

Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience


Neil Burgess Publications

General Memory/Reviews

  1. ÌýBicanski A, Burgess N (2020) Neuronal vector coding in spatial cognition. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 21: 453–70. Click here for pdf
  2. Bush D, Burgess N (2019) Neural Oscillations: Phase Coding in the Absence of Rhythmicity. Curr Biol 29, R50–R70. Click here for pdf
  3. Bisby JA, Burgess N (2017)ÌýDifferential effects of negative emotion on memory for items and associations, and their relationship to intrusive imagery. Curr Opin Behav Sci, 17, 124-132. doi: 10.1016/j.cobeha.2017.07.012 ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf
  4. Evans T, Bicanski A, Bush D, Burgess N (2016)ÌýHow environment and self-motion combine in neural representations of space.ÌýJ.ÌýPhysiol, DOI: 10.1113/JP270666. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf
  5. Burgess N (2014)ÌýThe 2014 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine: A spatial model for cognitive neuroscience. Neuron 84: 1120-1125. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf
  6. Barry C, Burgess N (2014)ÌýNeuralÌýmechanisms of self-location.ÌýCurr. Biol., 24: R330-339. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.Ìý
  7. Bush D, Barry C, Burgess N (2014)ÌýWhatÌýdo Grid Cells Contribute to Place Cell Firing? Trends in Neuroscience, 37: 136-145.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.Ìý
  8. Hartley T, Lever C, Burgess N, O’Keefe J (2014)ÌýSpace in the brain: how the hippocampal formation supports spatial cognition.ÌýPhil Trans RoyÌýSocÌýB., 369 20120510. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.Ìý
  9. Lever C, Kaplan R, Burgess N (2014)ÌýTheÌýfunction of oscillations in the hippocampal formation. In:ÌýSpace,TimeÌýand Memory in the Hippocampal Formation.ÌýEds: DÌýDerdikman, JJÌýKnierim, pp 303-350, Springer, Wein.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.Ìý
  10. Duzel E, Penny WD, Burgess N (2010)ÌýBrain oscillations and memory.ÌýCurr Opin Neurobiol.Ìý20: 123-149.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.Ìý
  11. Bird C.M., Burgess N.ÌýInsights from spatial processing into the Hippocampal role in memory.ÌýNature Reviews NeuroscienceÌý(2008) 9 182-194. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  12. Burgess N.ÌýSpatial cognition and the brain.ÌýNew York Acad. Sci.Ìý(2008) 1124 77-97. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.Ìý
  13. Burgess N.ÌýSpatial memory: How egocentric andÌýallocentricÌýcombine.ÌýTrends in Cognitive ScienceÌý(2006) 10: 551-7. Click here for pdf
  14. TrinklerÌýI., King J.A., Spiers H. J., Burgess N. (2006)ÌýPart or Parcel? Contextual Binding of Events in Episodic Memory.ÌýIn:ÌýHandbook of Binding and Memory: Perspectives from Cognitive Neuroscience. Eds: H.D. Zimmer, A. Mecklinger, U. Lindenberger. Pp 53-83. O.U.P. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.Ìý
  15. Burgess N., Hitch G.J.ÌýComputational models of working memory: putting long-term memory into context.ÌýTrends in Cognitive ScienceÌý(2005) 9 535-541.ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.Ìý
  16. Hartley T., Burgess N.ÌýComplementary Memory Systems: Competition, Cooperation andÌýCompensation.TrendsÌýin NeuroscienceÌý(2005) 28 169-170. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.Ìý
  17. Burgess N., O'Keefe J.ÌýNeural representations in human spatial memory.ÌýTrends in Cognitive Science,Ìý(2003) 7 517-519. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.Ìý
  18. Burgess N.ÌýThe Hippocampus, space and viewpoints in episodic memoryÌýQuart. J. Exp. Psychol.Ìý(2002) 55A, 1057-1080. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.Ìý
  19. Burgess N., Maguire E.A., O'Keefe J.ÌýThe human hippocampus and spatial and episodic memoryÌýNeuronÌý(2002) 35 625-641. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  20. Spiers H.J., Maguire E.A., Burgess N. (2001)ÌýHippocampal AmnesiaÌýNeurocaseÌý7 357 382. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.Ìý
  21. Hartley T., Burgess N.ÌýModels of spatial cognitionÌýEncyclopaedia of Cognitive ScienceÌý4 pp 111-119ÌýMacMillan (2002). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.Ìý
  22. Burgess N., King J. A.ÌýNavigation in virtual space: Psychological and neural aspects International Encyclopaedia of Social andÌýBehavioralÌýSciencesÌý15Ìýpp 10417-22. Elsevier (2002).
  23. Burgess N, O'Keefe JÌý(2002) Spatial Models of the HippocampusÌýin:ÌýThe Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, 2nd EditionÌýEd: Arbib M A, MIT press, Cambridge MA. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.Ìý
  24. N Burgess, KJ Jeffery, J O'Keefe (Eds.)ÌýTheÌýHippocampal and Parietal Foundations of Spatial CognitionÌýUK:ÌýOxford University PressÌý1999. ISBN: 0198524536 (Hbk) 019852452 8 (Pbk).
  25. O'Keefe J and Burgess N (1999)ÌýTheta activity, virtual navigation and the human hippocampusÌýTrends in Cognitive ScienceÌý3 403-406 (1999). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.Ìý
  26. Maguire EA, Burgess N, O'Keefe JÌý(1999) HumanÌýspatial navigation: cognitive maps, sexual dimorphism, and neural substrates Current Opinion in NeurobiologyÌý9 171-177. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.Ìý

Memory/Hippocampal formation: computational modelling

  1. Spens E, Burgess N (2024) A generative model of memory construction and consolidation. Nature Human Behaviour. Click here for pdf

  2. Burkhardt M, Bergelt J, Gönner L, Dinkelbach HÃœ, Beuth F, Schwarz A, Bicanski A, Burgess N, Hamker FH (2023) A large-scale neurocomputational model of spatial cognition integrating memory with vision.ÌýNeural Networks 167: 473-88. Click here for pdf.

