
Alexander Gillespie

Company Role

Inglis Ellice & Co.

No notes

Firm Notes

  1. Dissolution of partnership  of Inglis Ellice & Co. as far as concerns Edward Ellice, leaving John Inglis, John B. Inglis and James Inglis to continue 30/4/1821

  2. Call for creditors meeting to approve certain transactions with the Ellice family following commission of bankruptcy against John Bellingham Inglis and James Inglis late of Mark Lane merchants (surviving partners of John Inglis late of Mark Lane deceased; 'final' dividend declared 1844.

Firm Sources

  1. London Gazette 17703 5 May 1821 p. 986 [p. 10 of 24] 

  2. London Gazette 17954 2/9/1823 p. 1458; London Gazette 20361 9/7/1844 p. 2364