
Lawrence Trent Cumberbatch

1762 - 1833


The family history in Brandow shows Lawrence Trent Cumberbatch 'died a bachelor in 1834 [sic] in Barbados.' It appears that he had an 'outside' family in Barbados.

  1. Date of burial: 19 December 1833 (probably on his St Nicholas estate). Elizabeth Cumberbatch died in 1824 (buried 23 January 1824).

  2. The will of Lawrence Trent Cumberbatch mentions John Edward Cumberbatch and Richard Cumberbatch, "free coloured persons", who were bequeathed ÂŁ200 currency and the house where they currently resided in Speightstown. According to a family tree on Ancestry.com, these were the sons of Lawrence Trent Cumberbatch and a formerly enslaved person called Elizabeth Cumberbatch. John Edward Cumberbatch (1800-1838) married Julia Belgrave (1804-1841), in St Michael's, Barbados, 24/01/1823. John Edward Cumberbatch was a "free coloured man" and Julia was a "free coloured woman" who came from "the very wealthy Belgrave family". These details need further verification.


  1. , accessed 25 September 2014; for Elizabeth: , accessed 25 September 2014.

  2. , accessed 25 September 2014.

We are grateful to Ruth Hecht for her assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information

2 sons: Richard; John Edward

Trancription provided by Ruth Howell, email 25/09/2017.

This is the last Will and Testament of me Lawrence Trent Cumberbatch of the Parish of Saint Peter in the Island of Barbdaos abovesaid Esquire, I direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be fully paid and satisfied as soon as possible after my decease. I give and bequeath unto my nephew Edward Carlton Cumberbatch for and during the term of his natural life one annuity or clear yearly sum of three hundred pounds sterling money of Great Britain per annum to be paid to him by half yearly payments on the 25th day of March and the 29th day of September in every year the first payment to be made on the first day of the said days which shall happen after my decease. I also give and bequeath unto my said Nephew all the Silver Plate which was given to me by my deceased sister Ann Sandiford save and except only the Silver Bread Basket. The annuity now bequeathed by me to my said Nephew is in addition to that now payable to him by me under the Will of his deceased father Edward Carlton Cumberbatch. I give and bequeath to my Grand Nephew Lawrence Trent Cumberbatch son of my said Nephew Edward Carlton Cumberbatch the sum of one thousand pounds current money of this Island when he shall attain the age of 21 years with interest thereon from the time of my death until the same shall be paid. And the interest thereof I direct shall be paid to his qualified guardian or guardians to be by him or themapplied for his education. And in case my said Grand Nephew Lawrence Trent Cumberbatch shall depart this life under the age of 21 years then I direct that the said legacy or sum of one thousand pounds shall sink into and become part of the residuum of my Estate. I give and bequeath to my Grand Niece, Laurentia Trent Cumberbatch, daughter of my said Nephew Edward Carlton Cumberbatch the sum of five hundred pounds current money of this Island when she shall attain the age of 18 years with interest thereon from the time of my death until the said principal amount of five hundred pounds shall be paid. And the interest thereof I direct shall be paid to her qualified guardian or guardians to be by her or them applied for her education. But in case my said Grand Niece Laurentia Trent Cumberbatch shall depart this life under the age of 18 years then I direct that the said legacy or sum of five hundred pounds shall sink into and become part of the residuum of my Estate. I give and bequeath to my Grand Nephew Stephen Cave son of my friend and Nephew in Law and Niece Charles Cave and Sarah Cave of England the sum of five hundred pounds current money of this Island when he shall attain the age of 21 years with interest thereupon from the time of my death until the said principal sum of five hundred pounds shall be paid. And the interest thereof I direct shall be paid to his qualified guardian or guardians to be by him or them applied for his education. But in case my said Grand Nephew Stephen Cave shall depart this life under the age of 21 years then I direct that the said legacy or sum of five hundred pounds shall sink into and become part of the residuum of my Estate. I give and bequeath unto my Grand Nephew Lawrence Trent Cave son of the said Charles Cave and Sarah Cave the sum of one thousand pounds current money of this Island when he shall attain the age of 21 years with interest thereon from the time of my death until the said principal sum of one thousand pounds shall be paid. And the interest thereof I direct shall be paid to his qualified guardian or guardians to be by him or them applied for his education. But in case my said Grand Nephew Lawrence Trent Cave shall depart this life under the age of 21 years then I direct that the said legacy or sum of one thousand pounds shall sink into and become part of the residuum of my Estate. I give and bequeath to my friend and Overseer of my Plantations Thomas Smith Harding the sum of one hundred pounds current money of this Island to be paid to him in one year after my decease. I give and bequeath to the aforesaid Charles Cave my Chronometer, chain and appendages. It is my Will and I do hereby direct that my following slaves to wit (or Viz:) Charles Ramsay, Isaac Aboab, Billy Trent and Hope (males) and Coco Sandiford (a female) be manumitted in England by my Executor hereinafter named or as the representatives under this my Will for the time being and the expenses thereof to be paid out of my Estate which I direct to be done in consideration of their services and correct conduct towards me. And I give and bequeath to each of the said Charles Ramsay, Isaac Aboab, Billy Trent, Hope and Coco Sandiford the sum of ten pounds current money of this Island. I give and bequeath to Mary Laurentia Lavine, Francis Lavine, Abraham Lavine, George Beckwith Lavine and Lizzy Lavine free coloured persons and their heirs the house in Speights Town which they now inhabit with the land whereon the same stands and thereto belonging. I give and bequeath to each of them the said Mary Laurentia Lavine, Francis Lavine, Abraham Lavine, George Beckwith Lavine and Lizzy Lavinethe sum of one hundred pounds current money of this Island payable in one year after my death. I also give and bequeath a part of my wearing apparel to be divided bewteen and amongst the said Francis Lavine, Abraham Levine and George Beckwith Lavine. I give and devise to John Edward Cumberbatch and Richard Cumberbatch free coloured persons the house in Speights Town which they now reside in with the land whereon the same stands and thereto belonging to them and their heirs. I also give and bequeath to each of the said John Edward Cumberbatch and Richard Cumberbatch the sum of one hundred pounds current money of this Island payable in one year after my decease and a proportion of my wearing apparel. I do hereby charge and make liable all my Estate Real and Personal (except the Real Estate I have already mentioned) with the payment of the aforesaid annuity legacies and interest monies. And as to all my Plantations, Lands, Buildings, Slaves, Messuages, Tenements, Hereditaments and all other my Real Estate not hereinfore mentioned and all the residue and remainder of my Estate Real, Personal or Mixed whether in possession, reversion, remainder or expectancy either on this Island or elsewhere (subject and chargeable with the payment of the said annuity, legacy and interest monies) I give and devise and bequeath the same and every part and parcel thereof unto my aforesaid Niece Sarah Cave and her Heirs, Executors, Administrators and Assigns forever. I nominate and appoint my aforesaid friend and Nephew sole Executor of this my last Will and I do hereby revoke and make void all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made and declare this only to be my last Will and Testament in testimony whereof I the said Lawrence Trent Cumberbatch have hereto set my hand and fixed my Seal this 31st day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine. Law: Trent Cumberbatch [Seal] Signed, Sealed, Published and declared by the Testator Lawrence Trent Cumberbatch and as for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in the presence at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto. C. Eversley, Edmund J. Eversley, Conrade A Howell Barbados.

