

IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


Current research

The UCL Knowledge Lab researches digital technologies for learning, media and communication.

Research on Co-designed Massive Open Online Collaborations.

International School Children Chatting. Norma Mortenson/Pexels.

STEM education for global citizenship

A project addressing bilingual (Taiwanese-English) teaching challenges in school mathematics using innovative digital technologies.

Being Smart about Security: how we can keep safe when using smart devices in our homes.

Methodological Innovation in Digital Arts and Social Sciences.

Understanding how biohybrid systems may affect our bodies, lives and societies.

Co-design of early STEM training and resources.

Exploring digital touch communication.

How interactive exhibits can enhance young children’s scientific learning.

Exploring the transformative potential of digital technologies for improving inclusion in higher education.

An innovative maths and science learning activity informed by neuroscience.

Data on screen. Credit: Maximusdn/ Adobe Stock.

FAIR Data Accelerator Pilot

Exploring how digital infrastructure is changing research practices in science communities.

Cornerstone Maths logo.

Cornerstone Maths

A set of openly available curriculum units of work for lower secondary maths.

Scratchmaths logo.

UCL ScratchMaths

A two-year computing and mathematics-based curriculum for Key Stage 2 pupils (Years 5 and 6).

Image by The CYRA Service / Illustrations by Holly Smith as part of the 'What is a Researcher?’ project

What is a researcher? A video for children

This project aimed to develop a short, engaging video to help young children better understand research.