

Labour Rights Institute


The London Labour Laws Discussion Group

The London Labour Laws discussion group (LLLdg) was set up in 2009 by a group of London-based labour law academics and practitioners

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It seeks to provide a forum for discussing, in an informal environment, current issues and recent developments in the field of labour law. For the purposes of the LLLdg, ‘labour law’ is broadly defined as including individual and collective labour law, and anti-discrimination and equality law, at a domestic, European, international, and comparative level.

The LLLdg meets two or three times a term. While primarily composed of London-based labour law academics and graduate research students, the LLLdg is open to external participants and contributors, subject to prior notice to the group’s administrator.

In 2022, speakers included Joe Atkinson, Guy Davidov, Maayan Niezna, Virginia Mantouvalou, Hadassa Noorda and Gwyneth Pitt.
