
Andrew Moffatt

???? - 1780


London merchant, East India Co. shipowner and insurance broker. Creditor of his brother Aaron Moffatt (q.v.) secured on the latter's estates in Jamaica. His will - of which his grandson Andrew Moffatt Mills (q.v.) was the primary beneficiary - formed part of a nexus of Chancery suits surrounding the intra-family indebtedness. For reasons not understood by LBS, Andrew Moffatt's will proved in 1780 was included among a volume of Nevis wills for 1763-1787, furnished by the PCC.

  1. Will of Andrew Moffatt of Cranbrook Essex proved 21/07/1780. The will included a wide range of elite connections in Britain, including William Earl of Mansfield as executor. He had, he said, settled £10,000 on his daughter on her marriage to Sir Thomas Mills, and left £15,000 in trust for another daughter, Martha Norris, wife of Hugh Norris. He left his brother John £25 for a ring and forgave John his conduct towards him. His residuary heir was his grandson Andrew Moffatt Mills.


PROB 11/1067/332; Wills 1763-1787, British Library, EAP794/1/5/1, https://eap.bl.uk/archive-file/EAP794-1-5-1 pp. 637 et seq.

Further Information


Legacies Summary

Commercial (1)

Senior partner
Andrew and John Moffatt & Co.
Insurance Broker  

Relationships (4)

Grandfather → Grandson
Father → Daughter

Addresses (1)

Cranbrook, Essex, South-East England, England