
William Dimsdale Child

1809 - 24th Feb 1879

Subsequent business partner of a claimant or beneficiary


  1. Partner in Bond and Co., assignee of Messrs Whitmore & Co. Partner in Bond & Pearse (John [Nelson] Bond and Henry Pearse, q.v.) from c. 1838.

  2. Administration of personal estate of William Dimsdale Child late of 8 Finsbury Place and of Knights Hill House Norwood, West India merchant, who died 24/02/1879 at Knights Hill House, personal estate under £7000 (resworn as under £8000 January 1881). 1881 left unadminstered by Charles Baylis Child a creditor, administration granted to Augustus Hodd Child of 155 Fenchurch Street tea-broker, also a creditor.


  1. OBS t18431127-38 27/11/1843.

  2. National Probate Calendar 1881.

Further Information


Legacies Summary

Commercial (1)

Name partner
Bond & Pearse
General overseas merchant?  
notes →
1.William Dimsdale Child described himself in 1843 as one of the assignees of Messrs Whitmore & Co. 'I was likewise a partner in the firm of Bond and Co., which is now dissolved, but I am...

Addresses (2)

8 Finsbury Place, City of London, Middlesex, London, England
Knights Hill House , Norwood, Lambeth, London, Surrey, London, England