1998, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zakrytoe dos´e. Smert´ izgnannika [The Closed Dossier. Death of an Exile] 2003, 47 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • German, syn Germana. Pamiati moego ottsa, pisatelia Iuriia Pavlovicha Germana, posviashchaetsia. [German, son of German. Dedicated to the Memory of My Father, the Writer Iurii Pavlovich German] 2005, 5 x 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GIPPIUS, Zinaida

  • Zabytye imena. Zinaida Gippius [Forgotten Names. Zinaida Gippius] directed by Anna Shishko, Russian Television, 1993, 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GNEDICH, Tat´iana

  • Liubovnik Don Zhuan [Don Juan the Lover] one of the films in the seriesTeni slov[The Shadows of Words] (on Tat´iana Gnedich's translation of Byron'sDon Juan) 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GOGOL´, Nikolai

  • Documentary film 'Po gogolevskim mestam', 18 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number
  • Iurii Norshtein [documentary about Norshtein, includes extracts from his animated film Shinel´] directed by Vikhra Tarabanova, 55 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Oleg Karavaichuk. "Ruka Gogolia" [Oleg Karavaichuk. "Gogol´'s Hand"] Oleg Karavaichuk's piano improvisations and monologues in honour of the Gogol´ bicentenary, 2009, 52 minutes, Russian text
    Call number
  • Ptitsa-Gogol´ [The Gogol´ Bird] 2009, directed by Sergei Nurmamed and Ivan Skvortsov, written and presented by Leonid Parfenov, 149 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Gogol´. Nachalo [Gogol´. The Beginning] directed by Egor Baranov, 2017
    Call number102 minutes, in Russian
    Call number107 minutes, in Russian (Blu ray disc)
    Call number102 minutes, in Russian wth English subtitles (the subtitles are of extremely poor quality)
  • Gogol´. Strashnaia mest´ [Gogol´. A Terrible Vengeance] directed by Egor Baranov, 2018, 107 minutes
    Call number, in Russian
    Call number, in Russian with English subtitles
  • Gogol´. Vii, directed by Egor Baranov, 2018, 99 minutes
    Call number, in Russian with optional English subtitles(Blu ray disc)
    Call number, in Russian with English subtitles

GOR´KII, Maksim

  • Detstvo Gor´kogo [Gor´kii's Childhood] [The Childhood of Maxim Gorky] directed by Mark Donskoi, 1938, 96 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English and French dubbed versions and optional Russian, English, French, Spanish, Italian, German and Portuguese subtitles
  • V liudiakh [My Apprenticeship] directed by Mark Donskoi, 1938, 97 minutes
    Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English and French dubbed versions and optional Russian, English, French, Spanish, Italian, German and Portuguese subtitles
  • Moi universitety [My Universities] directed by Mark Donskoi, 1939, 97 minutes
    Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English and French dubbed versions and optional Russian, English, French, Spanish, Italian, German and Portuguese subtitles
  • Great Russian Writers 4: Maxim Gorky, directed by I. Kalinina, 1992, 25 minutes; broadcast on Channel Four, 23 September 1994
    Call number
  • Pisatel´ i vozhd´. Maksim Gor´kii. Fil´m pervyi. Dve zhizni [The Writer and the Leader. Maksim Gor´kii. Film 1. Two Lives] 2008, 42 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pisatel´ i vozhd´. Maksim Gor´kii. Fil´m vtoroi. Dve smerti [The Writer and the Leader. Maksim Gor´kii. Film 2. Two Deaths] 2008, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Stalin i pisateli [Stalin and the Writers] Maksim Gor´kii, 2011, 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GRIBOEDOV, Aleksandr

  • Griboedovskii val´s [The Griboedov Waltz] directed by Tamara Pavliuchenko, 1995, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tainy veka. Aleksandr Griboedov. Oslepitel´no korotkaia zhizn´ [Secrets of the Age. Aleksandr Griboedov. A Blindingly Short Life] 2010, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GRIN, Aleksandr

  • Chelovek iz nesbyshegosia. Aleksandr Grin [A Man from the World That Has Not Come True. Aleksandr Grin] 2010, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vek Vasiliia Grossmana [The Age of Vasilii Grossman] 2006, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • "Rukopisi ne goriat..." Fil´m chetvertyi. Delo Vasiliia Grossmana [Manuscripts Don't Burn. Film 4. The Case of Vasilii Grossman] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. Vasilii Grossman i Ol´ga Guber, Liubov´ i sud´ba Vasiliia Grossmana [More than Love. Vasilii Grossman and Ol´ga Guber. The Love and Fate of Vasilii Grossman] 2011, 37 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Lev Gumilev [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Lev Gumilev] 2002, 29 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GUMILEV, Nikolai

  • Afrikanskaia okhota [African Hunt] directed by Igor´ Alimpiev, 1988, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zaveshchanie. Nikolai Gumilev [The Testament. Nikolai Gumilev] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

GURO, Elena

  • Zvezdy russkogo avangarda. Elena Guro [Stars of the Russian Avant-Garde. Elena Guro] 2011, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

IL´F, Il´ia

  • Progulki s Il´fom [Strolls with Il´f] 2007, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

IL´F, Il´ia and PETROV, Evgenii

  • Ostap Bender. Istoriia prototipa [Ostap Bender. The Story of the Prototype] directed by Sergei Rusakov, 1999, 27 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

IL´IN, Ivan

  • Zaveshchanie filosofa Il´ina [The Legacy of the Philosopher Il´in] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian with Russian subtitles
    Call number
  • Zashchita Il´ina [The Il´in Defence] 2007, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Russkii filosof Ivan Il´in [The Russian Philosopher Ivan Il´in] 2011, 49 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ostrova. Fazil´ Iskander [Islands. Fazil´ Iskander] 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Prazdnik v ozhidanii prazdnika. Fazil´ Iskander [A Feast Waiting for a Feast. Fazil´ Iskander] 2009, 40 minutes held, in Russian
    Call number,lacks start