  3. Geerts P, Gershman SJ, Burgess N, Stachenfeld KL (2023) A probabilistic successor representation for context-dependent learning. Psychological Review, .

  4. Chu T, Ji Z, Zuo J, Mi Y, Zhang W, Huang T, Bush D, Burgess N, Wu S (2023) Firing rate adaptation affords place cell theta sweeps, phase precession and procession. Elife.Ìý.

  5. Yu C, Li D, Hao J, Wang J, Burgess N (2022) Learning state representations via retracing in reinforcement learning. Int. Conf. Learn. Representations 2022. Click here for pdf.

  6. Yan Y, Burgess N, Bicanski A (2021) A model of head direction and landmark coding in complex environments. PLoS Computational Biology, 17(9): e1009434. .

  7. Yu C, Behrens TEJ, Burgess N (2021) Prediction and generalisation over directed actions by grid cells. Int. Conf. Learn. Representations (ICLR).

  8. Geerts JP, Chersi F, Stachenfeld KL, Burgess N (2020) A general model of hippocampal and dorsal striatal learning and decision making. PNAS 117: 31427-37. Click here for pdf

  9. Whittington* JCR, Muller* TH, Mark S, Chen G, Barry C, Burgess N, Behrens TEJ (2020) The Tolman-Eichenbaum Machine - Unifying space and relational memory through generalisation in the hippocampal formation. Cell 183: 1-15.ÌýÌý

  10. Bush D, Burgess N (2020) Advantages and detection of phase coding in the absence of rhythmicity. Hippocampus 30: 745-62. Click here for pdf

  11. Evans T, Burgess N (2019) Coordinated hippocampal-entorhinal replay as structural inference. Neural Information Processing Systems, 8450.Ìý

  12. Edvardsen V, Bicanski A, Burgess N (2019) Navigating with grid and place cells in cluttered environments. Hippocampus 1–13.

  13. Bush D, Burgess N (2020) Advantages and detection of phase coding in the absence of rhythmicity. Hippocampus 30: 745–62. ÌýÌý

  14. Bicanski A, Burgess N (2019) A computational model of visual recognition memory via grid cells. Curr Biol 29: 979-90. Click here for pdf.

  15. Bedder RL, Bush D, Banakou D, Peck T, Slater M, Burgess N (2019) A mechanistic account of bodily resonance and implicit bias. Cognition 184. Click here for pdf.

  16. Laptev D, Burgess N (2019) Neural dynamics indicate parallel integration of environmental and self-motion information by place and grid cells. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 13: 59. Click here for pdf.Ìý

