
UCL Centre for Languages & International Education (CLIE)


Japanese Level 1 plus

Prerequisite for entry

Successful completion of level 1.

Term duration

10 x 2-hour classes.

Aims and objectives

The aim of the course is to enable students to function at a basic everyday survival level (basic vocabulary, grammar and phonetics). Students should be able to communicate in and understand Japanese on a number of practical everyday matters. Language learning skills, including autonomous learning and how to approach some authentic material will be enhanced. Also, students should develop their ability of reading and writing Hiragana and Katakana. Cultural awareness will be developed.


  • Giving and receiving something from someone
  • Using an adjective in a sentence
  • Describing preference, ability or possession
  • Using adverbs in a sentence.
  • Indicating existence or presence of a thing(s) or person(s)
  • Counting in Japanese

Course content

Main topics/themes to be covered:

  • Offering drink and food
  • Describing things using adjectives
  • Talking about likes and dislikes
  • Accepting or refusing an invitation in an amicable manner
  • Asking about an existence or presence of a thing(s) or person(s)
  • Ordering food and drink
  • Expressing desires
  • Reading and writing short messages

Linguistic structures/ Phonetics

Basic rules of the pronunciation of Spoken Japanese


  • Adjectives: “i-adjectives” and “na-adjectives”
  • Inflections of adjectives
  • Verbs “arimasu” and “imasu”
  • Comparative sentences
  • Sentences in the superlative
  • The tai form of verbs

Learning resources


  • Course book: Minna no Nihongo (shokyu 1) (Lesson 7 – Lesson 13) published by 3A Corporation
  • Other material: Minna no Nihongo 1 Translation & Grammatical Notes (Lesson 7 – Lesson 13) published by 3A Corporation

Bilingual Dictionaries

Oxford Beginner’s Japanese dictionary (Oxford University Press)

Useful websites

In addition there is a wide range of language learning materials for self-study in the .