IVANOV, Georgii

  • Talant dvoinogo zreniia. Georgii Ivanov [The Talent of Double Vision. Georgii Ivanov] 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

IVANOV, Vsevolod

  • Vselennaia Viacheslava Ivanova [The Universe of Viacheslav Ivanov] 2012, Part 1, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Viktor Shklovskii i Roman Iakobson. Zhizn´ kak roman [Viktor Shklovskii and Roman Jakobson. Life Like a Novel] 2009, 39 + 39 = 78 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KABAKOV, Aleksandr

  • Novaia antologiia. Rossiiskie pisateli. Aleksandr Kabakov [The New Anthology. Russian Writers. Aleksandr Kabakov] 2010, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zvezdy russkogo avangarda. Nepromokaemyi optimist. Vasilii Kamenskii [Stars of the Russian Avant-Garde. The Impermeable Optimist. Vasilii Kamenskii] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Poet i smert´. P´esa o Leonide Kannegisere. [The Poet and Death. A Play about Leonid Kannegiser] 2011, 39 + 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Lev Karsavin. Metafizika liubvi [Lev Karsavin. The Metaphysics of Love] 2007, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Poslushai, ne idet li dozhd´...? [Listen, is it Raining...?] [based on the stories of Iurii Kazakov and Ivan Bunin's story 'Sny Changa']directed by Arkadii Kordon, 1999, approx. 98 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Te, s kotorymi ia... Iurii Kazakov [Those with Whom am I... Iurii Kazakov] 2012, 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Bezotvetnaia liubov´. Rimma Kazakova [Unrequited Love, Rimma Kazakova] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KEDRIN, Dmitrii

  • Propavshii bez vesti [Lost Without Trace] [A film about the poet Dmitrii Kedrin] directed by Aleksandr Shuvikov, 2002, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KHARMS, Daniil

  • Daniil Kharms. Koshka i drugie [Daniil Kharms. 'The Cat' and Others] 2001, 17 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Charodei Daniil Kharms [The Magician Daniil Kharms] 2005, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Peterburg. Vremia i mesto. Daniil Kharms. Uiti chtoby vernut´sia... [Petersburg. Time and Place. Daniil Kharms. Leaving so as to Return...] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • "Rukopisi ne goriat..." Fil´m vtoroi. Delo Daniila Kharmsa i Aleksandra Vvedenskogo [Manuscripts Don't Burn. Film 2. The Case of Daniil Kharms and Aleksandr Vvedenskii] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Tsarapina po nebu [A Scratch Across the Sky] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezdy russkogo avangarda. Korol´ vremeni. Velimir Khlebnikov [Stars of the Russian Avant-Garde. The King of Time. Velimir Khlebnikov] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vselennaia Viacheslava Ivanova [The Universe of Viacheslav Ivanov] 2012, Part 4, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Liniia zhizni. Timur Kibirov [Life Line. Timur Kibirov] 2010, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KIM, Iulii

  • Pesni nashego dvora. Territoriia svobody [Songs of Our Courtyard. Territory of Freedom] 2006, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KOL´TSOV, Mikhail

  • Istoricheskii detektiv. Delo Kol´tsova. [A Historical Detective Story. The Kol´tsov Case] 2001, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Mama [Mother] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 2003, 60 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English and French subtitles
    Call number


  • Portrety epokhi. Naum Korzhavin [Portraits of the Epoch. Naum Korzhavin] 2003, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zvezdy russkogo avangarda. Otets zaumi. Aleksei Kruchenykh [Stars of the Russian Avant-Garde. The Father of Zaum´. Aleksei Kruchenykh] 2008, 24 minutes held, lacks start, in Russian
    Call number

KUPRIN, Aleksandr

  • Rubinovyi braslet Kuprina [Kuprin's Ruby Bracelet] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KUSHNER, Aleksandr

  • Vremena ne vybiraiut. Avtorskaia programma Aleksandra Kushnera [You Don't Choose Your Times. A programme made by Aleksandr Kushner] 2011, 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

KVITKO, Lev (Leib)

  • Bol´shoi kontsert narodov, ili dykhanie chein-stoksa [People's Gala Concert] [Grand Concert of the Peoples, or Cheyne-Stokes' Breathing] directed by Semen Aranovich, 1991, 144 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number


  • Sud´ba poeta Lebedev-Kumach [The Fate of the Poet Lebedev-Kumach] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Film about Lermontov, 13 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English, French or Spanish subtitles
  • Lermontov, directed by Al´bert Gendel´shtein, 1943, 78 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Lermontov, directed by Nikolai Burliaev, 1986, 76 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Lermontov, directed by Maksim Bespalyi, 2014, 91 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number

LESKOV, Nikolai

  • Trudnoe zhitie. Nikolai Leskov [A Hard Life. Nikolai Leskov] 2006, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • "Ia medlenno uchilsia zhit´..." Iurii Levitanskii ["I Slowly Learned to Live..." Iurii Levitanskii] 2007, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Dumat´ ne nado. Plakat´ nel´zia [You Don't Need to Think. You Mustn't Cry] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Dumat´ ne nado. Plakat´ nel´zia [You Don't Need to Think. You Mustn't Cry] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Mikhailo Lomonosov, directed by Aleksandr Ivanov, 1955, 99 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dym otechestva [The Smoke of the Fatherland] directed by Iaropolk Lapshin, 1980, 86 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Mikhailo Lomonosov
    Fil´m 1. Ot nedr svoikh [Mikhailo Lomonosov. Film One. From His Depths], Fil´m 2. Vrata uchenosti [Film 2. The Gates of Scholarship], Fil´m 3. Vo slavu otechestva [Film 3. To the Glory of the Fatherland] directed by Aleksandr Proshkin, 1986, 646 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number


