
Antigua 131 (Gilbert's and Mercer's Creek)

13th Jun 1836 | 159 Enslaved | £2401 2s 11d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 309.

T71/877: claim from Nathaniel Gilbert, owner-in-fee. Counterclaims from Earle & Turner, of Liverpool; Rev. Thomas Scott, of Wappenham (Northants), rectory clerk and sole representative of Elizabeth Gilbert, for a legacy of £1800 under the will of Nathaniel Gilbert.

Henry Nelson Coleridge, Six Months in the West Indies, in 1825 (New York, 1826) p.269, states: 'There are seven parish churches in the island, one public chapel, and another private one neatly fitted up by Mr Gilbert for the use of his own slaves.'

T71/250: Rev. Nathaniel Gilbert registered enslaved persons himself in 1832.

Joseph Sturge and Thomas Harvey, The West Indies in 1837 (London, Hamilton, Adams, & Co., 1838) p.31-2: the authors visited what is almost certainly Nathaniel Gilbert's estate - 'a clergyman of the established church, and has built a little chapel of ease over his boiling house'; he formerly had 200 enslaved persons, now (in 1837) has 100; 'There were no such outbreaks now, of the malignant passions as were frequent formerly. Things were managed with much less discomfort to the proprietor on this account.'

James A. Thome and Joseph H. Kimball, Emancipation in the West Indies: A six months' tour in Antigua, Barbadoes, and Jamaica in the year 1837 (New York, American Anit-slavery Society, 1838) p.88: the authors met Nathaniel Gilbert in Antigua.

Further Information

Claim No.
Gilbert's and Mercer's Creek

Associated Individuals (7)

Other association
Previous owner (not making a claim)
Unsuccessful claimant (consensual)
Previous owner (not making a claim)
Awardee (Owner-in-fee)
Unsuccessful claimant (Assignee)
Unsuccessful claimant

Associated Estates (1)