
Anthony Morris Storer

Library - books

Storer Collection at Eton College Library

'He [Anthony Morris Storer] amassed some 2800 books as well as prints (many by Joshua Reynolds) which he bequeathed to Eton College Library. The collection contains thirty-four incunabula, including three Caxtons and five of the Aldine incunabula. There are numerous first editions of Greek and Latin classics, Italian literature, and early English plays. There are 388 quartos of the last, as well as the first three folios of Shakespeare. A recent keeper at Eton called the collection ‘the crowning glory’ of the library (Quarrie, 44).


Source: Ian K. R. Archer, ‘Storer, Anthony Morris (1746–1799)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, May 2009 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/26591, accessed 19 Aug 2016]

Further Information

Current Location
Eton, Berkshire
Current Owner
Eton College