  • Lev Losev N´iu-Gempshir. Fevral´ 2007 goda [Lev Losev. New Hampshire. February 2007] 2010, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Prostranstvo Iuriia Lotmana [The Space of Iurii Lotman] 2012, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Sud´ba perevodchika [The Fate of the Translator] one of the films in the seriesTeni slov[The Shadows of Words] (On Mikhail Lozinskii and his translation ofLa Divina Commedia) 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Great Russian Writers 2: Vladimir Mayakovsky, directed by S. Sivachenko, 1992, 25 minutes; broadcast on Channel Four, 9 September 1994
    Call number
  • Ia znaiu silu slov... Vladimir Maiakovskii, Russian Television, 1993, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Istoricheskie khroniki. 1930. Vladimir Maiakovskii [Historical Chronicles. 1930. Vladimir Maiakovskii] 2004, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pro eto, pro poeta i pro Liliu Brik [About That, About the Poet and about Lilia Brik] 2007, 108 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pisatel´ i vozhd´. Vladimir Maiakovskii. Roman s vlast´iu [The Writer and the Leader. Vladimir Maiakovskii. A Romance with Power] 2008, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Maiakovskii. Dva dnia [Maiakovskii. Two Days] directed by Dmitrii Tomashpol´skii and Alena Dem´ianenko, 2011, 8 x 44 = 352 minutes, in Russian
    Call numbersԻ
  • Zolotoi vek Taganki. Poslushaite! [The Golden Age of the Taganka. Listen!] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    (A film about the production ofVladimir Maiakovskii. "Poslushaite!"Poeticheskoe predstavelenie v 2-kh deistviiakh, directed by Iurii Liubimov, premiere 16 May 1967)
    Call number
  • Vladimir Maiakovskii. Tretii lishnii [Vladimir Maiakovskii. Third and Superfluous] 2013, 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

MAKANIN, Vladimir

  • Interview by Dr Valentina Polukhina, 1995, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Novaia antologiia. Rossiiskie pisateli. Vladimir Makanin [The New Anthology. Russian Writers. Vladimir Makanin] 2010, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Pedagogicheskaia poema [A Pedagogical Poem] 1955, 104 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Semeinaia taina Antona Makarenko [Anton Makarenko's Family Secret] 2005, in Russian, 44 minutes
    Call number

MAKSIMOV, Vladimir

  • Ostrova. Vladimir Maksimov [Islands. Vladimir Maksimov] 2010, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Krasnyi gonorar. Iurii Mamleev [The Red Fee. Iurii Mamleev] 2011, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vypavshie i vpavshie. Pisatel´ Iurii Mamleev [Those who Fell out and Those who Fell in. The Writer Iurii Mamleev] 2014, 111 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • "Rukopisi ne goriat..." Fil´m pervyi. Delo Osipa Mandel´shtama [Manuscripts Don't Burn. Film 1. The Case of Osip Mandel´shtam] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

MARININA, Aleksandra

  • Vozvrashchenie domoi. Aleksandra Marinina. L´vov [Return Home. Aleksandra Marinina. Lvov] 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Bol´shoi kontsert narodov, ili dykhanie chein-stoksa [People's Gala Concert] [Grand Concert of the Peoples, or Cheyne-Stokes' Breathing] directed by Semen Aranovich, 1991, 144 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number


  • Zhil na svete Marshak Samuil [Once There Lived Marshak Samuil] 2002, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Samuil Marshak [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Samuil Marshak] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

MEZHIROV, Aleksandr

  • "Kakaia muzyka byla..." Aleksandr Mezhirov ["What Music: There Was..." Aleksandr Mezhirov] 2003, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Otets [Father] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 2003, 57 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English and French subtitles
    Call number
  • Sergeiu Mikhalkovu 90. Iubileinyi vecher. [Sergei Mikhalkov is 90. A Jubilee Evening.] 2003, 96 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

NABOKOV, Vladimir

  • The Lolita Story, directed by Chris Rodley, Channel Four, 16 May 1998, 50 minutes
    Call number
  • Vek Nabokova [A Century of Nabokov] 1999, 32 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Vladimir Nabokov [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Vladimir Nabokov] 2003, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • How Do You Solve a Problem like Lolita? [Documentary following writer and broadcaster Stephen Smith on the trail of Vladimir Nabokov, the man behind the controversial novel,Lolita.] BBC4, 17 December 2009, 60 minutes
    Call number
  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. V.N. Stseny iz semeinoi zhizni... i ne tol´ko [More than Love. V.N. Scenes from Family Life... and not only] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Nadlomlennaia zhizn´. Semen Nadson [A Broken Life. Semen Nadson] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Istoricheskie khroniki. 1967. Iurii Nagibin [Historical Chronicles. 1967. Iurii Nagibin] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    The key subject of this episode is the life and career of Iurii Nagibin, including material on his relationships with Bella Akhmadulina, Andrei Tarkovskii, Aleksandr Galich and Bulat Okudzhava
    Call number
  • Iurii Nagibin. Bereg tramvaia [Iurii Nagibin. The Tram's Shore] 2010, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Moi sovremenniki [My Contemporaries] [film about Okudzhava and the generation of the 1960s] directed by Vladislav Vinogradov, 1984, with Bulat Okudzhava, Evgenii Evtushenko, Robert Rozhdestvenskii, Andrei Voznesenskii, Iaroslav Golovanov, Oleg Tabakov, Nikolai Gubenko, Marlen Khutsiev and memories of Iurii Gagarin and Gennadii Shpalikov, Russian Television, Pervyi kanal, 21 July 1997, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tselyi vek igraet muzyka [The Music Plays for an Entire Epoch] 2008, 48 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Bol´she, chem. liubov´. Iurii Olesha i Ol´ga Suok [More than Love. Iurii Olesha and Ol´ga Suok] 2008, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Roman, kotorogo ne bylo [The Novel That Didn't Exist] 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Pust´ vsegda budu ia. Lev Oshanin [May there always be Me. Lev Oshanin] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Documentary film 'A.N. Ostrovskii', date unknown, 13 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number
    Call number
  • Moi dom - teatr... (Stranitsy zhizni) [My Home is the Theatre... (Pages of a Life)] directed by Boris Ermolaev, 1975, 92 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zagadochnaia zhizn´ Nikolaia Ostrovskogo [The Enigmatic Life of Nikolai Ostrovskii] 2004, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Glavnaia taina. Respublika ShKID [The Main Secret. The Republic of ShKID] 2009, in Russian, 44 minutes
    Call number