  17. Bicanski A, Burgess N (2018) A neural-level model of spatial memory and imagery. eLife 2018;7:e33752. .Ìý
  18. Bicanski A, Burgess N (2016)ÌýEnvironmental anchoring of head direction in a computational model ofÌýretrosplenialÌýcortex.ÌýJÌýNeurosciÌý36: 11601-18.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  19. ChersiÌýF, Burgess N (2015)ÌýTheÌýcognitive architecture of spatial navigation: Hippocampal and Striatal contributions.ÌýNeuronÌý88: 64-77.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  20. Bush D, Barry C, Manson D, Burgess N (2015).ÌýUsing Grid Cells for Navigation. NeuronÌý87: 507-520.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  21. Bush D, Burgess N (2014)ÌýA hybrid oscillatory interference / continuous attractor network model of grid cell firing.ÌýJ.ÌýNeurosci., 34: 5065-5079.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  22. Towse BW, Barry C, Bush D, Burgess N (2014)ÌýOptimal configurations of spatial scale for grid cell firing under noise and uncertainty.ÌýPhil Trans RoyÌýSocÌýB,Ìý369 20130290. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  23. Burgess CP, Burgess N (2014)ÌýControlling phase noise in oscillatory interference models of grid cell firing. J.ÌýNeurosci., 34: 6224-6232. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  24. Penny W, Zeidman P, Burgess N (2013)ÌýForward and backward inference in spatial cognition.ÌýPLoS Comput Biol,Ìý9(12): e1003383. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  25. Yoon KJ, Buice MA, Barry C, Hayman R, Burgess N, Fiete IR (2013)ÌýEvidence of low-dimensional continuous attractor dynamics in grid cells.ÌýNature Neuroscience, 16, 1077–1084.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  26. Brewin CR, Burgess N (2014)ÌýContextualisationÌýin the revised dual representation theory of PTSD: A response to Pearson and colleagues.ÌýJÌýBehav Ther ExpÌýPsychiatry, 45: 217-9.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  27. Barry C, Bush D, O’Keefe J, Burgess N (2012)ÌýModels of Grid Cells and Theta Oscillations.ÌýNatureÌý488,Ìýdoi: 10.1038/nature11276.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  28. Burgess N., O’Keefe J. (2011)ÌýModels of place and grid cell firing and theta rhythmicity. Curr Opin Neurobiol 21 734-744. Click here for pdf.
  29. Brewin CR, Gregory JD, Lipton M, Burgess N (2010)ÌýIntrusive Images in Psychological Disorders: Characteristics, Neural Mechanisms, and Treatment Implications.ÌýPsychological Review 117 210-32.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  30. Burgess N. (2008)ÌýGrid cells and theta as oscillatory interference: Theory and predictions.ÌýHippocampusÌý(2008) 18 1157-1174. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  31. Burgess N., Barry C., O'Keefe J. (2007)ÌýAn oscillatory interference model of grid cell firing.ÌýHippocampusÌý17 801-812. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  32. Barry C., Burgess, N. (2007)ÌýLearning in a geometric model of place cell firing.ÌýHippocampusÌý17, 786-800. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  33. Byrne P, Becker S, Burgess N (2007)ÌýRemembering the past and imagining the future: a neural model of spatial memory and imagery.ÌýPsychological ReviewÌý114 340-375. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  34. Barry C, Lever C, Hayman R, Hartley T, Burton S, O'Keefe J, Jeffery KJ, Burgess N. (2006)ÌýThe boundary vector cell model of place cell firing and spatial memory.ÌýReviews in the NeurosciencesÌýÌý17(1-2), 71-79. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.ÌýOr .
  35. Burgess N, Barry C, Jeffery KJ, O’Keefe J (2005)ÌýA Grid & Place Cell Model of Path Integration Utilizing Phase Precession Versus Theta. Poster at CCNC Washington 2005. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  36. O'Keefe J., Burgess N. (2005)ÌýDual phase and rate coding in hippocampal place cells: theoretical significance and relationship to entorhinal grid cells.ÌýHippocampusÌý15 853-866. ClickÌýherefor pdf.
  37. Burgess N., Cacucci F., Lever C., O'Keefe J. (2005)ÌýCharacterizing multiple independentÌýbehavioralÌýcorrelates of cell firing in freely moving animals.ÌýHippocampusÌý15 149-153. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.ÌýClick here for resources.
  38. Lever C, Burgess N, Cacucci F, Hartley T, O'Keefe J (2002)ÌýWhat can the hippocampal representation of environmental geometry tell us aboutÌýHebbianÌýlearning? Biological CyberneticsÌý87 356-372. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  39. Burgess N., Becker S., King J.A., O'Keefe J.ÌýMemory for events and their spatial context: models and experiments. Phil. Trans. R. Soc.ÌýLondÌýBÌý356 1493-1503 (2001). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  40. Burgess N., Hartley T.ÌýOrientationalÌýand geometric determinants of place and head-direction Neural Information Processing SystemsÌý14 165-172 MIT Press (2002). ClickÌýhereÌýforÌýpdf.
  41. Becker S., Burgess N.ÌýÌýModelling spatial recall, mental imagery and neglect Neural Information Processing SystemsÌý13 96-102 (2001). Click here for pdf.
  42. Hartley T., Burgess N., Lever C., Cacucci F., O'Keefe J.ÌýModelingÌýplace fields in terms of the cortical inputs to the hippocampus.ÌýHippocampusÌý10 369-379 (2000). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf, andÌý
  43. Burgess N., Jackson A., Hartley T., O'Keefe J.ÌýPredictions derived from modelling the hippocampal role in navigationÌýBiological CyberneticsÌý83 301-312 (2000). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  44. N Burgess, JG Donnett, KJ Jeffery J O'KeefeÌýÌýRobotic and neuronal simulation of the hippocampus and rat navigation.ÌýÌýPhil. Trans. Roy. Soc., London BÌý352 1535-1543 (1997). ClickÌýhereÌýtoÌýget the .pdf file.
  45. N Burgess, J O'KeefeÌýÌýNeuronal computations underlying the firing of place cells and their role in navigation HippocampusÌý6 749-762 (1996). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  46. N Burgess, M Recce, J O'KeefeÌýÌýA Model of Hippocampal Function Neural NetworksÌý7 1065-1081 (1994). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf
  47. N Burgess, M Recce, J O'KeefeÌýÌýUsing Hippocampal `Place Cells' for Navigation, Exploiting Phase CodingÌýin:ÌýAdvances in Neural Information Processing SystemsÌý5ÌýEds: Hanson S J, Giles C L Cowan J D, 929-936, Morgan Kaufmann, CA (1993). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.

