
Patrick Cruikshank of St Vincent

1749 - 1797


Son of Donald Cruickshank (1716-1797) of Gorton in Strathspey. His three brothers were also planters in St Vincent.

Owned a half-share in Richmond, Mirton and Greenhill plantations in St Vincent with his brother James (q.v.). He bequeathed his estates to his brother James subject to legacies of £10,000 to each of his 5 daughters and £1000 to his natural son.


Email from Colin Cornes, 09/09/2014. We are grateful to Colin Cornes for his assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information

Marjory Gerard
Elizabeth, Jane, Margaret, Helen, Marjory. Natural son: Patrick Cruikshank

PROB 11/1285/83.

"Whereas I intend that an opperation shall be performed on me to relieve me from a complaint that I have had for several years commonly called the piles which discharge a considerable deal of Blood in consequence of this complaint I have on mature consideration consulted Sir Walter Farquhar phicician in London and Messrs Wm Cruikshank (that last Gentleman & son in law), Thomas (his Christian name I do not know) they are of unanimous opinion that I shall tomorrow at twelve o clock on the first day of January One thousand seven hundred & ninety seven under go an opperation by having the Coal of the Gut, or what is called the piles cut away - and as there may be some danger affording this opperation - I think it prudent & proper that I make some Settlement of my Estates in Scotland, & in this Island of Saint Vincent..."

Debt due to the deceased Benjamin Boddington and Thomas Boddington for one half of the sum stated in their accounts settled and signed in May last this present year. Secondly, debt due to James Cruikshank Esquire in Aberdeen for the amount of my Bill due him. Thirdly debt to my brother in law Alexander Burton, merchant in Grantner for the amount of my bond with interest due him, also an open account with him for sundry disbursements to my mother and others by my desire. Also debt to Lady Ramsay, dowager of Banff & her daughters in the sum of £500.

I allow my mother Catharine Grant commonly called Mrs Cruikshank late of Guten £30 sterling during her life and £30 to defray the expense of her funeral. All to be paid from my one half of Richmond and Delvey, Mirton & Greenhill which last two estates commonly were called Alexander & Greenhill estates in St Vincent which belong to me and my brother James Cruikshank of Langley Park, Scotland, share and share alike. Two installments in Murton and Greenhill being still due to Henry Loues, the amount of each instalment being £4200.

To my five daughters Elizabeth Cruikshank, Jane Cruikshank, Margaret Cruikshank, Helen Cruikshank and Marjory Cruikshank, £10,000 each without any deduction whatever on each of them attaining the age of 18 years. The interest to be at their disposal after they attain that age but the principal is to be laid out at interest on heritable security for their behalf and those children lawfully begotten. James Cruikshank my brother, John and Alexr Cruikshank of St Vincent, Dr Gilbert Gerard professor of divinity, Kings College Aberdeen to be my executors to put this in trust. My valuable friend Thomas Towse [Tawse?] Esquire, writer in Edr[Edinburgh?] to have the charge of keeping accounts and in seeing all manner of justice done.

To be paid to my son Patrick Cruikshank now at the college of Aberdeen living at present in the house of Dr Gilbert Gerard £1000 sterling at the age of 20 years. I declare him to be now past his sixteenth year with the lawful interest on that sum until he is of the age of 20 years.

To my brother John Cruikshank now in the Island of St Vincent after parting the before mentioned sums to my children and my mother I hereby grant £2000 sterling. To my brother Alexander Cuikshank also of St Vincent I give grant £1000 over and above £1200 sterling which he owed me which I advanced him when he entered untio the copartnership of Francis Cruikshank & Co. with the interest one thousand from the advance.

To my brother James Cuikshank full possession and all right and title that I have to all lands, estates, chattels of every donomination either in Scotland, England or the Island of St Vincent or wherever with the power to sell and dispose of the said estates for his own use for ever subject to the before mentioned sums to my children of £10,000 each and to my natural son of £1000 and to my mother the annuity of £30.

£50 annuity to my sister in law Jane Gerard together with the profits from the leasehold from Mr Scott of Logan...

Finally recommending my children to the protection of my God and praying that heaven shall protect them, they are already destitute of a mother and may soon be without a father.

My body to be conveyed to the churchyard of Stracathro and placed alongside my dearly beloved wife Margery Gerard.

Witnesses Richard Randel and Jacob Cant, both waiters in the Grand Hotel in Covent Garden. Signed 01/01/1797.

Proved in London by James Cruikshank 03/02/1797.


Associated Estates (1)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
- 1797 [EY] → Joint owner

Shown in his will made and proved in 1797 as joint owner with his brother James Cruikshank of Richmond, Delvey, Mirton and Greenhill on St Vincent.

Relationships (5)

Uncle → Nephew
Uncle → Nephew

Addresses (2)

London, Middlesex, London, England
Stracathro, Brechin, Angus, North-east Scotland, Scotland