
British Guiana 624 (La Penitence)

30th Nov 1835 | 330 Enslaved | £17290 7s 6d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 121.

Parliamentary Papers gives name as James Halbony.

T71/885: claim from James H. Albouy [?], as owner-in-fee.

T71/1610: petition, dated 15/10/1834, forwarded from Joseph Scott Moore, attorney to Andrew Ball et. al., from Andrew Ball, acting under the Court of Chancery of Ireland and by a power of attorney from John Gordon and Jonathan Morgan, executors of will of the late John Sayers. James Hill Albouy and Park Benjamin ('Benjamin & Albouy of Demerara', in a covering note) bought La Penitence estate on 24/05/1832 [sic - must be 1822 given what follows] for £34,000, to be paid by £10,000 good bills of exchange on London; assuming last 4 installments of a Dutch mortgage for £2696 6s 8, and paying balance of £21303 13s 4d in 6 equal annual installments plus interest from 01/01/1823. To secure this, Benjamin & Albouy granted a second mortgage on the plantation and 146 enslaved persons and with right of 1st mortgage on 70 enslaved persons placed upon the plantation by the purchasers. £10,000 plus the first 5 installments were paid, but the 6th was outstanding (of £3763 12s 10d unpaid except £200 in 1829 and £1500 on account of interest paid this year).    

T71/430 p. 486: J.H. Albouy registered 309 enslaved persons, as owner, in 1832.

Further Information

British Guiana
Claim No.
La Penitence
Collected by
Albony, James H. kt Thos Moxon 69 OBS

Associated Individuals (1)

Awardee (Owner-in-fee)

Associated Estates (1)