Hippocampal formation: single unit/LFP recordings

  1. Muessig L, Ribeiro Rodrigues F, Bjerknes TL, Towse BW, Barry C, Burgess N, Moser EI, Moser M-B, Cacucci F, Wills TJ (2024) Environment geometry alters subiculum boundary vector cell receptive fields in adulthood and early development. Nature Communications 15, 982.
  2. Bush D, Olafsdottir HF, Barry C, Burgess N (2022) Ripple band phase precession of place cell firing during replay. Curr. Biol. 32: 64-73. Click here for pdf.
  3. Vivekananda U, Bush D, Bisby JA, Baxendale S, Rodionov R, Diehl B, Chowdhury FA, McEvoy AW, Miserocchi A, Walker MC, Burgess N (2020) Theta power and theta-gamma coupling support long-term spatial memory retrieval. Hippocampus 31: 213-20.ÌýClick here for pdf
  4. Vivekananda U*, Bush D*, Bisby JA, Diehl B, Jha A, Nachev P, Rodionov R, Burgess N, Walker MC (2019) Spatial and episodic memory tasks promote temporal lobe interictal spikes. Annals of Neurology 86: 304–309. Click here for pdf
  5. Chen G, Lu Y, King JA, Cacucci F, ÌýBurgess N (2019) Differential influences of environment and self-motion on place and grid cell firing. Nature Comms. 10: 630. Click here for pdf
  6. Chen G, King JA, Lu Y, Cacucci F, ÌýBurgess N (2018) Spatial cell firing during virtual navigation of open arenas by head-restrained mice. eLife 7:e34789.ÌýClick here for pdf
  7. Bush D, Bisby JA, Bird CM, Gollwitzer S, Rodionov R, Diehl B, McEvoy AW, Walker MC, Burgess N (2017) Human hippocampal theta power indicates movement onset and distance travelled. P.N.A.S.Ìý114: 12297.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  8. Carpenter F, Manson D, Jeffery K, Burgess N, Barry C (2015)ÌýGrid Cells Form a Global Representation of Connected Environments.ÌýCurr. Biol.Ìý25: 1176-1182. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  9. Krupic J, Burgess N, O’Keefe J (2015)ÌýSpatially periodic cells are neither formed from grids nor poor isolation.ÌýarXiv:1512.06248.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  10. Stewart S, Jeewajee A, Wills TJ, Burgess N, Lever C (2014)ÌýBoundary coding in the rat subiculum.ÌýPhil Trans RoyÌýSocÌýB,Ìý369 20120514. ÌýClick here for pdf.
  11. Jeewajee A, Barry C,ÌýDouchampsÌýV, Manson D, Lever C, Burgess N (2014)ÌýTheta phase precession of grid and place cell firing in open environments. Phil Trans RoyÌýSocÌýB,Ìý369 20120532.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  12. Wells CE, Amos DP, Jeewajee A,ÌýDouchampsÌýV, Rodgers J, O’Keefe J, Burgess N, Lever C (2013)ÌýNovelty and anxiolytics dissociate two components of hippocampal theta in behaving rats. J.ÌýNeurosci., 33: 8650-67. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  13. DouchampsÌýV, Jeewajee A, Blundell P, Burgess N, Lever C (2013)ÌýEvidence for encoding versus retrieval scheduling in the hippocampus by theta phase and acetylcholine.ÌýJ.ÌýNeurosci.,Ìý33: 8689-704. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  14. Chen G, King JA, Burgess N, O’Keefe J (2013)ÌýHow vision and movement combine in the hippocampal place code. P.N.A.S.Ìý110: 378-82.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  15. Barry C, Ginsberg LL, O’Keefe J, Burgess N (2012)ÌýGrid cell firing patterns signal environmental novelty by expansion. P.N.A.S.Ìý109: 17687-92.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  16. Krupic J, Burgess N, O’Keefe J (2012)ÌýNeural Representations of Location Composed of Spatially-periodic Bands.ÌýScience,Ìý337: 853-857.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  17. Wills T, Cacucci F, Burgess N, O’Keefe J (2010)ÌýDevelopment of the hippocampal cognitive map in pre-weanling rats. ScienceÌý328: 1573-6.
  18. Lever C, Burton S, Jeewajee A, O'Keefe J, Burgess N. (2009)ÌýBoundary vector cells in the subiculum of the hippocampal formation. JÌýNeurosci. 29 9771-7.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  19. Jeewajee A, Barry C, O'Keefe J, Burgess N. (2008)ÌýGrid cells and theta as oscillatory interference: electrophysiological data from freely-moving rats.ÌýHippocampusÌý(2008) 18 1175-1185. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  20. Jeewajee A, Lever C, Burton S, O'Keefe J, Burgess N. (2008)ÌýEnvironmental novelty isÌýsignaledÌýby reduction of the hippocampal theta frequency.ÌýHippocampusÌý(2008) 18 340-348. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  21. Barry C., Hayman R., Burgess N., Jeffery K. (2007)ÌýExperience-dependent rescaling of entorhinal grids.ÌýNature NeuroscienceÌý10 682-684. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  22. Wills T.J., Lever C., Cacucci F., Burgess N., O'Keefe J. (2005)ÌýAttractor dynamics in the hippocampal representation of the local environment.ÌýScienceÌý308 873-876. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  23. Cacucci F., Lever C., Wills T., Burgess N., O’Keefe J. (2004)ÌýTheta-modulated place-by-direction cells in the hippocampal formation in the rat.ÌýJ. NeuroscienceÌý24 8265-8277. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  24. HuxterÌýJ., Burgess N., O’Keefe J. (2003)ÌýIndependent rate and temporal coding in hippocampal pyramidal cells.ÌýNatureÌý425 9828-832. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf. ClickÌýhereÌýto get pdf of supplementary info.
  25. Lever C., Wills T., Cacucci F., Burgess N., O’Keefe J. (2002)ÌýLong-term plasticity in the hippocampal place cell representation of environmental geometry,ÌýNatureÌý416 90-94. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  26. KJ Jeffery, JG Donnett, N Burgess, J O'Keefe (1997)ÌýDirectional control of hippocampal place fields Exp. Brain Res.Ìý117 131-142.
  27. J O'Keefe, N BurgessÌý(1996)ÌýGeometric determinants of the place fields of hippocampal neurones NatureÌý381 425-428. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.

