
Antigua 257 (Little Duers)

27th Feb 1837 | 73 Enslaved | £889 10s 1d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 309.

T71/877: Claim by Wm. Lee, owner-in-fee. Counterclaim by Neville Reid and John Dixon, assignees of Messrs. Manning and Anderdon, bankrupts, under two mortgages for £3600 plus interest. Counterclaim from Frances Duer and Elizabeth Grace Duer, of the city of Southampton (Hampshire), legatees of John Duer, for £400 each, with interest from 17/11/1814. Counterclaim from Charles Ridge, of Chichester (Sussex), banker, judgement creditor (vs. John Duer) by assignment for £5466 19s 61/2d.

T71/1294: Counterclaim from Charles John Manning, of 3 New Bank buildings, who 'claims the whole compensation money as an indemnity against the liabilities of Messrs. Manning & Anderdon', 'they having used his name as their Trustee without his knowledge or consent'.

Caribbeana Vol. IV p.73: John Duer inherited Little Duers estate as an infant in 1783, on the death of his father, John Duer, under the will of his grandfather (also John Duer). Caribbeana speculates that this John Duer was Capt. of HMS Aurora, dying 17/11/1814.

See also Antigua claim no. 343.

T71/1220: notice of appeal to the Parliamentary Committee for William Lee, of the Island of Antigua, from solicitors Pemberton, Crawley and Gardiner, received 02/03/1837 (withdrawn 21/7/1837).

T71/1220: abstract of indenture, dated 14/02/1812, between John Dixon Esq., Capt. In Her Majesty's Royal Navy, and Benjamin Aislabie, of the Minories, assigning the plantation referred to as 'the Little' as security for mortgage. Benjamin Aislabie assigned it to Manning and Anderdon. There is also a reference to a mortgage for £1000 by Sir G. H. Rose to Mannings 29/05/1820. Abstract B is missing.

T71/1220: counterclaim by Duers. BA and "Sir George Rose" = executors of will of John Duer the elder [d. 17/11/1814]: left £400 each to Frances and Elizabeth Grace, his aunts. John Duer the younger the tenant for life died 1822 [? John Duer of Chichester in fact died in 1828] without issue. Duers sold legacies of £400 each for £100 p.a. annuity each to M&A; M&A then failed.

T71/1220: counterclaim by Charles Ridge et. al., bankers of Chichester.  

T71/1220: counterclaim by Charles John Manning, an indenture of 09/12/1829 had been registered in Antigua 17/4/1830 made between GHR, W.S. Rose, Frances Theodora Rose and Charles John Manning; Little Duers conveyed to Charles John Manning. The name of Charles John Manning used by Manning and Anderdon as trustee in purchase, estate and slaves 'conveyed to the said Charles John Manning without his knowledge or consent.'

After Manning and Anderdon's bankruptcy, creditors brought a suit vs. Charles John Manning in Antigua for supplies.

Further Information

Claim No.
Little Duers

Associated Individuals (12)

Previous owner (not making a claim)
Unsuccessful claimant (Owner-in-fee)
Unsuccessful claimant (Legatee)
Unsuccessful claimant (Legatee)
Unsuccessful claimant (Assignee)
Other association
Other association
Unsuccessful claimant
Other association
Awardee (Assignee)
Awardee (Assignee)
Other association

Associated Estates (1)