
William Bramwell Navy contractor of Kingston

???? - 1795


Navy contractor in Jamaica, and purchaser of an estate at Garston Lancashire.

  1. The will of William Bramwell contractor for the Navy of Kingston Jamaica, proved 07/11/1795, described Luke Bramwell as a relation and left him the remainder interest in the Garston estate in Lancashire after his (William's) wife Anne's life tenancy, which was itself subject to an annuity to Luke Bramwell of £50 p.a. The will was unsigned by Bramwell. A letter from Luke Bramwell suggested that Anne would therefore receive the personalty but only a 1/3rd life-interest in the real estate '(say) land and negroes.'

  2. 'Among other property which passed to John Blackbume were the buildings and lands called Carter's and the Croft, with parcels thereunto belonging, containing in the whole 80a. Ir. 27p. large measure; purchased from Beauclerk for £2872, by William Bramwell of Liverpool, merchant, who went out to the West Indies, where he was a navy contractor, and died in Kingston, Jamaica. He seems in anticipation to have executed a conveyance to Arthur Heywood the elder, Richard Heywood, and Arthur Heywood the younger, of Liverpool, bankers, to whom he was under pecuniary obligations ; but legal difficulties having arisen his widow resumed the estates, paying therefor to the Heywoods £3262 17s., out of which they were to satisfy the heir-at-law and nephew with £315. In October, 1797, Mrs. Bramwell conveyed to Blackburne for £3473 6s., who in November, 1816, conveyed to John Leigh of Liverpool, gentleman, and Roger Wright Hawkes of Dudley, county Worcester, trustees of the marriage settlement of Alice Anna Hawkes, in trust for sale.'


  1. PROB 11/1267/108.

  2. Joseph Boult, 'The Historical Topography of Aigburth and Garston' (read 30/04/1868), [accessed 03/05/2018].

Further Information


Legacies Summary

Physical (1)

Urban Development
Garston estate [Purchased] 
description →
William Bramwell appears to have consolidated land in Garston whichhis widow sold to John Blackburne c....

Relationships (1)

Other relatives
Notes →
Luke Bramwell I has been inferred by LBS to have been the Luke Bramwell appearing in the will of William Bramwell navy contractor of Kingston, proved in 1795, which described him as a relation and...