
George Robertson (1756-1799)

1756 - 1799


Co-founder of the firm that evolved into Sandbach Tinne, uncle of Gilbert Robertson (q.v.).

  1. The will of George Robertson, now residing in the Colony of Demerara, written in 1798, identifies his nephew Gilbert Robertson, his "beloved and favorite Niece" Margaret Parker nee Rainy, his brothers Harry and John, Harry's children as Anne, Christy, Betsey and Hugh Robertson, and his sister Anne (wife of George Rainy). His housekeeper Fanchine Debrulon and his minor children with her, Gilbert and Antoinette, are also beneficiaries.

  2. His son Gilbert Robertson (1794-1851) has an entry in the Australian Dictionary of Biography as 'editor and agriculturist.' Gilbert and his wife Agnes Lee had a daughter, Frances De Brulon Robertson, who was born and baptised in Gladsmuir, near Haddington, Scotland, and five more children after having emigrated to Van Diemen's Land in 1822.


  1. National Library of Scotland, Traill Papers, NLS MS 19399 ff 6 & 7.

  2. Margery Godfrey, 'Robertson, Gilbert (1794-1851), Australian Dictionary of Biography [accessed 09/12/2021]; GROS OPR Births 708 40 7 Gladsmuir. Note all the secondary literature erroneously gives Gilbert Robertson as the son of George Robertson's nephew, also named Gilbert Robertson.

We are grateful to David Alston for his assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information


Transcription provided by David Alston.

National Library of Scotland, Traill Papers

NLS MS 19399 ff 6 & 7.

Copy of Mr G Robertson’s Testament dated 20th September 1798

In the Name of God, Amen : I George Robertson now residing in the Colony of Demerara, calling to remembrance the uncertainty of this life, and that it is appointed formal Men once to Die, and being thanks to God in good Health, and of sound Mind and Memory, Do make this my last Will and testament, for the disposal of what Worldly Estate I may die possessed of, and for the due Execution and performance of what I require, I do hereby appoint as my Executor, my good and faithful Friend Charles Stewart Parker now of the City of London, and jointly with him I likewise appoint my Nephew Gilbert Robertson now residing here, and Gilbert Rainy now in Berbice, also my much esteemed friend Kenneth Francis McKenzie Esquire of this Colony, and Alexander Houston Merchant in Stabroek, and I forbid in the strictest manner , the Honble Wees Kamer from interfering in any matter that may concern my Estate or Boodle. — In primus, I recommend my Soul to God, in hopes of forgiveness of any sin I may commit, from the frailty of my nature contrary to the Divine Will, and respecting my Worldly Estate, I bequeath it in the following manner — Vizt To my beloved and favorite Niece Margaret Rainy now Mrs Parker, Twelve Thousand Guilders Hollands Currency.

To my Nephew Gilbert Robertson the like Sum of Twelve Thousand Guilders Hollands Currency. To Gilbert my Son by Fanchine Debrulong, and to his sister Antoinette my Daughter, the Sum of Twelve Thousand Guilders Hollands Currency to each of them, making Twenty Four Thousand Guilders to both, or the survivor of them.

To my Housekeeper Fanchine Debrulong Five Thousand Guilders Hollands Currency — also the use of Two Slaves named Charlie and Juno during her natural life, and then to be the property of my children Gilbert and Antoinette.

My Desire is that the whole & entire Sums of Fifty Three Thousand Guilders particularized to the respective persons in the preceding Five Legacies is to be paid without any deduction whatever in preference to all others.

6th Sixthly, I bequeath to my Nieces Anne, Christy and Betsey and to my Nephew Hugh Robertson, being the children of my Brother Harry Robertson, I say I bequeath to each of them the Sum of SixThousand Guilders Hollands Currency, making a Total Sum of Twenty Four Thousand Guilders, & in case of Death, such share to become the joint property of the Survivors.

7th Seventh, I bequeath to the my sister Anne the wife of my good Friend Mr George Rainy, the Sum of Thirty Thousand Guilders Hollands Currency. I say to their Daughters Christy, Bell and Anne Rainy, also George and Harry the Sum of Six Thousand each, and in like manner to their Son Gilbert Rainy, Eight Thousand Guilders Hollands Currency, making a Total Sum of Thirty Thousand Guilders to that Family, and in case of Death, such Share to become the joint property of the Survivors.

8th Eighthly, I bequeath to Alexander Houston the Sum of Six Thousand Guilders Hollands Currency, as a testimony of my regard and good opinion of him since he was my Clerk.

9th Ninthly, I bequeath to my Brother John, the amount of a Bond he owes me for money paid on his account to the House of McInroy Sandbach & Co together with all the interest, or such part thereof as may be due at my death.

10th Tenth, I bequeath to my Brother Harry and his Wife during the natural lives of either of them, Two Thousand Guilders pr Annum, and in like manner to Mr George Rainy and his Wife my Sister, the like Sum of Two Thousand Guilders, to both or either, during their natural lives, to be paid annually.

11th Eleventh. I require to pay to my children Gilbert and Antoinette Interest on the Legacies left them, without prejudice to the principal, which must be secured for them until they are sixteen years of age.

12th Twelfth, In the Event that my Property should yield a larger Sum than the Legacies bequeathed, my desire is, to divide the overplus in the same proportions respectively to each, and in like manner should form unforeseen Events my Estate not yield sufficient to pay the whole, then an Equal Deduction to be made from Each, without prejudice to the first Five Legacies, which must be paid without any deduction.

13th Thirteenth, I bequeath to the poor of the Colony, One Hundred Guilders Hollands Currency — There being at present articles of Copartnership existing between me and Charles Stewart Parker, my Executors are to act in conformity thereto in case of my Death happening before the expiration of them, and the Legacies to be paid without prejudice to my Co-partnership, or the annuities left to my Brother & Sister which are to be referent Claims, also the legacy left my Housekeeper Fanchine Debrulong to be immediately paid when demanded. — And all other Legacies to be paid in preference at the direction of a Majority of my Executors, having entire confidence of their acting in the most faithful manner to my Heirs.

14th Fourteenth. I desire in case of my dying in this Colony, a suit of mournings to be given to Fanchine, and all her Family, also to the White Servants employed on the Plantations I am concerned in, and to my domestic Slaves. I leave to my Nephew Gilbert my Gold Watch & Seals, also my Gun, Pistols & Cuttean.

And I do Hereby utterly disallow, revoke and disannul, all former testaments, Wills. Legacies, Bequests and Executors by me in anywise before named and Bequeathed, Ratifying & confirming this & no other to be my Last Will and Testament, being all wrote with my own Hand and Seal, this Twentieth Day of September, In the Year of Our Lord One Thousand, Seven Hundred & Ninety Eight.

    (S.S.) George Robertson

Signed, Sealed, published, pronounced & Declared, by the said George Robertson as hs last Will and Testament, in presence of us, who in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have hereto subscribed our names —- A true copy (S.S.) Gilbert Robertson

Signed William Reid Henry B Reid Rowland Smith Thomas Lawrence William Henery

William Robertson (formerly acting as a Public Notary in the Colony of Surinam)do Hereby certify all those whom it may concern, that, the Will before written is, a true & faithful copy of the original.

Wm Robertson NP Parish of Kiltearn, in the Shire of Ross, the 25th day of December 1804

Legacies Summary

Commercial (1)

Sandbach Tinne
West India merchant - British Guiana  

Relationships (2)

Extra-marital relationships
Uncle → Nephew