

Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)


The controversial politics of abolishing legal sex in Britain

18 March 2024, 1:00 pm–4:00 pm

gay and trans flags bundled on the floor

Join this event to hear Davina Cooper explore the politics of abolishing legal sex/ gender status, including political struggles over gender categories today.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to

All | UCL staff | UCL students






Simon Liu


Exact location given upon registration
UCL, Gower St
United Kingdom

Davina will explore the politics of abolishing legal sex/ gender status (described as decertification) – attending to its value, and its risks as a sharply controversial proposal in 21st century Britain.

She considers how the abolition of legal sex status:

  • Illuminates everyday attachments (and anxieties) towards sex and gender categories;
  • Directs attention towards contemporary informalisation moves already taking place in the shadow of state law;
  • Provides a legal structure for imagining, rehearsing, and prototyping change;
  • And by constructing a controversial legal reform, intervenes in the political struggles over gender categories currently taking place. 

This event will be particularly useful for trans-inclusive students, staff and LGBTQ+ allies.

Please note this is a hybrid event and can be joined either in-person or online. Choose carefully whether you wish for the in-person ticket or the livestream registration. The event is ticketed entrance only. Also, you cannot join the livestream without registration.

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About the Speaker

Professor Davina Cooper

Research Professor in Law and Political Theory at King's College London

She is an interdisciplinary scholar, whose work focuses on concepts, transformative politics, state activism, and experimental communities.