
William Henry Whiteman

No Dates

Claimant or beneficiary


Awarded compensation for one enslaved person in Grenada, but more materially claimed unsuccessfully for the compensation for Upper Latante estate in Grenada, compensation for which was paid to Palmer, McKillop (q.v.) of London, including George and John Horsley Palmer (both of whom q.v.) as mortgagees. Whiteman inherited half of Upper Latante from his father Andrew Whiteman, who died in 1813.

  1. John Clarmont [often given as Claremont] Whiteman, the second son of Andrew Whiteman of Grenada and brother of William Henry Whiteman of this entry, was a director of the East India Co., and left £90,000 at his death in 1866. The will of Andrew Whiteman (q.v.) was probated Feb 1813.

  2. James Edward Whiteman, third son of Andrew Whiteman of Grenada, made his will in Batavia (present day Jakarta) in 1825 where he was a merchant, leaving everything to his sife Anna Elizabeth Dekker bar £5000 India guilders silver money to his adoped son James (who had been born in Batavia 24/11/1822). The will also mentioned his mother Mrs Martha Smith, now married to Mr David Gibbs of Newington Place, Lavington.

  3. In his will written in 1838, William Henry Whiteman described himself as the sole proprietor of Upper Latante sugar estate, including three further parcels of land. He bequeathed the estate in trust for his four children with Elizabeth Taylor deceased ("a free mustee woman") - William John, James Henry, Caroline and George Augustus). The four children were to have £100 per annum spent on their maintenance and education until the youngest reached the age of 21 years. A further £500 was bequeathed in trust for the three children of the "mulatto woman named Antoinette attached and belonging to the said Upper Latante Plantation" - Eliza, Clarmont and Martha Matilda. Andrewina, "a free mulatto girl", daughter of Charlotte "now deceased a black woman lately attached and belonging to Upper Latante" was to have £400. Also mentioned was a debt of £3,333 due to his mother Martha Gibbs. A codicil of 1844 disinherited his daughter Andrewina, accusing her of "very shameful overbearing disgraceful beastly and disgusting" conduct towards him. The will was proved in 1852.

  4. Upper Latante, "a valuable sugar estate" in St David, of 508 acres, was to be sold at auction 05/05/1869 at Tokenhouse Yard, London, by order of the Court of the Commissioners for the Sale of Incumbered Estates in the West Indies. Also in the sale was a piece of mountain land called Gomier. The estate was at the time in the possession of William Sheaars as receiver.


T71/880 Grenada claim nos. 55 and 859 (Upper Latante); PROB 11/1542/86.

  1. William D. Rubinstein, Who were the rich? 1860- (Volumes 3 and 4, manuscripts in preparation), reference 1866/66, Whiteman, John Clar[e]mont (1797-1866), citing Walfords County Families: 'This family were formerly landed proprietors in Grenada.'

  2. PROB 11/1731/8.

  3. PROB 11/2148/37.

  4. Library of Congress advert, [accessed 26/08/2021].

Further Information

Martha Mackenzie

PROB 11/2148/37 - precis.

William Henry Whiteman of Grenada, gentleman.

I am sole proprietor of a sugar plantation called Upper Latante in St David, Grenada, and I am also sole proprietor of several parcels of land called Hermitage (98 acres), Petit Requin (87 acres) and Montcon [?] alias Gourier[?] (in the mountains, over 100 ares) which are all attached and form part of the plantation called Upper Latante.

All that plantation with the apprenticed labourers, live and dead stock, implements, etc to my friends George Palmer senior, John Horsely Palmer and George Palmer junior of the City of London, merchants, upon trust for the following purposes. The trustees to pay out of the annual crops or produce £100 sterling towards the maintenance of the four children of Elizabeth Taylor deceased, a "free mustee woman" every year (the children's names William John, James Henry, Caroline and George Augustus). The trustees to invest the remaining net produce in such a manner as to form an accumulatng fund for the benefit of the said children until George Augustus reach the age of 21 years; then to divide all the accumulations to the four children in equal shares, and to convey the whole of Upper Latante to the four children.

All my furniture, wines, horses, silver plate, jewels, books, horses, sheep and other effects at Latante (except for the live and dead stock and implements etc necessary for the working of the plantation) to form part of the residuary personal estate. Also any money I may inherit on the death of my dear mother now Martha Gibbs under the will of my late gather also to form part of my personal estate.

All my personal estate to George Palmer senior, John Horsely Palmer and George Palmer junior upon trust, firstly to pay my just debts and funeral expenses, including my bond to Geroge Palmer senior and John Horsely Palmer as executors of my late father under which the interest of £3,333 6s 8d sterling is payable to my mother Martha Gibbs during her life (on her death £1416 13s 4d of the principal reverts to me and the remainder is payable to my brothers and sisters). Also out of my personal estate to pay the "free mulatto girl named Andrewina daughter of Charlotte now deceased a black woman lately attached and belonging to the Upper Latante plantation" £400 sterling to be paid within six months of my death. Also £500 sterling to my son William John, the interest of which to be applied by him in equal shares toward the maintenance and support of Eliza, Clarmont and Martha Matilda, three "free children of the mulatto woman named Antoinette attached and belonging to the said Upper Latante Plantation" until the three children reach the age of 21 years, when my executors to pay or transfer to each of them his or her one-third share of the same £500.

My executors to lay out and invest the surplus and remainder of my revisionary personal estate in stocks or securities as shall seem advisable upon trust for the benefit of William John, James Henry, Caroline and George Augustus.

My trustees and also my brother John Clarmont Whiteman, late of Canton, merchant, now residing in England, Richard Fall of Herne Hill, Surrey, Archibald Armstrong, William Crawford and Robert Newbold of Grenada, merchants, and my son William John to be executors.

Signed 07/05/1838.

Codicil dated 01/05/1844. I made my last will in 1838 shortly prior to my leaving London for Grenada. "And whereas the conduct of my daughter Andrewina commonly called Annie towards me has of late been so very shameful overbearing disgraceful beastly and disgusting I do hereby revoke disallow and disannul all bequests and legacies made by me in said will to the said Andrewina."

Proved at London 07/02/1852.


Associated Claims (2)

£27 10s 5d
£3,495 5s 2d
Unsuccessful claimant

Associated Estates (5)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1829 [EA] - → Not known
1817 [EA] - → Attorney
1817 [EA] - 1832 [LA] → Attorney
1817 [EA] - → Attorney
1820 [EA] - 1843 [LA] → Owner

Relationships (2)

Other relatives
Notes →
Laurencine had a daughter with William Henry's father Andrew...
Son → Father