
UCL Institute of Ophthalmology


When bestrophinopathies don't run in the family?

De novo mutations are changes in the gene sequence not inherited from parents. They are new mutations and have been absent in families in previous generations.

A de novo mutation is a new change in the gene sequence, which hasn’t been present in any previous generations, and does not “run in the family”. In this case both mother and father have normal copies of the gene. De novo mutationsdonotappear on genetic pedigree diagrams (used to assess the mode of inheritance of aparticular diseasein families).

There area number ofscenarios in which de novo mutationscanoccur.

  1. The mutation occurs in a sex cell of the parent i.e. the BEST1 mutation is present only in a sperm cell or egg cell of a parent, but all the other cells in that parent are normal.Themutation isthenpassed on to the developing embryo and all cells willcontain the mutated copy of the gene. In this scenario,thede novomutation canbe passed onto the next generationas an inherited mutation.
  2. Somedisease-causing mutations can occur once the egg is fertilised and begins to divide. If this happens early in development, before thecells begin to specialiseto producethevariety ofdifferent tissuesand organsinthe body, everysinglecell in thedeveloping embryowillcontaina copy ofthe mutation.In this case,themutationwill then beexpressedintheegg/sperm cellsthe individualgoes on toproduce, meaning themutation could be passed on to subsequent generations.
  3. De novo mutationscanoccurin single cells inlaterstages ofembryodevelopment.In this case,as the embryo developsfurther, all cells arising from the single mutated cell will contain the mutation.This means some cells of the bodywillcontain themutationwhilst otherswon’t, a phenomenon termedmosaicism.In the case ofBEST1, if the mutation occurs in a cell that contributes to eye development the mutation could causedisease.Themutation may not be present in the egg or sperm cells of the individual,if this happensthe disease will not bepassed on.

De novo mutations are rare, but they can explain how a genetic disease develops when there has been no previous history within the family. De novo mutation can be passed down in future generations as inherited mutations.

Schematic showing that de novo mutations can happen at 3 stages: sperms/egg production, fertilisation, and during development.