
Alex. & James Campbell

Firm Details

People & Investments (2)

 Investment in Firm

Firm Evolutions (5)

1820 →
6 Copthall Court [P.O.]
1834 →
6 Copthall Court [Pigott]
1835 →
[London Gazette]
1840 →
10 George Yard, Lombard Street [P.O.]
1850 →
10 George Yard, Lombard Street [P.O.]


Dissolution of Alex. & James Campbell & Co. of Copthall Court 30th April 1835; all debtors owing and due to A.G. Milne jun., authorised to receive all consignments.  James Campbell, Mungo Campbell, Mungo Campbell jun,. representing the firm of John Campbell sen. & Co. Of Glasgow.


London Gazette 19273 26/5/1835 p. 6 [from Edinburgh Gazette May 15 1835]