
John Rose of Cotterstock

???? - 1736


Grandson of Thomas Rose of Mickleton, son of William Rose (apothecary in London), nephew of Fulke Rose (d. 1694). Left many legacies to family members. His residuary legatee was his nephew John Pate, who later adopted the surname Rose.


Anne M. Powers, 'The Apothecary, the Butcher and the Physicians', A Parcel of Ribbons, [accessed 08/08/2018); Anne M. Powers, 'The Genealogical Jigsaw Puzzle', A Parcel of Ribbons, [accessed 08/08/2018); PROB 11/681/104.

Further Information

died unmarried

PROB 11/681/104 - precis.

John Rose of Cotterstock, Northamptonshire. Will written 24/11/1736.

To my cousin Robert Fotherby and Frances his wife, £25 each for mourning.

To my cousins Mary Stileman and Martha Milner, £20 each for mourning.

To my cousin Thomas Bush, £15 for mourning.

To my cousin Thomas Pain the elder of Oundle, Northamptonshire, £35 for mourning for himself, his wife and two sons.

To my sister Elizabeth Pate and her two daughters Elizabeth Pate and Anne Pate, £20 each for mourning.

To Elmes Spincks of Allwinckle, Northamptonshire, £10 for mourning.

To Christopher Bainbrig, clerk vicar of Cotterstock and Glapthorn, £10 for mourning.

To Mary Buzzard of Oundle, spinster, £10 for mourning.

To my servant Thomas Cooper, £10 for mourning.

To each of my other servants who live with me at the time of my decease, £10 for mourning.

To Elizabeth Pate and Anne Pate, £800 each.

To Frances, wife of Robert Fotherby, £400.

To Mary Stileman, £400.

To Mary Buzzard, £100.

To Thomas Cooper, £100.

To William Ward of Cotterstock, £10.

To my cousins John Paine and Thomas Paine the younger, sons of Thomas Paine the elder, £100 each to be paid to their father and to be by him imporved for them until they reach the age of 21 years. If one dies before the age of 21, the improved £100 to the other. If both die before age 21, then the sums to their mother Mary, Wife of Thomas Paine the Elder, or her executors.

To Thomas Bush, £500 at age 21 years.

£100 to be divided between 20 poor widows and poor families of the parishes of Cotterstock and Glapthorn.

To my sister Elizabeth Pate an annuity of £25 p.a. for life.

To Martha Milner an annuity of £15 p.a. for life.

To my cousin Rose Ruller of Jamaica Esquire, £50 Jamaica currency for mourning.

To my cousin Frances Sadler of Jamaica, gentleman, £20 Jamaica currency for mourning. Also £2000 Jamaica currency to him when he shall have remitted the whole of my personal estate and effects that may be removable from Jamaica to my executor in England.

All my real estate in the parishes of Cotterstock, Glapthorn, Oundle, Tansor, Brigstock, Ringstead and elsewhere in Northamptonshire to my nephew John Pate, infant, and to the male heirs of his body lawfully begotten for ever. In default of such issue to my cousin Francis Sadler and rgw male heirs of this body lawfully begotten. In default to my cousin Rose Ruller and his heirs.

The said John Pate at age 21 shall change his surname from Pate to Rose. If Francis Sadler or Rose Fuller should inherit in default, they to change their surname to Rose.

When my personal estate and effects are remitted from Jamaica, and my funeral charges, debts and legacies are paid, all prisoners confined in the County Jail of Northampton for debts of £20 each and under be discharged and released by payment of their debts by my executor.

£6 sterling for ever, chargeable out of my real estate in Cotterstock, to poor children whose parents shall be legally settled in Cotterstock, to put the children out as apprentices.

Elmes Spincks and Christopher Bainbrig to be guardians and trustees of my nephew and executor John Pate during his minority. To each of them £100 guineas apiece.

To Joseph Billears of Bristol, £12 for mourning.

To my cousin Mary Smith of Leicester, widow, £12 for mourning.

To John Paine, eldest son of Thomas Paine the elder of OUndle, a further £100 at age 21 years.

To Mary Dodgson, daughter of the late Rev. James Dodgson, Vicar of St Ives, Huntingdonshire, £3 for mourning and the further sum of 50 guineas to be paid to Christopher Bainbrig for the use, benefit and advantage of Mary Dodgson.

To the two sons of Thomas King, late of Spanish Town, Jamaica, dancing master, deceased, £50 between them. In default to Thomas King.

To Francis Sadler, £1000 Jamaican currency, together with the £2000 bequeathed to him above, in consideration of his care, trouble and expense and in full payment for commission money, expenses etc in collecting and remitting my personal estate and effects from Jamaica. This not to be paid to him until all my effects in Jamaica have been remitted.

If John Pate shall die with no male issue and Francis Sadler become possessed of my real estate in England, then Francis Sadler to pay £500 each to Elizabeth and Anne Pate, sisters of the said John Pate, in addition to the £800 each previously bequeathed to them.

£6 per annum for ever chargeable on my real estate in Glapthorn to such poor children whose parents are legally settled in the parish of Glapthorn, apprentices.

Two roods of pasture on the south side of the town of Cotterstock opposite the Vicar's house, and five acres of meadow between the parish and precincts of Cotterstock (both in the tenure of Christopher Bainbrig) to the use of the vicar of Cotterstock for ever.

Elmes Spinkes and Christopher Bainbrig to be guardians and trustees of John Pate until her reaches the age of 25 years, and for John Pate to be wholly directled, settled and governed at the discretion of his guardians in all reasonable matters and affairs until he reaches the age of 25 year.

All rest and resdue of my personal estate in England and Jamaica to my nephew John Pate, he to be sole executor.

Codicil. £20 each to Mr Fotherby and his wife instead of £25 for mourning. £10 to the son of Eliza Burge of Ashton and the same to John Hammonson of Cotterstock at age 21 years. Pall bearers to have rings besides gloves, scarves etc. 5 guines to the person who preaches my funeral sermon. To Mr Thomas Bush an annuity of £10 p.a. until he reaches the age of 21 years. To all my tenants, gloes and hatbands and to all the gentlemen that comes to my funeral, what the guardians of my executor shall think proper to be done with a common and gentleman-like decency.

Sworn by Eliza Micklethwait of Westminster, Middlesex, gentleman, 13/01/1736/7.

Proved at London 30/12/1740. Elizabeth Pate, widow, the mother and curatrix lawfully assigned in January 1736/7 to John Pate, then a minor, for his use and benefit during his minority, he having attained the age of 17 years.

Relationships (3)

Uncle → Nephew
First Cousins
Nephew → Uncle

Addresses (1)

Cotterstock Hall, Cotterstock, Northamptonshire, Central England, England