  • Great Russian Writers 1: Boris Pasternak, directed by Y. Nazarov, 1992, 25 minutes; broadcast on Channel Four, 2 September 1994
    Call number
  • Pogovorim o strannostiakh liubvi. Programma El´dar Riazanova. Boris Pasternak [Let's Speak of Love's Strangeness. Programme presented by El´dar Riazanov. Boris Pasternak] 2003, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Novyi den´. Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Boris Pasternak [The New Days. Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Boris Pasternak] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call numberlacks first 4 minutes
  • Istoricheskie khroniki. 1958. Poet Pasternak i futbolist Strel´tsov [Historical Chronicles. 1958. The Poet Pasternak and the Footballer Strel´tsov] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vselennaia Viacheslava Ivanova [The Universe of Viacheslav Ivanov] 2012, Part 3, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call numbersand Parts 7 and 8, 26 + 26 minutes


  • Konstantin Paustovskii. Posledniaia glava [Konstantin Paustovskii. The Last Chapter] 2012, 37 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • 'Tselaia zhizn´' Borisa Pil´niaka [The 'Whole Life' of Boris Pil´niak] 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Stalin i pisateli [Stalin and the Writers] Boris Pil´niak, 2011, 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ne umirai nikogda... Pamiati Andreia Platonova, directed by Viacheslav Orekhov, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Miry Andreia Platonova [The Worlds of Andrei Platonov] 2002, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Andrei Platonov [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Andrei Platonov] 2005, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • "Rukopisi ne goriat..." Fil´m tretii. Delo Andreia Platonova [Manuscripts Don't Burn. Film 3. The Case of Andrei Platonov] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. Andrei Platonov i Mariia Kashintseva. Napriazhenie nezhnosti [More than Love. Andrei Platonov i Mariia Kashintseva. The Tension of Tenderness] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Povest´ o nastoiashchem cheloveke - 2 [The Tale of A Real Man - 2] no date given, 23 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Aleksei Mares´ev. Sud´ba nastoiashchego cheloveka [Aleksei Mares´ev. The Fate of a Real Man] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Soavtor - zhizn´. Boris Polevoi [The Co-Author is Life. Boris Polevoi] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Novaia antologiia. Rossiiskie pisateli. Iurii Poliakov [The New Anthology. Russian Writers. Iurii Poliakov] 2010, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

PRIGOV, Dmitrii

  • Interview by Dr Valentina Polukhina and reading of his poems, Keele University, 1995, 25 minutes interview and 20 minutes of Prigov reading his poems, in Russian
    Call number


  • Anatolii Pristavkin. Oglavlenie [Anatolii Pristavkin. Table of Contents] 2011, 37 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

PROPP, Vladimir

  • Vselennaia Viacheslava Ivanova [The Universe of Viacheslav Ivanov] 2012, Part 5, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

PUSHKIN, Aleksandr

  • Documentary film about Pushkin directed by D. Antonov, date unknown, 20 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number
  • Rukopisi Pushkina [Pushkin's Manuscripts] date unknown, 20 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English and French subtitles
    Call number
  • Zhizn´ i smert´ A.S. Pushkina [The Death of A.S. Pushkin] directed by Vasilii Goncharov, 1910, 8 minutes
    Call number
  • Poet i tsar´ [The Poet and the Tsar] directed by Vladimir Gardin, 1927, 70 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Iunost´ poeta [The Youth of the Poet] directed by Arkadii Naroditskii, 1936, 72 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • "I s vami snova ia..." (Epizody iz zhizni Aleksandra Sergeevicha Pushkina v pis´makh i svidetel´stvakh sovremennikov ["And I am with You Again..." (Episodes from the Life of Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin in the Letters and Statements of His Contemporaries] directed by Boris Galanter, 1981, approx. 73 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Posledniaia doroga [The Last Road] directed by Leonid Menkaer, 1986, 95 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Great Russian Writers 8: Alexander Pushkin, directed by L. Nikitina, 1992, 25 minutes; broadcast on Channel Four, 21 October 1994
    Call number
  • Alexander Pushkin. Writers on the Line, directed by Colin Thomas, Channel Four, 18 January 1993, 60 minutes
    Call number
  • Marlen Khutsiev - Istoriia zamysla [Khutsiev talks about his unmade 1981 film Zhizn´ Aleksandra Pushkina] ORT, 10 February 1997, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Obratnaia tochka. Russkii bunt [Reverse Point. The Captain's Daughter] producer Sergei Levin, 2000, NTV, Nashe kino, 10 + 10 + 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number[about "Kapitanskaia dochka"]
  • Aleksandr Pushkin, 2009, 22 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Robert Rozhdestvenskii. Zhil ia vpervye na etoi zemle [Robert Rozhdestvenskii. I Have Lived on This Earth for the First Time] 2002, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Bol´shie roditeli. Robert Rozhdestvenskii [Big Parents. Robert Rozhdestvenskii] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Robert Rozhdestvenskii. Ne dumai o sekundakh svysoka [Robert Rozhdestvenskii. Don't Think Haughtily about the Seconds] 2012, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Novaia antologiia. Rossiiskie pisateli. Lev Rubinshtein [The New Anthology. Russian Writers. Lev Rubinshtein] 2010, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

