

Information Services Division


Drupal CMS: Hyperlinks

Learn to work with hyperlinks, email links and anchors in Drupal.

Before you startÌý

When editing use Chrome, Firefox or Safari but NOT Internet Explorer


Drupal uses hyperlinks to create links to web pages, email and anchors. Each will be described separately.

There are 2 types of hyperlinks:ÌýinternalÌýandÌýexternal:
hyperlinks link to pages inside the website.ÌýExternalÌýlinks link to pages outside the website.

Hyperlink icon
ÌýÌýÌýÌý external links as well as email and anchor links
remove hyperlink icon
ÌýÌýÌý unlink i.e. remove any type of link
internal hyperlink icon
ÌýÌý internal link: always use when linking to pages within the site because if a page title is changed, the links will not be broken because the link is based on the node number rather that the alias / page title.


If you want to show a number of links in a piece of text - these are called 'inline links' - it is advisable to useÌýa bulleted list.ÌýUsers don't like reading text with lots of linksÌýand are likely to click on any link in the text in order leave the page.

How NOT to do it:
The department works closely together with theÌý, theÌýÌýand also has close links with theÌýÌýandÌýy.

How to do it:
The department works closely together with the Institute of Neurology, the UCL School of Pharmacy and also has close links with the University of Amsterdam and Peking University.

Internal link to a web page

  1. Highlight the relevant text
  2. Click on the Internal link icon (the one with the +)
  3. Type the relevant text to search for the link
  4. When found, click on 'insert link'

External link to a web page

  1. Highlight the relevant text

  2. Click on the hyperlink icon

  3. Make sure the Link Type says 'URL'

  4. Type or paste the address - if you type it, you can leave out the http://

  5. Click on OK

External link to an email

  1. Highlight the relevant text
  2. Click on the hyperlink icon
  3. Make sure the Link Type says 'Email'
  4. Type the email address
  5. Add the message subject if relevant
  6. Add the message body if relevant
  7. Click on OK

External link to an anchor

In order to make an anchor link, you must haveÌýcreated the anchorÌýfirst.

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Please note: This form is only to provide feedback. If you require IT support please contact the IT Services Help desk. We can only respond to UCL email addresses.