
John Wardrobe

???? - 1812


  1. Will of John Wardrobe Doctor of Physick of Dominica [made in September 1812] proved 16/01/1813. He left £500 each to his six nephew and nieces, and £330 currency to each of Mary Ann Gillon free woman of colour and Christian Wardrobe free girl of colour and £165 to John Wardrobe, the latter two the natural children of his late brother Alexander Wardrobe. His residuary legatees, subject to annuities including £49 10s p.a. currency to Mary Anne Gillon and £9 8s each to Hotly [?] and Victoire, slaves on the estate of late John Gillon (whom he explained he had not arranged to be freed for their own sake, one being old and the other infirm) were Rev. David Dickson senior of Edinburgh and his wife, the testator's sister, Christian. His executors included James Laing of Streatham (q.v.) and Rev. David Dickson senior and junior.

  2. David Dickson senior (1754-1820) and David Dickson junior (1780-1842) both have entries in the ODNB, as Church of Scotland minister and theologian and Church of Scotland minister respectively, neither of which mentions the family connections to slavery.


  1. PROB 11/1540/253.

  2. Bickley, A. C. 2004 "Dickson, David (1780–1842), Church of Scotland minister." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. 12 Dec. 2018. http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/10.1093/ref:odnb/9780198614128.001.0001/odnb-9780198614128-e-7616; Toit, Alexander Du. 2004 "Dickson, David (1754–1820), Church of Scotland minister and theologian." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. 12 Dec. 2018. http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/10.1093/ref:odnb/9780198614128.001.0001/odnb-9780198614128-e-7615.

Relationships (2)

Legatee → Testator
Notes →
John Wardrobe was the contingent co-residuary heir of John Gillon. John Wardrobe was the brother of John Gillon's niece-by-marriage Christian or Christiana Dickson nee...