

UCL Institute of Ophthalmology


Secondary Studies

Secondary studies to the LiGHT Trial

LiGHT Bio Bank – Jan 2016 (Funded by Moorfields Special Trustees)

Despite the significant body of work on genetic variants linked to primary open-angle glaucoma and/or ocular hypertension, little is known about the genetic susceptibility of patients to the current treatment options. Our current knowledge about genetically determined intra-ocular pressure lowering treatment response is limited and published. We propose to collect blood, tears and saliva, extract and store DNA samples from the patients participating in the LiGHT Trial. The bacterial flora of the patients’ saliva will be investigated following evidence on links with glaucoma. The tear samples will undergo a microbiome analysis following reports of tear proteins acting as disease biomarkers.

LiGHT extension – Extended the LiGHT Trial for a further three years until 2020

Funding application to re-submit to the NIHR

This extension aims to monitor patients participating in the LiGHT Trial for 3 additional years (total of 6 years), investigating the effect various clinical parameters on patients’ QoL. This will be the most detailed QoL study conducted in a carefully monitored clinical trial, over a period of time relevant to disease progression, as well as the first to investigate longitudinal QoL in OHT. It will further provide vital data on a number of important questions of glaucoma treatment to inform future study designs and cement long-term collaboration with glaucoma researchers across the UK

LiGHT China – Sister Study-Started March 2015

(Chinese, local funding and British Council of Prevention of Blindness (BCPB))

Mr Gus Gazzard, acting in an advisory role as Co-CI with a subcontract with UCL

The LiGHT Trial Manager and lead Trial Optometrist have two weekly Skype calls with our collaborators to advise and give support.

LCT ZOC Recruitment (closed)Total number now in follow-up = 769