
Fergus Paterson

???? - 1785


Merchant of Grenada, local partner with Alexander Houstoun jun. in Houstoun and Paterson there, and according to his will a partner in Coll Turner & Co. of London. He was of St Lucia when John Walker of St Lucia (q.v.) made his will in 1780.

  1. Will of Fergus Paterson merchant of [the town of St George] Grenada [made in 1784 and attested in 1785] proved 19/02/1788. He left his sister Jean Paterson £3000 payable at the period specified in the articles of co-partnership of Coll. Turner & Co. of London (he made Coll Turner his executor and residuary legatee). He also left his sister the reversion in his estates in Ayrshire of Ballaird, Glentigg etc. subject to the life-interest of his mother Mrs Martha Paterson in the rents from these estates. He left to the infant daughter of the free Mestive [sic] Celeste Simon an annuity of £50 p.a., and he granted freedom to a mulatta [sic] boy Bob then in Grenada about to depart for Britain, together with an annuity of £20 p.a.


Douglas Hamilton’s ‘Scottish Trading in the Caribbean: The Rise and Fall of Houstoun & Co.’, in Ned C. Landsman (ed), Nation and Province in the First British Empire: Scotland and the Americas, 1600-1800 (Bucknell University Press, 2001), 94-126, at p. 121.

  1. PROB 11/1162/225

Legacies Summary

Commercial (1)

Coll Turner & Co.
West India merchant  
notes →
The will of Fergus Paterson made in 1784 and proved in 1788 shows him as a partner in Coll Turner & Co. of London...

Relationships (3)

Business partners
Notes →
Fergus Paterson is shown by Douglas Hamilton as partner in Houstoun and Paterson, 'which ran the Grenada operations for Houstoun & Co.' There is no date given, and it is possible the business...
Business partners
Notes →
Coll Turner was the executor and residuary legatee of Fergus Paterson; from the will of the latter, Paterson was also a partner in Coll Turner & Co. of...
Executor → Testator