

IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


VIRTUAL EVENT: Assessing the quality of preschool education to support children who are stunted

18 June 2021, 11:00 am–12:00 pm

Children in Indonesia sitting together. Image: Yannis H via Unsplash

This webinar will focus on the ongoing collaborative work across India, Indonesia, and Senegal to adapt a classroom observation grid (the Measuring Early Learning Environments – MELE) measuring key characteristics of classroom environments and educational quality.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Bernardita Munoz Chereau

Stunting - impaired growth and development from poor nutrition, repeated infection, and inadequate psychosocial stimulation, affects 149 millions of children under 5, mainly in low- and middle-income countries.

The Action Against Stunting research project is funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) through the Global Challenges Research Fund. The project investigates the multiple drivers of stunting in India, Indonesia and Senegal, to inform evidence-based interventions supporting child development.

The role of the Education and Cognition workstream is to profile the development of children who are stunted in comparison to their peers who are not stunted.

In this event, you will hear from the research teams in India, Indonesia and Senegal who will share their experiences.

The webinar will provide opportunities to share attendees’  experiences and perspectives on working across cultures and disciplines so we can all reflect on how best to develop robust and culturally sensitive methods to address global challenges. 


  • 11 to 11:05am - Welcome and Introduction ​​​​​
    Dr Jessica Massonnie, Postdoctoral Fellow, UCL Institute of Education
  • 11:05 to 11:15am - Overview of the Action Against Stunting project and Cognition and Education Workstream
    Professor (PI) and Professor (PI), UCL Institute of Education, Education and Cognition leads.
  • 11:15 to 11:25am - Measuring Early Learning Environments across countries – the adaptation process
    Dr Dawn Davis. International MELE expert advisor,
  • 11:25 to 11:35am - Case study of Indonesia
    Dr Risatianti Kolopaking, Education and Cognition theme lead, Indonesian team 
  • 11:35 to 11:45am - Case study of Senegal
    Professor Moustapha Ndiaye, Education and Cognition theme lead, Senegalese team 
  • 11:45 to 11:50am - Qualitative Teacher Interview: bringing teachers' voices. 
    , Senior researcher, UCL Institute of Education team
  • 11:50am to 12:00pm - Q&A Monitored by the Chair

DLL seminar series

The Department of Learning and Leadership (DLL) hosts a research seminar series where invited speakers present work relevant to the department’s areas of expertise.


Image: Yannis H via Unsplash