
Wilson, Moore

Firm Details

People & Investments (1)

 Senior partner

Firm Evolutions (5)

1813 →
Milk Street [London Gazette]
1828 →
Wilson, Moore and Robinson Milk Street [London Gazette]
1833 →
Wilson, Moore & Reid Milk Street [London Gazette]
1840 →
Moore, Boyd & Seal Milk Street [London Gazette]
1841 →
Moore and Seal Milk Street [?] [London Gazette]


  1. Dissolution of partnership of William Wilson, Joseph Wilson and Ambrose Moore of Milk Street silkmanufacturers 1813

  2. Dissolution of partnership of Ambrose Moore and James Robinson of Milk Street under the firm of Wilson, Moore and Robinson 1828

  3. Dissolution of partnership  of Ambrose Moore and John Reid of Milk Street trading under Wilson, Moore and Reid 1833

  4. Dissolution of partnership of Ambrose Moore, Isaac Boyd and J.H. Seal under the firm Moore, Boyd and Seal 14/2/1840 (announced only in 1845)

  5. Dissolution of partnership of Ambrose Moore and J.H. Seal of Milk Street 1841


  1. London Gazette 16687 2/1/1813 p. 11

  2. London Gazette 18496 15/8/1828 p. 1560

  3. London Gazette 19021 12/2/1833 p. 305

  4. London Gazette 20455 21/3/1845 p. 946

  5. London Gazette 20050 10/2/1841 p. 3200