

Joint Research Office


UCLH Innovation Office call for ideas

12 March 2013

The UCLH Innovation Office has put a call out for ideas from UCLH staff for solving problems involving equipment and improving patient care.

We particularly welcome ideas that can be used in other trusts, primary care or community settings.

These can be ideas used in a pilot study already, or simply stumbling blocks that have been identified, with no solutions yet.

The aims of the call are to bring patient benefit, such as increasing quality of care; to benefit healthcare staff; to bring in income for the Trust and to demonstrate the imagination and drive of UCLH and its staff.

The call consists of three stages: Making an enquiry and arranging to speak with the Innovation Office to get initial advice; a written description, which the team at the Innovation Office will read and decide who else could help develop the idea; and finally, a bid for funding to develop your idea.

For all enquiries contact Dr Libby Oakden, Senior Business Manager at libby.oakden(@)nhs.net Ìýor 020 3447 9158.

To access an enquiry form click here.