RYBAKOV, Anatolii

  • Prakh i pepel. Anatolii Rybakov [Dust and Ashes. Anatolii Rybakov] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Mal´chiki derzhavy. David Samoilov [The State's Boys. David Samoilov] 2010, 27 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Semnadtsat´ mgnovenii vesny. 25 let spustia [Seventeen Moments of Spring. Twenty Five Years Later] 1998, 105 minuteslacks very end, in Russian
    Call number
  • Iulian Semenov. Agent vliianiia [Iulian Semenov. An Agent of Influence] 2004, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Iulian Semenov. Informatsiia k razmyshleniiu [Iulian Semenov. Information to Think About] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Iulian Semenov. On slishkom mnogo znal... [Iulian Semenov. He Knew Too Much...] 2011, 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • I. Severianin. Shampanskii polonez [Igor´ Severianin. Champagne Polonaise] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Marietta Shaginian. Vliublennaia molniia [Marietta Shaginian. Lightning in Love] 2008, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ostrova. Varlam Shalamov [Islands. Varlam Shalamov] 2006, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zaveshchanie Lenina [Lenin's Testament] directed by Nikolai Dostal´, 2007, 540 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call numberParts 1-6, 270 minutes
    Call numberParts 7-12, 270 minutes


  • Viktor Shklovskii i Roman Iakobson. Zhizn´ kak roman [Viktor Shklovskii and Roman Jakobson. Life Like a Novel] 2009, 39 + 39 = 78 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vselennaia Viacheslava Ivanova [The Universe of Viacheslav Ivanov] 2012, Part 5, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Prolog [Prologue] 2003, 44 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Ivan Shmelev. Puti zemnye [Ivan Shmelev. Earthly Paths] 2008, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Pisatel´ i vozhd´. Fil´m 1. Sholokhov i Stalin [The Writer and the Leader. Film 1. Sholokhov and Stalin] 2003, 48 minutes, in Russian
    Call numberincomplete recording
    Call number
  • Pisatel´ i vozhd´. Fil´m 2. Sholokhov i Khrushchev [The Writer and the Leader. Film 2. Sholokhov and Khrushchev] 2003, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call numberincomplete recording
    Call number
  • Chernoe solntse Mikhaila Sholokhova [The Black Sun of Mikhail Sholokhov] 2005, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • K 100-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia Mikhaila Sholokhova [For the Centenary of the Birth of Mikhail Sholokhov] 2005, 31 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Torzhestvennaia tseremoniia, posviashchennaia 100-letiiu Mikhaila Sholokhova [A Solemn Ceremony Dedicated to the Centenary of Mikhail Sholokhov] 2005, 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Oni srazhalis´ za Rodinu. Fil´m o fil´me [They Fought for the Motherland. A film about the film] 2009, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vernost´ [Loyalty] directed by Aleksandr Sarantsev, 1990, 78 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Shukshin, directed by Avetis Garibian, 1999, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Bol´shie roditeli. Vasilii Shukshin [Big Parents. Vasilii Shukshin] 2003, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Poslednie 24 chasa. Vasilii Shukshin [The Last Twenty Four Hours. Vasilii Shukshin] 2005, 67 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pechki-lavochki Lidii Shukshinoi [The Happy-Go-Lucky of Lidiia Shukshina] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Oni srazhalis´ za Rodinu. Fil´m o fil´me [They Fought for the Motherland. A film about the film] 2009, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Mariia Shukshina. Rasskazhite mne o moem ottse [Mariia Shukshina. Tell me about my Father] 2010, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

SHVARTS, Evgenii

  • E. Shvarts. O chem molchal skazochnik. [E. Shvarts. What the Story-Teller Kept Silent] 2008, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

SIMONOV, Konstantin

  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. Konstantin Simonov [Bigger Than Love. Konstantin Simonov] 2003, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pisatel´ i vozhd´. Konstantin Simonov [The Writer and the Leader. Konstantin Simonov] 2004, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • John Glad interviews 3. Interviews with Andrei Siniavskii and Mariia Rozanova. Video Labs Corporation. The Living Archive, in Russian
    Call number
  • Protsess Siniavskogo i Danielia [The Trial of Siniavskii and Daniel´] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svideteli. Mariia Rozanova. Sintaksis [Witnesses. Mariia Rozanova. Sintaksis] 2011, 53 + 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Mal´chiki derzhavy. Boris Slutskii [The State's Boys. Boris Slutskii] 2010, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Peterburg. Vremia i mesto. "Chetvertoe voskresen´e" Fedora Sologuba [Petersburg. Time and Place. The "Fourth Resurrection" of Fedor Sologub] 2007, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zvezda Mair. Fedor Sologub [The Mair Star. Fedor Sologub] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Odno slovo pravdy [One word of truth] Based on Solzhenitsyn's Nobel Prize lecture, directed by Peter Sisam, 1981, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, directed by Stanislav Govorukhin, 1992, 55 + 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • The Homecoming [Solzhenitsyn's return to Russia in 1994] directed by Archie Baron, BBC1, 10 April 1995, 95 minutes
    Call number
  • Uzel (Besedy s Solzhenitsynym, Parts 1 and 2) [The Knot (Conversations with Solzhenitsyn, Parts 1 and 2)] directed by Aleksandr Sokurov, 1998, 90 minutes, in Russian with optional English and French subtitles
    Call number
  • Besedy s Solzhenitsynym (Besedy s Solzhenitsynym, Parts 3 and 4) [Conversations with Solzhenitsyn (Conversations with Solzhenitsyn, Parts 3 and 4] directed by Aleksandr Sokurov, 1998, 98 minutes, in Russian with optional English and French subtitles
    Call number
  • Zhizn´ Solzhenitsyna [The Life of Solzhenitsyn] 1998, 152 minutes, in Russian
    Call numberTape 1
    Call numberTape 2
  • Izbrannik [The Chosen One] directed by Olesia Fokina, 1999, in 3 parts, Russian Television, RTR, 8 and 9 February 1999, 110 + 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call numberand Call number
  • Dilogiia o Solzhenitsyne [A Dilogy About Solzhenitsyn] Film 1: Zhizn´ ne po lzhi [Life Without Lies] directed by Sergei Miroshnichenko, 2001, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dilogiia o Solzhenitsyne [A Dilogy About Solzhenitsyn] Film 2: Na poslednem plese [On the Last Stretch] directed by Sergei Miroshnichenko, 2003, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Aleksandr Isaevich: ego druz´ia i vragi [Aleksandr Isaevich. His Friends and Enemies] 2003, 60 + 65 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Odin den´ Aleksandra Solzhenitsyna [One Day in the Life of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn] 2003, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Molniia b´et po Vysokomu derevu [Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Lightning Strikes the Tall Tree] 2008, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ostrova. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Mezhdu dvukh bezdn [Islands. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Between Two Abysses] 2008, 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Academia. Boris Liubimov. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Vekhi puti. [Academia. Boris Liubimov. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Milestones on the Journey.] 2011, 44 + 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Spasennoe interv´iu [Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The Saved Interview] 2011, 52 minutes, in Russian
    (Solzhenitsyn's 1983 interview with Bernard Pivot in Vermont)
    Call number


