

IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


Examining L2 learners’ perceptions of their writing strategies on an intensive EAP course in the UK

25 May 2023, 4:00 pm–5:00 pm

Students in a lecture. Image: Jack Latimer for UCL

Join this event to hear Diana Mazgutova discuss a project, which she led with Judith Hanks, which looked at an intensive English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course in a British university.

This event is free.

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Academic Writing Seminar Series

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In this seminar, Diana will discuss the project aim, which was to investigate second language learners’ perceptions of their writing strategies. The study looks at the perceived increase in the use of various writing strategies and its link to the potential effectiveness of a short EAP pre-sessional course.

This online event will be particularly useful for those interested in writing development, academic writing support and EAP.

Dr Judith Hanks contributed to the preparation of this seminar presentation.

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About the Speaker

Dr Diana Mazgutova

Lecturer in Language Education at the University of Leeds

Her professional and research interests include second language writing, academic writing, second language acquisition, materials design and English for Academic Purposes (EAP).Â