
John Garraway

???? - 13th May 1812


Of Grenada but dying in London in 1812. Merchant in a 40 year relationship with 'free mulatto' Frances Hart who was the mother of his five children.


PROB 11/1537/407. Kit Candlin and Cassandra Pybus, Enterprising women: gender, race and power in the revolutionary Atlantic pp. 144-145.

We are grateful to Jim Brennan for the suggestion that the James Garraway of 'Oughenlos, Fieland', brother of John Garraway who appears in the will of John Garraway and whose daughters (John's nieces) were left £200 each was in fact Rev. James Garraway who died at Aughenloe in Ireland in 1818.

Further Information

[With Frances Hart] John Gloster Garraway, Robert Garraway, Catherine Garraway, Frances Garraway and Eleanor Garraway

PROB 11/1537/407 - precis.

John Garraway of the island of Grenada but now residing in Cadogan Place, Sloane Street.

My dwelling house in St Georges, Grenada to my son John Glosa. Garraway and Robert Garraway now living in said house, my friends Hugh Baillie Esquire of Bristol merchant, hereafter appointed executors upon trust to seel the property to form part of my personal estate and be applied in payment of my debts, legacies and funeral expenses. The balance to my sons Joh Gloster Garraway and Robert Garraway in equal shares.

To my three daughters Catherine, Frances and Eleanor Garraway 5,000 sterling to be shared equally between them which I have laying in the monies of Evan Baillie Esquire and Sons bearing interest at 5%, to be paid to them as soon after my decease as they choose to demand.

To Frances Hart, free mulatto woman, the mother of all my children before mentioned for her faithful service and attendenace upon me during the period of forty years past which she has constantly lived with me £1,000 sterling to be paid to her immediately if she has survived me. Also to Frances one half share of all my furniture, plate, china, books, linen - the other half to my daughters Catherine, Frances and Eleanor Garraway.

To my nephew John Wellington now in Grenada £500.

To my nieces Alicia, Louisa and Margery Garraway, daughters of my brother James Garraway of Oughanlos, in Fieland [?=Ireland] £200 each.

To my beloved sons John Gloster Gallaway and Robert Garraway of Grenada all residue and remainder of my estate real or personal wherever it may be, share and share alike.

My sons and Hugh Baillie Esquire to be executors.

Signed 10/05/1811.

Codicil dated 10/05/1812 from Cadogan Place. Robert Lang Esquire of Portland Place to be an executor and trustee. All my real estate to the previous named in my will as my executors in trust that it may pass in the manner pointed out.

Codicil sworn to by witnesses after the death of John Garraway 24/09/1812 and 08/10/1812.

Date of death given as 13/05/1812.

Proved at London 10/10/1812.

Relationships (2)

Father → Son
Father → Son

Addresses (1)

Cadogan Place, London, Middlesex, London, England