A [Codicil A was deemed null & void]

B This is a Codicil to my last Will and Testament bearing date March 31st one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine and witnessed by J.C. Eversley, Edmund Eversley, ConradeAdams Howell Viz: I give and devise and bequeath unto my Nephew Edward Carlton Cumberbatch the sum of one thousand pounds current money of this Island to be paid at the expiration of one year after my death in token of my approbation at his having entered into Holy Orders. And I give, devise and bequeath to Rosalie Geraldine Cumberbatch the daughter of the said Edward Carlton Cumberbatch five hundred pounds current money of this Island when she shall attain the age of 18 years she having been born after the abovesaid Will was made and executed. I give and devise and bequeath to Mary Larry Lavine, Lizzy Lavine, Francis Lavineand George Beckwith Lavine the sum of one hundred pounds currency each in addition to the sum bequeathed to them in my Will. I give devise and bequeath to Edward Cumberbatch and Richard Cumberbatch the sum of one hundred pounds currency in addition to the sum bequeathed in my Will. I direct that the following slaves be manumitted and set free from all and all manner of slavery and servitude whatsoever paying off any contingent expenses that may occur viz: Mary alias May Hinds a young coloured woman and David a coloured boy, Sarah, Mary Margaret (girls) Thomas Hendy, James and Tom Hendy (boys) and the offspring of Thomas Hendy who was heretofore manumitted by me for his faithful services and attachment to me. Item I discharge remit and quit claim to what may appear due and owing to me from Edward Cumberbatch and Francis Lavine at the time of my death. In witness hereto I have set my hand and fixed my Seal this sixteenth day of January one thousand eight hundred and thirty three. Law: Trent Cumberbatch [Seal]. Witness Wm HdRollock, Thos Connell

