
John Pate Rose (ne Pate)

1723 - 1758


Nephew and heir of John Rose of Cotterstock (q.v.). He left his estate in trust to his illegitimate daughters Laetitia and Sophia.

Sophia later married Nevil Maskelyne, who has an entry in the ODNB as 'astronomer and mathematician'. 'Sophia was one of two illegitimate daughters of John Pate Rose, owner of an estate in Northamptonshire and another in Jamaica. The Jamaican estate was probably the source of his wealth, it produced rum and sugar thanks to the labours of his many slaves, but it had been sold sometime after his death and before Sophia and Maskelyne met.' Laetitia married Rev. Sir George Booth (d. 1797): her universal legatee under her will proved 16/09/1823 was Anthony Mervin Reeve Story [later Story-Maskelyne] of Basset Down in Wiltshire, who had married Laetitia's niece Margaret Maskelyne and left £80,000 in 1879. The son of Anthony M. R. Story-Maskelyne and Margaret Maskelyne was the pioneering photographer, scientist and MP Mervin Herbert Nevil Story-Maskelyne who has an entry in the ODNB as 'mineralogist'; his daughter Thereza Charlotte in turn has an entry as 'promoter of household science teaching.'


PROB 11/842/115; will of Dame Letitia or Lotitia [sic] Booth widow of Cotterstock Hall Northampton proved 16/09/1823 PROB 11/1675/253.

Derek Howse, 'Maskelyne, Nevil (1732–1811), astronomer and mathematician', ODNB online (2004, revised 2009); quote from Emily Winterburn, The Quiet Revolution of Caroline Herschel: The Lost Heroine of Astronomy (2017); Millar, Henry Alexander, and Arthur William Rucker. 2007 "Maskelyne, (Mervyn Herbert) Nevil Story- (1823–1911), mineralogist." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. 28 Sep. 2018. http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/10.1093/ref:odnb/9780198614128.001.0001/odnb-9780198614128-e-36328; Blakestad, Nancy L. 2007 "Rucker [née Story-Maskelyne], Thereza Charlotte, Lady Rucker (1863–1941), promoter of household science teaching." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. 28 Sep. 2018. http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/10.1093/ref:odnb/9780198614128.001.0001/odnb-9780198614128-e-48425.

Further Information

[illeg., with Martha Penn] Laetitia (1751-), Sophia (1752-1821)

PROB 11/842/115 - precis.

John Rose of the parish of Northill, Bedfordshire Esquire.

All my estate real and personal of what nature in Jamaica and England or elsewhere to the use of Thomas Wentworth of Brittons in the parish of Silkston, Yorkshire, Esquire, and Joseph Letch of the Middle Temple, London, gentlemen, upon trust, to pay all just debts, funeral expenses, annuities and legacies. After my personal estate shall be applied for that purpose and thereby exhausted, the trustees may from time to time raise money by sale or mortgage of all or any part of my estates in Jamaica or my freehold or copyhold estates in England.

Within one month of my decease, £30 to my brother-in-law Mr John Sercold and £50 to my brother-in-law Mr James Esdaile to buy themselves and their families' mourning. To my aunt Mrs Sarah Kitchen, wife of Mr John Kitchen, and my uncle Mr Thomas Kickless, £20 each. To Mrs Martha Penn[?] now living with me, £50. To each of my trustees Thomas Wentworth and Joseph Letch, £50. To Rev. Richard Price of Cotterstock, Northamptonshire, £50. To Mr Henry Clark of Charles Street, Westminster, and Dominick Pile of the City of Westminster, apothecary, and to John Shickle of Jamaica Esquire, £20 each.

To my servant Jonathan Errington, £100 if living with me at the time of my decease, within 12 months of my decease.

To Hon. Charles Price Esquire and his son Charles Price Esquire, both of Jamaica, £50 sterling each, payable one month after my decease.

Thomas Wentworth, Joseph Letch, Charles Price the elder and Charles Price the younger, each to pay themselves £50 a year each out of the profits of my estate in Jamaica upon condition that they take upon themselves the durthen and execution of the trusts reposed in them by my will, so long as any of the trusts shall continue.

My trustees to take from the profits of my estate in England an annuity of £30 per annum to Martha Penn for life, and out of the profits of my estate in England to pay to her anothe annuity of £120 sterling per annum for life.

My trustees to pay out of the residue of my estates in Jamaica and England at their discretion for the bringing up, maintenance and education of my two daughters Laetitia Rose and Sophia Rose, both now living with me, until they reach the age of 21 years or at marriage, provided such marriage before the age of 21 years be with the consent in writing of my trustees. Laetitia born 28/04/1751 and baptised 07/05/1751 in St James, Westminster. Sophia born 10/05/1752 and baptised 12/05/1752 in St James.If Martha Penn shall have any other child or children in my lifetime or shall be at the time of my decease ensient with my child, my trustees to pay the same for their bringing-up, maintenance and education until age 21 or (if a girl) at marriage.

Each of my children at age 21 or marriage to have one full and equal part of all my then residuary trust estate, the whole to be equally divided between them as tenants in common. If all shall die before the age of 21 years or marriage then my residuary estate to the use of Martha Penn for life, and after her decease to my nephew Peter Esdail, son of James Esdail, for his natural life, thereafter to Henry Clark and Dominick Pile and their heirs for life, thereafter to the hildren of my late sister Elizabeth Esdaile and their issue...

Thomas Wentworth and Joseph Letch to be executors in Britain; Charles Price the elder and Charles Price the younger executors in Jamaica. Executors and trustees to manage my estates.

Signed 17/08/1758.

Proved at London 28/11/1758 by Thomas Wentworth and Joseph Letch.

Associated Estates (1)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1753 [EA] - 1757 [LA] → Joint owner

Relationships (1)

Nephew → Uncle

Addresses (1)

Northill, Bedfordshire, Central England, England