Functional neuroimaging

  1. Joensen BH*, Bush D*, Vivekananda U, Horner AJ, Bisby JA, Diehl B, Miserocchi A, McEvoy AW, Walker MC, Burgess N (2023) Hippocampal theta activity during encoding promotes subsequent associative memory in humans. Cerebral Cortex,Ìý
  2. Convertino L*, Bush D*, Zheng F, Adams RA, Burgess N (2022) Reduced grid-like theta modulation in schizophrenia. Brain, doi.org/10.1093/brain/awac416.Ìý
  3. Suarez-Jimenez B, Balderston NL, Bisby JA, Leshin J, Hsiung A, King JA, Pine DS, Burgess N, Grillon C, Ernst M (2021) Location-dependent threat and associated neural abnormalities in clinical anxiety. Commun. Biol. 4, 1263.Ìý
  4. Adams RA, Bush D, Zheng F, Meyer SS, Kaplan R, Orfanos S, Marques TR, Howes OD, Burgess N (2020) Impaired theta phase coupling underlies frontotemporal dysconnectivity in schizophrenia. Brain 143: 1261–1277.
  5. Kornysheva K, Bush D, Meyer S, Sadnicka A, Barnes G, Burgess N (2019) Neural competitive queuing of ordinal structure underlies skilled sequential action. NeuronÌý101:1166–1180. Click here for pdf
  6. Grande X, Berron D, Horner AJ, Bisby JA, Duzel E, Burgess N (2019). Holistic Recollection via Pattern Completion Involves Hippocampal Subfield CA3. J Neurosci 39: 8100-11. Click here for pdf
  7. Suarez-Jimenez B, Bisby JA, Horner AJ, King JA, Pine DS, Burgess N (2018) Linked networks for learning and expressing location-specific threat. P.N.A.S. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1714691115. Click here for pdf.
  8. Kaplan R, Bush D, Bisby JA, Horner AJ, Meyer SS, Burgess NÌý (2017)ÌýMedial prefrontal- medial temporal theta phase coupling in dynamic spatial imagery.ÌýJ CogÌýNeurosciÌý29: 507–519 doi:10.1162/jocn_a_01064.
  9. Bisby JA, Horner AJ, Horlyck LD, Burgess N (2016)ÌýOpposing effects of negative emotion onÌýamygdalarÌýand hippocampal memory for items and associations.ÌýSocial, Cognitive & Affective NeuroscienceÌý11: 981-990.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  10. Lin WJ, Horner AJ, Burgess N (2016)ÌýVentromedial prefrontal cortex: adding value to autobiographical memories. Scientific ReportsÌý6: 28630.ÌýÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  11. Steemers B, Vincente-Grabovetsky, Barry C, Smulders P, Navarro Schroder T, Burgess N,ÌýDoellerÌýCF (2016) Hippocampal attractor dynamics predict memory-based decision making.ÌýCurr BiolÌý26: 1–8.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  12. Horner AJ, Bisby JA, Zotow E, Bush D, Burgess N (2016)ÌýGrid-like processing of imagined navigation.ÌýCurr BiolÌý26: 842-7.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  13. Horner AJ, Bisby JA, Bush D, Lin WJ, Burgess N (2015)ÌýEvidence for holistic episodic recollection via hippocampal pattern completion.ÌýNatureÌýComms, 6:7462.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  14. Bird CM,ÌýKeidelÌýJL,ÌýIngÌýLP, Horner AJ, Burgess N (2015)ÌýConsolidation of Complex Events via Reinstatement in Posterior Cingulate Cortex.ÌýJÌýNeurosciÌý35: 14426-34.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  15. Lin WJ, Horner AJ, Bisby JA, Burgess N (2015)ÌýMedial prefrontal cortex: adding value to imagined scenarios.ÌýJ. Cog.ÌýNeurosci.,Ìýdoi:10.1162/jocn_a_00836.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  16. Kaplan R, Horner A,ÌýBandetti,ÌýDoellerÌýCF, Burgess N (2014)ÌýHuman hippocampal processing of environmental novelty during spatial navigation.ÌýHippocampus, 24: 740-750. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  17. DhindsaÌýK,ÌýDrobininÌýV, King J, Hall GB, Burgess N, Becker, S. (2014)ÌýExamining the role of theÌýtemporo-parietal network in memory, imagery, and viewpoint transformations.ÌýFrontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8: 709.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  18. Harrison NA,ÌýDoellerÌýCF,ÌýVoonÌýV, Burgess N, Critchley CD (2014)ÌýPeripheral inflammation acutely impairs human spatial memory via actions on medial temporal lobe glucose metabolism.ÌýBiological Psychiatry, 76: 585-593.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  19. Kaplan R, Bush D,ÌýBonnefondÌýM,ÌýBandettiniÌýPA. Barnes GR,ÌýDoellerÌýCF, Burgess N (2014)ÌýMedial prefrontal theta phase coupling during spatial memory retrieval.ÌýHippocampus, 24: 656-665. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  20. Kaplan R,ÌýDoellerÌýCF, Barnes GR, Litvak V, Duzel E,ÌýBandettiniÌýPA, Burgess N. (2012)ÌýMovement-related theta rhythm in humans: Coordinating self-directed hippocampal learning. PLoS BiolÌý10(2): e1001267. ClickÌýhere for pdf.
