

Information Services Division


Grant-funded Project Work

The Research Software Development Group (RSDG) will always aim to take on paid-for projects that lie within our remit, and may become involved either pre- or post-award as described below. However due to high demand we are at times unable to work with all groups that contact us. In such circumstances, we will prioritise projects where we can provide the most benefit, relative to other potential solutions. See our prioritisation criteria for more explanation of what this principle entails.

Research teams should have a look at our ways of working for an idea of what to expect when working with RSDG.

Directly Allocated/Pre-award

Research teams preparing grants involving software development should consider bringing in our group as collaborators, costing programming effort from our developers into the grant – we can provide fractional or full time effort as needed, throughout the project or at critical intervals. We can be included on grants as a directly allocated cost. We manage resourcing and recruiting issues to ensure the team is capable of servicing such obligations. We prepare a section in Worktribe for RITS with our costs.


For research groups who already hold appropriate grant funds, where the total budget is £5000 or more, we will require a separate project sub-account to be set up against which will charge our costs, and will cost on the basis of a retrospective costing using UCL's standard grant costing tools. For projects with a budget of less than £5000 we will request transfers via IDT. For smaller projects we can on occasion use a day rate of £400/day (updated September 2018). Note that the prevailing day rate is subject to twice yearly review; contact us for the currently prevailing day rate.

For general contact and queries please email: rc-softdev@ucl.ac.uk