

Library Services


Terms, conditions and notices

The following are the terms and conditions of use plus notices


Terms of access to the public catalogue

The UCL RDR is fully openly accessible. Users can navigate to the online catalogue and search for published records. Users can view any records and download items freely. All published records have a usage licence to instruct others on what can and cannot be done with each record and its attachments. Potential licences include Creative Commons 4.0, MIT, Apache 2.0 and GPL. Other licences may be added on request. 

Records may also be subject to a temporary embargo. A partial embargo restricts access to the downloadable attachments. A full embargo restricts public access to the entire record. An embargo will automatically lift once a specified date has been reached.   

A description of the conditions of service is available.

°¿³Ü°ùÌýlegal terms and conditions governing deposit, access and use of service is also available. 

Takedown notice

If you believe you have a legitimate reason to request the removal of an item in UCL Research Data Repository (relating, for instance, to issues with intellectual property, copyright, data protection or other legal issues), a takedown notice may be served by sending an email to researchdatarepository@ucl.ac.uk with the following details:

  • bibliographic details of the material, including the full URL;
  • the nature of your complaint and action required;
  • if your complaint or request relates to copyright or related rights, confirmation that you are the rights holder or affected subject, or an authorised representative of the rights holder or affected subject;
  • your contact details.

We will acknowledge receipt as soon as possible. Where the grounds for complaint appear to be reasonable, we will temporarily remove the material in question, pending further investigation. If the complaint is found to be legitimate, the material will be permanently removed from the repository.

Privacy notice

The Privacy Notice describes how and why personal data is collected and used within the context of proving the UCL Research Data Repository service and information about your rights.

Accessibility statement

The accessibility statement applies to the and can be requested from the Digital Accessibility team.
