
Antigua 324 (Vernon's)

13th Nov 1837 | 329 Enslaved | £4906 5s 5d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 309. The award was split: J. C. Strode, Johnson and Revs. Kirby received £2226 5s 0d; C. H. Strode received £726 5s 0d; John Vernon received £1953 15s 5d.

T71/877: claim by John Vernon, of Boulogne, as tenant for life. CC from John William Philpott and Charlotte Peach widow both of Great Dover Road Surrey balance of legacy of £3000 under the will of John Vernon, £1500 plus interest at 5% from 14/02/1826. Counterclaim from J. C. Strode, of Weymouth (Dorset); W. A. Johnson, of Witham on the Hill, Stamford, Lincoln; Rev. John Kirby, of Mayfield, Sussex; and Rev. H. Kirby, of Oakley near Eye, Suffolk, as 'Assignees for an annuity of £230 per annum for life of John Vernon secured by a demise of the slaves etc for 100 years. Arrears due £3517 10s 0d'. Counterclaim from C. H. Strode, of Bevere in the parish of Claines (?), Worcestershire, and his trustee Philip Augustus Hanrott, of Queen Square, Bloomsbury, for 'a demise of the slaves for 100 years under which there is due for principal and interest  £1836 9s 4d'. CC from William Charles Casamajor and James Newman and Philip Augustus Hanrott as trustees of marriage settlement of John Vernon annuity of £200 p.a. for his wife and £3000 fro portions for his children.

Vernon's estate was auctioned by the West Indies Encumbered Estates Commission on 10/08/1865 (p. 9), and was bought by Herbert Mayo for £2500.

T71/1609: letter from Rev. Wm. Vernon, of Clitheroe, Lancashire, referring to his annuity on this estate. Letter, dated 19/08/1835, from John Vernon, referring to the division between life tenant and remainderman.

T71/1221: Sarah Vernon, of 11 Fitzroy Sq., counterclaimed as the widow and personal representative of Joseph Vernon (deceased).  

Further Information

Claim No.

Associated Individuals (11)

Unsuccessful claimant
Unsuccessful claimant (Legatee)
Unsuccessful claimant (Legatee)
Unsuccessful claimant
Beneficiary unsuccessful
Awardee (Assignee)
Awardee (Assignee)
Awardee (Assignee)
Awardee (Assignee)
Awardee (Assignee)

Associated Estates (1)