C BARBADOS. This is an additional Codicil to my last Will and Testament to give unto Lizzy Lavine the house in Speights Town belonging to me commonly called or known by the name of the house formerly occupied by Quamino Ford and directing the same to be paired light and tenantable at the expense of my Estate and a sum of twenty pounds currency to be paid her quarterly in addition to my legacies in former Will and former Codicil and the remaining tenements and slaves in Speights Town, with the exception of my own dwelling house which I consider as included in the residuum of my general Estate in my Will, I desire may be sold and the amot equally divided between the surviving sons of Elizabeth Lavine, Elizabeth Cumberbatch deceased share and share alike. This document to express my additional wishes however imperfect and informal and written under great debility, hurry and agitation I submit to my friend and Exor: Charles Cave for his ratification, calculating on his good will to confirm the whole of mine all in my own handwriting this twenty fourth day of October one thousand eight hundred and thirty three. Witness Thos S. Harding Law: Trent Cumberbatch [Seal]

D BARBADOS. This is an additional Codicil to my last Will and Testament to give to Coco, whom I have manumitted in said Will, my house and maid servant the sum of fifty pounds currency and the following slaves Agin Bingt Sukey a female and John Thomas and Marcus (boys) and the sum of ten pounds p. ann. [per annum] for the term of two years for the rent of an house for her extraordinary care and attention for and to me in my long and painful illness and confinement. Witness Thos S. Harding Law: Trent Cumberbatch

BARBADOS. By His Excellency The Governor at a Court of Ordinary held before me this day the foregoing Petition was read and thereupon Edmund Jordan Eversley, Conrade Adams Howell two of the subscribing witnesses to the last Will and Testament of Lawrence Trent Cumberbatch, deceased person, personally appeared and made Oath on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God that they were present and did see the said Testator Lawrence Trent Cumberbatch sign, seal, publish and declare the same in due form as and for his last Will and Testament and that he was at the executing thereof of a sound and disposing mind and memory to the best of these Deponents’ judgements and belief and at the same time appeared William Howard Rollock and Thomas Connell the two subscribing witnesses to the Codicil subjoined to the said last Will and Testament marked with letter B and dated 15th day of January one thousand eight hundred and thirty three and made Oath on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God that they were present and did see the said Lawrence Trent Cumberbatch the Testator sign, seal, publish and declare the same as and for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament and that he was at the executing thereof of a sound and disposing mind and memory to the best of these Deponents’ judgements and belief. And also at the same time appeared Thomas Harding the subscribing witness to the Codicils marked C and D and dated the 24th day of October one thousand eight hundred and thirty three and made Oath on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God that he was present and did see said Lawrence Trent Cumberbatch the Testator sign, seal, publish and declare the same respectively as and for Codicils to his said last Will and Testament and that he was at the respective times of executing the said Codicils of a sound and disposing mind and memory to the best of his the Deponent’s judgement and belief. And the said Thomas Harding and Thomas Connell also at the same time made Oath that the Codicil marked C and D are respectively written throughout from beginning to end in the proper handwriting of the said Testator Lawrence Trent Cumberbatch. I do hereby declare null and void the first Codicil marked at the foot thereof with the letter A and mentioned in the said petition and allow and approve the said last Will and Testament and the three Codicils marked respectively with the letters B, C and D of the said Testator Lawrence Trent Cumberbatch deceased and order that the same together with this my Probate be recorded in the Secretary’s Office of this Island and take effect to all legal purposes. Given at the Government House this sixth day of January one thousand eight hundred and thirty four. Lionel Smith.

Plantation owner

Associated Estates (7)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1826 [EA] - 1832 [LA] → Owner
1817 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Joint owner
1817 [EA] - 1832 [LA] → Attorney
1820 [EA] - 1832 [LA] → Owner
1823 [EA] - 1833 [LA] → Owner
1817 [EA] - 1821 [LA] → Joint owner
1829 [EA] - → Agent

Relationships (8)

Uncle → Nephew
Uncle → Niece
Natural Son → Father
Uncle → Nephew
Other relatives
Notes →
Cumberbatch's natural son married Belgrave's...
Second Cousins
Notes →
Cumberbatch was the nephew of John Constantine Trent's...