  21. Viard A,ÌýDoellerÌýCF, Hartley T, Bird CM, Burgess N (2011)ÌýAnterior hippocampus and goal-directed spatial decision making. J.ÌýNeurosci. 31: 4613-21.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  22. LambreyÌýS,ÌýDoellerÌýCD,ÌýBerthozÌýA, Burgess N (2011).ÌýImagining being somewhere else: neural basis of changing perspective in space. Cerebral Cortex, 22: 166-174.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  23. DoellerÌýCF, Barry C, Burgess, N (2010)ÌýEvidence for grid cells in a human memory network. NatureÌý463 657- 661. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  24. IglóiÌýK,ÌýDoellerÌýCF, Berthoz A, Rondi-Reig L, Burgess N (2010)ÌýLateralized Human Hippocampal Activity Predicts Navigation Based on Sequence or Place Memories.ÌýP.N.A.S.Ìý107: 14466-71.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  25. Bird CM, Capponi C, King JA, Doeller CF, Burgess N (2010)ÌýEstablishingÌýthe boundaries: the hippocampal contribution to imagining scenes. JÌýNeurosci.Ìý30:11688-95.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  26. Trinkler I, King JA, Doeller CF, Rugg MD, Burgess N (2009)ÌýNeural bases of autobiographical support for episodic recollection of faces.ÌýHippocampus.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  27. Doeller C, King JA, Burgess N (2008)ÌýParallel and independent processing of environmental boundaries and landmarks in hippocampus and striatum.ÌýP.N.A.S,Ìý105 5915-5920. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  28. WallentinÌýM,ÌýRoepstorffÌýA, Glover R, Burgess N ÌýParallel memory systems for talking about location and age inÌýprecuneus, caudate andÌýBroca’s region.NeuroImage,Ìý(2006). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  29. King JA, Blair JR, Mitchell DGV, Dolan RJ, Burgess NÌýDoing the right thing: a common neural circuit for appropriate violent or compassionateÌýbehavior.ÌýNeuroImage,Ìý30 1069-1076 (2006). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  30. King JA, Hartley T, Spiers HJ, Maguire EA, Burgess NÌýAnterior prefrontal involvement in episodic retrieval reflects contextual interference.ÌýNeuroImage,Ìý28 256-267 (2005). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  31. Hartley T, Maguire E.A., Spiers H.J.,ÌýBurgessÌýNÌýThe well-worn route and the path lessÌýtraveled: distinct neural bases of route following and wayfinding in humans.ÌýNeuron,Ìý37 877-888 (2003). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  32. Burgess N., Maguire E.A., Spiers H.J., O'Keefe J. ÌýÌýAÌýtemporoparietalÌýand prefrontal network for retrieving the spatial context of lifelike eventsÌýNeuroImageÌý14 439-453 (2001). ClickÌýhereÌýforÌý pdf.
  33. D.S. Pine, J.ÌýGrun, E.A. Maguire, N. Burgess, E.ÌýZarahn, V.ÌýKoda, A.ÌýFyer, P.R.ÌýSzeszko, R.M.ÌýBilderi, ÌýÌýA Neurodevelopmental Aspects of Spatial Navigation: A Virtual Reality fMRI StudyÌýNeuroImageÌý15 396-406 (2002). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  34. D.S. Pine, A.ÌýFyer, J.ÌýGrun, E.A. Phelps, P.R.ÌýSzeszko, V.ÌýKoda, W. Li, B.ÌýArdekani, E.A. Maguire, N. Burgess, R.M.ÌýBilder Methods for Developmental Studies of Fear ConditioningÌýCircuitryBiol. PsychiatryÌý50 225-8 (2001). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  35. RNA Henson, N Burgess, CD Frith Recoding, storage, rehearsal and grouping in verbal short-term memory: an fMRI studyÌýNeuropsychologiaÌý38 426-440 (1999).
  36. EA Maguire, N Burgess, JG Donnett, CD Frith, RÌýFrackowiak, J O'KeefeÌýÌýKnowing where and getting there: a human navigation network ScienceÌý280 921-924 (1998). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf file.
  37. EA Maguire, N Burgess, JG Donnett, J O'Keefe, CD Frith KnowingÌýwhere things are:ÌýParahippocampalÌýinvolvement in encoding object locations in virtual large-scale space J. Cog.ÌýNeurosci.Ìý10 61-67 (1998).