  • Viktor Sosnora. Prishelets [Viktor Sosnora. The Stranger] 2011, 42 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

TANICH, Mikhail

  • Zhizn´ vopreki. Mikhail Tanich [Life Notwithstanding. Mikhail Tanich] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Dva Tarkovskikh. Vecher v kinoklube El´dar [Two Tarkovskys. An Evening in the El´dar Film Club] 2007, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tarkovskie. Oskolki zerkala [The Tarkovskiis. Fragments of a Mirror] 2012, 26 + 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(Parts 1, 2 and 4 only. Part 3 missing)


  • Zvezdy russkogo avangarda. Igor´ Terent´ev. Prezident fliuidov [Stars of the Russian Avant-Garde. Igor´ Terent´ev. The President of Fluids] 2011, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vremena ne vybiraiut. Avtorskaia programma Aleksandra Kushnera [You Don't Choose Your Times. A programme made by Aleksandr Kushner] 2011, 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    (film 3 is about Kushner's admiration for Tiutchev)
    Call number

TOLSTOI, Aleksei

  • General Roshchin, muzh Margarity [General Roshchin, the Husband of Margarita] 2004, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Krasnyi graf Aleksei Tolstoi. Kliuchik k schast´iu [The Red Count Aleksei Tolstoi. The Little Key to Happiness] 2005, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Teatr masok Alekseia Tolstogo [The Theatre of Masks of Aleksei Tolstoi] 2008, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Stalin i pisateli [Stalin and the Writers] Aleksei Tolstoi, 2011, 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Istoricheskie puteshestviia Ivana Tolstogo. "V tolstovskikh zerkalakh". Fil´m 3. "Petr Pervyi i Stalin" [The Historical Journeys of Ivan Tolstoi. "In Tolstoyan Mirrors". Film 3. "Peter the Great and Stalin"] 2013, 26 minutes, in Russian
    (a discussion of Aleksei Tolstoi's various writings on Peter the Great) Call number


  • Documentary film 'Razmyshleniia o L´ve Tolstom', 22 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number
  • Newsreel materials about Tolstoi, 11 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number
  • Ukhod velikogo startsa (Zhizn´ L.N. Tolstogo) [The Departure of a Great Old Man (The Life of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi)] directed by Iakov Protozanov and Elizaveta Thiemann, 1912
    Call number33 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
    Call number31 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
    Call number33 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
  • Lev Tolstoi, directed by Sergei Gerasimov, 1984, 160 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    Call numberDVD 1, 78 minutes
    Call numberDVD 2, 82 minutes
  • Slovo, Russian Television, 1990, programme devoted to the Leeds Russian Archive, includes materials on Tolstoi as photographed by Viktor Chertkov, 5 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Great Russian Writers 6: Leo Tolstoy, directed by S. Sivachenko, 1992, 25 minutes; broadcast on Channel Four, 7 October 1994
    Call number
  • The Last Station, directed by Michael Hoffman, 2010, 108 minutes, in English
    Call number
  • Okhota na L´va [Hunting Lev] 2011, 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • The Trouble with Tolstoy, 2011, 120 minutes, in English
    Call number
  • 1812 god. Voina i mir L´va Tolstogo [1812. The War and Peace of Lev Tolstoi] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Iurii Trifonov 1925-1981 gg. [Tribute to Trifonov by Russian writers] Pervyi kanal, 28 August 1987, in Russian
    Call number
  • Iurii Trifonov, Pro nas s vami [Iurii Trifonov. About You and Me] 2005, 39 minutes,faulty recording, no sound or vision from 13 to 22 minutes into the programme, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ostrova. Iurii Trifonov [Islands. Iurii Trifonov] 2010, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zolotoi vek Taganki. Dom na Naberezhnoi [The Golden Age of the Taganka. The House on the Embankment] 2012, 36 minutes held; lacks start, in Russian
    Call number


