

IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


Who counts as socioeconomically disadvantaged for the purposes of widening access?

26 May 2022, 3:00 pm–4:00 pm

University students socialising. Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Join this event to hear Professor Vikki Boliver discuss her recent paper, which she co-authored with Dr Nadia Siddiqui and Professor Stephen Gorard.

This event is free.

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The paper evaluates a range of measures commonly used to target and measure the success of efforts to widen access to higher education. It demonstrates empirically that the area-level widening access metrics advocated by England’s Office for Students, POLAR and TUNDRA, are unfit for purpose because they yield unacceptably high rates of false positives (individuals identified as socioeconomically disadvantaged when they are not). 

In this webinar Vikki will argue that these and other demonstrably flawed area-level and school-level metrics should be replaced by officially verified individual-level indicators of socioeconomic disadvantage which yield few false positives, most notably receipt of free school meals. Unless and until this change is made, widen access efforts will be inefficient at best and counterproductive at worst, and associated statistics will give a misleading picture of how much progress is being made on widening access.

This event will be particularly useful for those interested in education.

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About the Speaker

Professor Vikki Boliver

at Durham University

Vikki’s research focuses on social inequalities of access to the most prestigious universities. She is a leading expert on the use of contextual data on the socioeconomic circumstances of prospective university students to inform more equitable admissions decisions.