

Joint Research Office


Introduction to research workshop for lay people

28 January 2015

The JRO is running an introduction to research workshop for lay people who are going to be actively involved in research (PPI).

Researchers actively involving patients or the public in their research (not as trial participants but in the design and conduct of research) can invite their lay colleagues to attend this course. Objectives of the course will be to give lay people an idea of the complexities of the research process, research jargon and the timeline of research processes.

It's important to stress that this workshop is only for lay people who have already been enlisted to be actively involved in research and it is not for people who are going to be trial participants/volunteers.

Please circulate this email to your lay colleagues, places must be booked ahead of time. To book a place they can contact Madeleine Stewart madeleine.stewart@ucl.ac.uk

This will be a repeat of the workshop run on 11 December 2014.

When and where?

10.30am-1.30pm, Friday 27 February 2015

Boardroom, 1st Floor, Suite A, Maple House, 149 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 7DN

The course is free but we do not cover travel expenses and we recommend researchers to reimburse people from any budgets they have for PPI.