  • Slovo, Russian Television, 1990, programme devoted to the Leeds Russian Archive, includes materials on Raisa Lomonosova's correspondence with Tsvetaeva, 18 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Tsvetaeva i Efron [The New Days. Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Tsvetaeva and Efron] 2003, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Strasti po Marine [The Passion According to Marina] directed by Andrei Osipov, 2004, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Istoricheskie khroniki. 1972. Marina Tsvetaeva [Historical Chronicles. 1972. Marina Tsvetaeva] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    The key subjects of this episode are: the lives of Marina Tsvetaeva and Sergei Efron; the fight against Samizdat in 1972.
    Call number
  • Marina Tsvetaeva. Predskazanie [Marina Tsvetaeva. Prediction] 2012, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zerkala [Mirrors] directed by Marina Migunova, 2013, 132 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Istoricheskie khroniki. 1962. Aleksandr Tvardovskii [Historical Chronicles. 1962. Aleksandr Tvardovskii] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    (The key subjects of this episode are: the life of Aleksandr Tvardovskii, his editorship ofNovyi mir, and 'Terkin na tom svete'; Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and 'Odin den´ Ivana Denisovicha'; strikes in response to price rises; Evtushenko's 'Nasledniki Stalina'; the Cuban missile crisis; Khrushchev's visit to the art exhibition at the Manezh and his meetings with intellectuals)
    Call number
  • Tainy veka. Aleksandr Tvardovskii. Odin v pole voin [Secrets of the Age. Aleksandr Tvardovskii. A Lone Fighter in the Field] 2010, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • "Tret´ia voina" Podpolkovnika Tvardovskogo [The "Third War" of Lieutenant-Colonel Tvardovskii] 2010, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tri zhizni poeta [The Three Lives of the Poet] 2010, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Documentary by Naum Kleiman about Tynianov's cinematic work in Muzei kino series, Russian Television, RTR, 1994, 22 minutes
    Call number
  • Fantomy i prizraki Iuriia Tynianova [The Phantoms and Ghosts of Iurii Tynianov] 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Academia. Vladimir Novikov. 'Iurii Tynianov i ego edinomyshlenniki: sintez filologii i tvorchestva' [Academia. Vladimir Novikov. 'Iurii Tynianov and his fellow thinkers: a synthesis of philology and creative work'] A lecture on Tynianov by the Moscow University professor Vladimir Novikov, 2011, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

VAINER, Arkadii and VAINER, Georgii

  • I ne bylo luchshe brata [And there was No Better Brother] 2010, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

VAMPILOV, Aleksandr

  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Aleksandr Vampilov [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Aleksandr Vampilov] 2007, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Oblepikhovoe leto [Sea Buckthorn Summer] directed by Victor Alferov, 2018, 87 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Chrezvychainyi chelovek. Boris Vasil´ev [An Extraordinary Person. Boris Vasil´ev] 2004, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Schastlivyi bilet Borisa Vasil´eva [Boris Vasil´ev's Lucky Ticket] 2009, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

VELLER, Mikhail

  • Legendy Nevskogo Prospekta [Legends of Nevskii Prospekt] directed by Dmitrii Dibrov, 2003, 43 minutes out of 50(lacks end), in Russian
    Call number


  • Bol´shie roditeli. Iurii Vizbor [Big Parents. Iurii Vizbor] 2004, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pestraia lenta. Dorogi Vizbora [The Speckled Band. Vizbor's Roads] 2004, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ostrova. Iurii Vizbor. 'Nad kinostudiei svirepstvuet zima' [Islands. Iurii Vizbor. 'Winter Rages over the Film Studio'] 2006, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pesni nashego dvora. Territoriia svobody [Songs of Our Courtyard. Territory of Freedom] 2006, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dogadaisia, spasi. Iurii Vizbor [Guess, Save. Iurii Vizbor] 2007, 46 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with Russian subtitles
    Call numberin Russian


  • Odin den´ Zhory Vladimova [One Day in the Life of Zhora Vladimov] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Svideteli. Khochu byt´ chestnym. Vladimir Voinovich [Witnesses. I Want to be Honest. Vladimir Voinovich] 2012, 46 + 46 = 92 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vstrecha v kontsertnoi studii. Vash sobesednik pisatel´ Oleg Vasil´evich Volkov [talk by Volkov about his life and lengthy answering of questions] Russian Television, 1991, 80 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

VOLKOV, Vladimir

  • Angely i demony Vladimira Volkova [Vladimir Volkov's Angels and Demons] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