Neuropsychology & Psychology of Spatial and Episodic Memory

  1. Castegnaro* A, Ji* Z, Rudzka K, Chan D, Burgess N (2023) Overestimation in angular path integration precedes Alzheimer’s dementia. Curr Biol 33: 4650-61. .
  2. Castegnaro A, Howett D, Li A, Harding E, Chan D, Burgess N, King JA (2022) Assessing mild cognitive impairment using object-location memory in immersive virtual environments. Hippocampus 32: 660-78. .
  3. Zotow E, Bisby JA, Burgess N (2020) Behavioral evidence for pattern separation in human episodic memory. Learning & Memory 27: 301-309.ÌýClick here for pdf.
  4. Ikhsan SNBM, Bisby JA, Bush D, Steins DS, Burgess N (2020) Inference within episodic memory reflects pattern completion. Quart. J. Exp. Psychology.Ìý73: 2047–70.Ìý Click here for pdf
  5. Horlyck LD,ÌýBisby JA, King JA, Burgess N. (2019).ÌýWakeful rest compared to vigilanceÌýreduces intrusive but not deliberateÌýmemory for traumatic videos ÌýScientific Reports 9:13403.Ìý.
  6. Howett D, Castegnaro A, Krzywicka K, Hagman J, Marchment D, Henson RNA, Rio M, King JA,ÌýBurgess N, Chan D. (2019)ÌýDifferentiation of mild cognitive impairment using an entorhinal cortex-based test of virtual reality navigation. BrainÌý142:1751–66ÌýÌý
  7. Vikbladh O, Meager MR, King JA, Blackmon KE, Devinsky O, Shohamy D, Burgess N, Daw NDÌý(2019) Hippocampal contributions to model-based planning and spatial memory. NeuronÌý102: 683-93.ÌýÌý.Ìý
  8. Bisby JA, Horner AJ, Bush D, Burgess N (2017) Negative emotional content disrupts the coherence of episodic memories. J Exp Psychol: Gen, 147 243-256. doi: 10.1037/xge0000356.Ìý
  9. Chan D, Gallaher LM, Moodley K, Minati L, Burgess N, Hartley T. (2016)ÌýThe 4 Mountains Test: A short test of spatial memory with high sensitivity for the diagnosis of pre-dementia Alzheimer's disease.ÌýJ. Vis. Exp. (116), e54454. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  10. Horner AJ, Bisby JA, Wang A, Bogus K, Burgess N (2016) The role of spatial boundaries in shaping long-term event representations.ÌýCognitionÌý154: 151-164. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  11. Petrini K,ÌýCaradonnaÌýA, Foster C, Burgess N,ÌýNardiniÌýM (2016)ÌýHowÌývision and self-motion combine or compete during path reproduction changes with age.ÌýScientific Reports, 6: 29163. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  12. Smith KV, Burgess N, Brewin CR, King JA (2015)ÌýImpairedÌýallocentricÌýspatial processing in posttraumatic stress disorder.ÌýNeurobiolÌýof Learning and Memory. 119, 69-76. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  13. Bisby JA, King JA,ÌýSulpizioÌýV,ÌýDegeilhÌýF, Curran HV, Burgess N (2015) Extinction learning is slower, weaker and less context specific after alcohol.ÌýNeurobiol. Learn. & Mem. 125: 55-62. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  14. Horner AJ, Burgess N (2014)ÌýPattern completion in multi-element event engrams.ÌýCurr. Biol.Ìý24: 988-992.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  15. Bisby JA, Burgess N (2014)ÌýNegative affect impairs associative memory but not item memory.ÌýLearning and MemoryÌý21:760-766. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  16. Horner AJ,ÌýBurgess N (2013)ÌýTheÌýassociative structure of memory for multi-element events. J. Exp. Psychol.: General,Ìý142: 1370-83.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  17. Tcheang L, Bülthoff H, Burgess N (2011)ÌýVisual Influence on Path Integration in Darkness Indicates a Multimodal Representation of Large-Scale Space.ÌýP.N.A.S. 108: 1152-1157.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  18. Bird CM, Davies RA, Ward J, Burgess N (2011)ÌýEffects of pre-experimental knowledge on recognition memory. Learning and Memory, 18: 11-14.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  19. Bird CM, Chan D, Hartley T,ÌýPijnenburgÌýYA,ÌýRossorÌýMN, Burgess N (2010).ÌýTopographical short-term memory differentiatesÌýAlzheimersÌýdisease from frontotemporal lobar degeneration.ÌýHippocampusÌý20: 1154-69.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  20. Bisby JA, King JA, Brewin CR, Burgess N, Curran HV (2010).ÌýAcute effects of alcohol on intrusive memory development and viewpoint dependence in spatial memory support a dual representation model.ÌýBiological PsychiatryÌý68 280-6.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  21. Bird CM, Burgess N (2008)ÌýContextual support for familiar items may explain the hippocampal-dependence of recognition memory for words but not faces.ÌýCurrent BiologyÌý18 1932-6. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  22. PengasÌýG, Patterson K, Arnold RJ, Bird C, Burgess N, Nestor PJ (2010)ÌýLost and found: bespoke memory testing for Alzheimer's disease and semantic dementia.ÌýJ. Alzheimer’s DiseaseÌý21: 1347–1365. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  23. Doeller C, Burgess N (2008)ÌýDistinctÌýerror-correcting and incidental learning of location relative to landmarks and boundaries.ÌýP.N.A.S.Ìý105 5909-5914.Ìý.
  24. Nardini M, Atkinson J, Braddick O, Burgess N (2008)ÌýDevelopmental trajectories for spatial frames of reference in Williams syndrome.ÌýDevelopmental ScienceÌý11, 583-95.
  25. Hartley T, Bird CM, Chan D, Cipolotti L, Husain M,ÌýVarghe-KhademÌýF, Burgess N (2007)ÌýTheÌýhippocampus is required for short-term topographical memory in humans.ÌýHippocampus 17 34-48.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  26. Burgess N., Trinkler T., Kennedy, A., Cipolotti, L.(2006)ÌýImpairedÌýallocentricÌýspatial memory underlying topographical disorientationÌýRevÌýNeurosciÌý17 239-251. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  27. Nardini M, Burgess N, Breckenridge K, Atkinson J (2006)ÌýDifferential developmental trajectories for egocentric, environmental and intrinsic frames of reference in spatial memoryCognition,Ìý101 153-172. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  28. Burgess N., Spiers H.J.,ÌýPaleologouÌýE. (2004)ÌýOrientationalÌýmanoeuvres in the dark: dissociatingÌýallocentricÌýand egocentric influences in spatial memory.ÌýCognition,Ìý94 149-166. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  29. Hartley T., Trinkler I., Burgess N. (2004)ÌýGeometric determinants of human spatial memory.ÌýCognition,Ìý94 39-75.Ìý.
  30. King JA, Trinkler I, Hartley T, Vargha-Khadem F, Burgess N (2004)ÌýTheÌýhippocampal role in spatial memory and the familiarity-recollection distinction: a single case study. Neuropsychology18 405-417. ClickÌýhereÌýto get pdf pre-print.
  31. Henson R.N.A., Hartley T., Burgess N., Hitch G.J.,ÌýFludeÌýB. (2003)ÌýSelective interference with verbal short-term memory for serial order information: a new paradigm and tests of a timing signal hypothesis. Quart. J. Exp. PsychologyÌý56 1307-34. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  32. King J.A., Burgess N., Hartley T., Vargha-Khadem F., O'Keefe J.ÌýThe Human Hippocampus and Viewpoint Dependence in Spatial Memory. HippocampusÌý(2002) 12 811-820. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  33. Spiers H.J, Burgess N., Maguire E.A., Vargha-Khadem F., O'Keefe J.ÌýBilateral Hippocampal Pathology Impairs Topographical and Episodic Memory but not Visual Pattern Matching.ÌýHippocampusÌý(2001) 11 715-725. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  34. Spiers H.J., Burgess N., Maguire E.A., Baxendale S.A., Hartley T., Thompson P., O'Keefe J.ÌýUnilateral Temporal Lobectomy Patients show Lateralised Topographical and Episodic Memory Deficits in a Virtual Town. BrainÌý(2001) 124 2479-2489. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.

