
UCL Faculty of Laws


Dr Sylvie Delacroix publishes new paper in Oxford Journal Legal Studies

24 July 2017

Dr Sylvie Delacroix, Reader in Legal Theory and Ethics at 911 Faculty of Laws and UCL Computer Science, has recently published a new paper on ‘Law and Habits’ in the Oxford Journal Legal Studies

Sylvie Delacroix

Dr Sylvie Delacroix said:

‘In comparison to the well-documented importance of habit in the processes by which we come to acquire the “ethical know-how” that notably shapes our identity as professionals, the no-less important capacity to break free of habit gets far less attention.

Yet living an ethical life demands that we sometimes stand at odds with the usual. This paper calls for renewed attention to be paid to the full spectrum of habits (from `mere’ tics to reflective habits) and the role they play in shaping legal practice.’