VOLOSHIN, Maksimilian

  • Golosa [Voices] directed by Andrei Osipov, 1997, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Cherubina de Gabriak [Cherubina de Gabriac] 2002, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vstrechi N. Khrushcheva s intelligentsiei v 1962 i 1963 [The Meetings of Nikita Khrushchev and the intelligentsia in 1962 and 1963] 1999, 40 minutes, in Russian [Voznesenskii is among the contributors]
    Call number
  • Andrei Voznesenskii. Nostal´giia po nastoiashchemu [Andrei Voznesenskii. Nostalgia for the Present] 2006, 64 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • "Rukopisi ne goriat..." Fil´m vtoroi. Delo Daniila Kharmsa i Aleksandra Vvedenskogo [Manuscripts Don't Burn. Film 2. The Case of Daniil Kharms and Aleksandr Vvedenskii] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vladimir Vysotskii. Mne est´, chto spet´... Chast´ 1 [Vladimir Vysotskii. I Have Things to Sing About... Part 1] Fragmenty kontsertov, studiinykh zapisei i televizionnykh interv´iu, sniatykh v 1967 - 1980 godakh [Extracts from concerts, studio recordings and television interviews, filmed in 1967 - 1980] 66 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vladimir Vysotskii. Mne est´, chto spet´... Chast´ 2 [Vladimir Vysotskii. I Have Things to Sing About... Part 2] Fragmenty spektaklei Teatra na Taganke i televizionnykh interv´iu, sniatykh v 1972-1978 godakh [Extracts from productions at the Teatr na Taganke and televizion interviews filmed in 1972-1978] 61 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vladimir Vysotskii. Mne est´, chto spet´... Chast´ 3 [Vladimir Vysotskii. I Have Things to Sing About... Part 3] Fragmenty kontsertov, studiinykh zapisei i televizionnykh interv´iu, sniatykh v 1972 - 1980 godakh [Extracts from concerts, studio recordings and television interviews, filmed in 1972 - 1980] 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Chetyre vstrechi s Vladimirom Vysotskim [Four Meetings with Vladimir Vysotskii] 1987, 193 minutes, in Russian
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  • Vladimir Vysotskii. Monolog, directed by Kseniia Marinina, Russian Television, Channel One, 1987, 60 minutes, in Russian
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  • Wlodzimierz Wysocki, directed by Jacek Mieroslawski and Jacek Prosinski, 1988, Vysotskii's songs sung (in Russian) by Waclaw Kaleta, Memoirs of Daniel Olbrzyski (in Polish) and Marina Vlady, with some archival material of Vysotskii acting and singing, 69 minutes, in Russian and Polish
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  • Vladimir Vysotskii v Amerike [Vladimir Vysotskii in America] author and producer Grigori Antimoni, director Aron Kanevskii, 1998, 56 minutes, in Russian
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  • Vsenarodnyi Volodia [All the People's Volodia] 2000, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ia, konechno, vernus´... [Of Course I Shall Return] 2001, ORT, Pervyi kanal, Vsemirnaia set´, 5 x 42 minutes, in Russian
    Call numberParts 1-4
    Call numberPart 5
  • Frantsuzskii son. Cherno-belye oskolki nekanonicheskogo romana kontsa vtorogo tysiacheletiia [A French Dream. Black and White Fragments of a Non-Canonic Romance of the End of the Second Millennium] [A film about Vladimir Vysotskii and Marina Vlady] directed by Il´ia Rubinshtein, 2003, 45 minutes, in Russian with Russian subtitles
    Call number
  • K 70-letiiu Vladimira Vysotskogo [For the Seventieth Birthday of Vladimir Vysotskii] 2008, 60 minuteslacks start, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tol´ko Vysotskii. Avtoportret [Only Vysotskii. A Self-Portrait] directed by Aleksandr Kovanovskii, 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
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  • Vladimir Vysotskii i Marina Vlady. Poslednii potselui [Vladimir Vysotskii and Marina Vlady. The Last Kiss] 2008, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vladimir Vysotskii. Tak, ostav´te nenuzhnye spory... [Vladimir Vysotskii. So, Leave Unnecessary Arguments...] 2011, 53 minutes, in Russian
    (A film about Petr Buslov's filmVysotskii. Spasibo, chto zhivoi)
    Call number
  • Vysotskii. Gde-to v chuzhoi neznakomoi nochi... [Vysotskii. Somewhere in the Alien, Unfamiliar Night...] 2011, 57 minutes, in Russian
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  • Vysotskii. Poslednii god [Vysotskii. The Last Year] 2011, 58 minutes, in Russian
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  • Vysotskii. Spasibo, chto zhivoi [Vysotskii. Thank God I'm Alive] directed by Petr Buslov, 2011, 127 minutes, in Russian
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  • Vysotskii. Spasibo, chto zhivoi [Vysotskii. Thank God I'm Alive] directed by Petr Buslov, 2011, 204 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(4 part serial)
  • Vysotskii. 'Vot i sbyvaetsia vse, chto prorochitsia...' [Vysotskii. 'So Everything that is Prophesied will Come True...'] 2011, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ostrova. Nikolai Zabolotskii [Islands. Nikolai Zabolotskii] 2005, 39 minutes, in Russian
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  • Vselennaia Viacheslava Ivanova [The Universe of Viacheslav Ivanov] 2012, Part 3, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Put´ paradoksov. Evgenii Zamiatin [The Way of Paradoxes. Evgenii Zamiatin] 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Survivances et antécédents du Cuirassé Potemkine: Eisenstein au miroir de Zamiatine [Survivals and Antecedents of The Battleship Potemkin: Eizenshtein in the Mirror of Zamiatin] 2018
    Call number10 minutes 25 seconds, in French without subtitles (Blu ray disc)
    Call number10 minutes 25 seconds, in French without subtitles (DVD)


  • Zvezdy russkogo avangarda. Mnogolikii Il´iazd. Il´ia Zdanevich [Stars of the Russian Avant-Garde. Many-Faced Il´iazd. Il´ia Zdanevich] 2011, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ZHIGULIN, Anatolii

  • "O, zhizn´! Ia vse tebe proshchaiu..." Anatolii Zhigulin ["Oh, Life! I Forgive You Everything..." Anatolii Zhigulin] 2010, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Mikhail Zhvanetskii, a film in the series 'Te, s kotorymi ia', 2012, 52 minutes, in Russian
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ZINOV´EV, Aleksandr

  • Aleksandr Zinov´ev. Ziiaiushchie vysoty [Aleksandr Zinov´ev. The Yawning Heights] 2010, 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kormchaia kniga. Mikhail Zoshchenko [Narration of Zoshchenko's stories and bits of biography] written and directed by Iulii Dvorkin, Russian Television, Channel One, 22 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Il´inskii o Zoshchenko [the actor Igor´ Vladimirovich Il´inskii remembers Zoshchenko and reads the following stories: 'Aristokratka'; 'Bania'; 'Elka'; 'Iskusstvo Mel´pomeny'; 'Glupaia istoriia'; 'Limonad'; 'Rogul´ka'] Russian Television, Channel One, 1984, 60 minutes, in Russian
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  • Taras Shevchenko, directed by Igor´ Savchenko, 1951, 108 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Son [A Dream] directed by Vladimir Denisenko, 1964, 91 minutes, in Ukrainian or Russian with optional English subtitles
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