Short-term memory for serial order

  1. Hitch GJ,ÌýFludeÌýB,ÌýBurgessÌýN (2009)ÌýSlave to the rhythm: experimental tests of a model for verbal short-term memory and long-term sequence learning. J Memory & LanguageÌý61 97-111. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf
  2. N Burgess, GJ Hitch (2006)ÌýA revised model of short-term memory and long-term learning of verbal sequences.ÌýJ. Memory and LanguageÌý55 627-652.ÌýClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf
  3. Henson R.N.A., Hartley T., Burgess N., Hitch G.J.,ÌýFludeÌýB. (2003)ÌýSelective interference with verbal short-term memory for serial order information: a new paradigm and tests of a timing signal hypothesis. Quart. J. Exp. PsychologyÌý56 1307-34.
  4. N Burgess, GJ Hitch (1999)ÌýMemory for Serial Order: A Network Model of the Phonological Loop and its Timing Psychological Review,Ìý106 551-581. ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf, , orÌýhere
  5. RNA Henson, N Burgess RepresentationsÌýof serial orderÌýin:Ìý4th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop, London 9-11 April 1997: Connectionist Representations Eds: J. A.ÌýBullinaria, D. W.ÌýGlasspoolÌýG. Houghton, 283-300. Springer (1997).
  6. N BurgessÌýÌýA Solvable Connectionist Model of Immediate Recall of Ordered ListsÌýin:ÌýAdvances in Neural Information Processing SystemsÌý7ÌýEds:ÌýTesauroÌýG,ÌýTouretzkyÌýDÌýLeenÌýT K, 51-58 51-58, MIT Press, Cambridge MA (1995). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  7. N Burgess, GJ Hitch AÌýConnectionist Model of STM for Serial OrderÌýin:ÌýModels of Short-Term MemoryÌýEd:ÌýGathercoleÌýS E, 51-72, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, U.K (1996).
  8. GJ Hitch, N Burgess, J Towse, VÌýCulpin TemporalÌýgrouping effects and working memory: the role of the phonological loop Quart. J. Exp. Psychol.Ìý49A 116-139 (1996). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  9. N Burgess, GJ Hitch TowardÌýa Network Model of the Articulatory Loop J. Mem. & Lang.Ìý31 429-460 (1992). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.
  10. N Burgess, JL Shapiro, MA Moore ListÌýLearning in Neural Networks NetworkÌý2 399-422 (1991). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.

Constructive algorithms

  1. N BurgessÌýA Constructive Algorithm that Converges for Real-Valued Input Patterns Int. J. Neural SystemsÌý5 59-66 (1994). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf
  2. S DiÌýZenzo, N Burgess, PÌýFerragina, MÌýNotturno-Granieri Recognition by Constructive Neural Algorithms,ÌýPatternÌýRecog. Letts.Ìý14 997-1007 (1993)
  3. N Burgess, MÌýNotturno-Granieri, SÌýPatarnello 3-D Object Classification: Application of a Constructive Algorithm,ÌýInt. J. Neural SystemsÌý2 275-282 (1992).


  1. N BurgessÌýThe effect of mirror-reflection on chirality and handedness can be explained without social psychology.ÌýPsycoloquyÌý12(031) (2001)Ìý
  2. N Burgess, MA MooreÌýCost Distributions in Large Combinatorial Optimisation Problems J. Phys. AÌý22 4599-4610 (1989). ClickÌýhereÌýfor pdf.

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