

Library Services


Repository Takedown Notice

How to request removal of an item from the UCL Research Data Repository.

If you believe you have a legitimate reason to request the removal of an item in UCL Research Data Repository (relating, for instance, to issues with intellectual property, copyright, data protection or other legal issues), please send an email to researchdatarepository@ucl.ac.uk with the following details:

  • bibliographic details of the material, including the full URL;
  • the nature of your complaint and action required;
  • if your complaint or request relates to copyright or related rights, confirmation that you are the rights holder or affected subject, or an authorised representative of the rights holder or affected subject;
  • your contact details.

We will acknowledge receipt as soon as possible. Where the grounds for complaint appear to be reasonable, we will temporarily remove the material in question, pending further investigation. If the complaint is found to be legitimate, the material will be permanently removed from the repository.Â