
Imperial Fire

Firm Details

People & Investments (7)

 Investment in Firm

Firm Evolutions (7)

Sun Court, Cornhill []
1803 →
Imperial Insurance Company from loss or damage by fire [LG February 1803 p. 190]
1839 →
1850 →
1863 →
1902 →
1959 →
Alliance Assurance []


  1. Committee established by subscribers 15th December 1802 called Feb 18 1803 for remaining deposit (£9 per cent, to add to original deposit of £1 per cent) from the subscribers:

Thos. Plummer

Rob. Milligan

Richard Lee

Thomas Hughan

Edw. Kemble

T. Gowland

Ja. Timperon

John Smith

Henry Davidson

  1. General Court of Proprietors convened 4/1/1837 to elect 4 directors and one auditor in room of those going out of office and to elect an auditor in place of Alexander Seton, resigned.

  2. Board of Directors 1862 (21 in number) included Charles Cave, George William Cottam, George Hibbert (= jun.), Samuel Hibbert


  1. London Gazette [1803 p. 190]

  2. London Gazette 19449 16/12/1836 p. 2584

  3. Wellington Independent 28 Poututerangi 1862 p. 2 Col. 2