
John Lucie Blackman I

???? - 1725


Slave-owner on Barbados and Antigua, dying c. 1725.

  1. Will of the Hon. John Lucie Blackman of the parish of St Joseph [Barbados] made 05/06/1724 and proved 14/11/1726. He left his wife Frances on condition she renounced dower an annuity of £200 p.a. and his house in Barbados until his heir was of age, when she was to have a defined part of the house, together with 'the use' for her widowhood of Mallada and Betty women mullatta Mary a girl the daughter of the said Mallada Billy and Sunny negro men and Johnny a boy son of the said Mallada': should any of these die his widow was to have the choice of another enslaved person in lieu. He entrusted his plate to Mr Robert Warren until his heir was of age. He left his real estate in Barbados and Antigua to his son Rowland Blackman, together with his property at Rivenhall, Witham and Fawborne [?] in Essex, failing whom to his sons John Lucie, Samuel and Thurston, Jacob Lucie and Joseph in turn, then his daughters Frances, Elizabeth, Margaret and Henrietta. He left £1000 currency to each of his five younger sons and his six daughters (the four above plus Anna Maria and Susan). He made his nephew Rowland Frye of London his consignee. He appointed his son Rowland as executor at 21, with his wife, Robert Warren and his good friend Joseph Hole as executors in trust of his Barbados estate and his wife, Archibald Cochrane, John Frye, Rowland Frye and Thomas Williams in the interim, as executors in trust in Antigua and his wife as guardian in her widowhood.


  1. PROB 11/611/344.

Further Information

6 sons; 6 daughters

Relationships (2)

Grandfather → Grandson
Father → Son