

Institute of Communications and Connected Systems


ICCS online seminar series

Curated to provide academic exploration and inspiration, our series of online seminars offer insights into a range of topics surrounding communications and connected systems.

As a response to the measures introduced to combat the spread of CVOID-19 the ICCS Seminar Series was designed to bring together members of our community who are currently away from our home in Bloomsbury and distributed across the world.

The Seminars explore subjects close to the work of our academics or introduce wider concepts from experts in the global academic and industrial community.

This page offers a catalogue of seminars, the majority of seminars have been recorded for internal dissemination and ICCS members can access these recordings via the ICCS members area.

Access video archive (members only)

Upcoming seminars

Upcoming seminars will appear in the ICCS events calendar.

Previous seminars

Futuristic image of someone pushing a phone application that seems to be hovering in the air

Internet for all - what a journey, what a destination, and still some way to go

Dr Mike Short, Chief Scientific Adviser in the UK Government will provide this final seminar of the 2020/21 academic year. A 30 year veteran of the Telecommunications industry Mike will explore the journey the sector has come along, and the challenges that still remain.

July 2021

Image of semiconductors

Making Glass Think

Tony Kenyon Professor of Nanoelectronic & Nanophotonic Materials will discuss how a material more commonly thought of as an inert electrical insulator, silicon dioxide, can be the basis for new low power brain-inspired - neuromorphic - computing technologies.

June 2021

Image of an electronic chip with text

5G – Looking Beyond the Smartphone

Cyril Valadon, Technical Director at the Wireless Communication Chip Set developer MediaTek, will provide this seminar exploring some of the technical challenges and opportunities for new 5G use cases, from AR/VR and Cloud gaming, V2X to Non-Terrestrial Network and industrial IoT

June 2021

A computer graphic of a cloud sits above a city with many lines from the city attaching to cloud and leading to graphics of computers, robots, brains and other logos representing many applications

Cloud as the Engine of a successful business and digital transformation

Cloud has become a must-have service, offering agility, scalability, savings and innovations. Etienne Bonhomme, General Manager France of Orange Cloud for Business, will present cloud computing technologies and how they have become an essential lever for the development and transformation of companies.

May 2021

Telephone base station surrounded by superimposed lines and nodes resembling a network.

Challenges in high data rate wireless communication at millimeter waves

Professor of High Speed Electronics at Chalmers University, Herbert Zirath, will provide this seminar exploring challenges in engineering high data rate wireless communication set to exploit frequencies above 100GHz.

May 2021

Image of Integrated circuit board chip

The Semiconductor Advancement and the Analog IC Design Dilemma

Dr Hesham Omran, assistant professor at Ain Shams University, Egypt, will discuss advances in approaches to IC circuit design including The Analog Designer’s Toolbox (ADT), an analog EDA tool that defines a new paradigm in analog IC design.

April 2021

Picutre of the Orbital slide in East London with an artists rendering of the UCL east campus behind, overlaid is a network of vectors and nodes.

Things that think a little – IoT at 911±¬ÁÏÍø East

Professor Duncan Wilson, will discuss the use of IoT in the Built environment, presenting work from the UCL's Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, IoT work underway at 911±¬ÁÏÍø EAST, and lessons learned from 20 years of implementing IoT in the built environment.

March 2021

Boxes connected by networked vectors and nodes

Filecoin: A Decentralised Data Storage and Delivery Market

With the vast majority of internet services operating under a centralised model Ioannis Psaras, Research Scientist at Protocol Labs, will discuss the emergence of the first decentralised storage network, the technologies underpinning the network and explore the value propositions created by such a network.

March 2021

image of microelectronic circuit

Design and Heterogeneous Integration of Microelectronic Systems

Tolga Tekin, group manager of Photonics and Plasmonics Systems at Fraunhofer IZM will explore key concepts of design and integration of microelectronic systems when considering next-generation computing, data centres, and other massive communication applications.

February 2021

Image of weighing scales created in 0s and 1s to resemble digital information

Algorithmic Governance: AI, agency & ethics in strategic decision-making

Zeynep Engin, Founder & Director of Data For Policy and Senior Researcher in UCL Computer Science will introduce the emerging field of Algorithmic Governance.

February 2021

Image of manual Telephone switching board

Telephony - from circuit to packet switching

Andy Valdar, visiting Professor at 911±¬ÁÏÍøill leverage his vast and varied experience within the telecommunications industry to consider and reflect on technology development through many generations of circuit switching and then look to how past technology deployment can inform current and future transitions.

January 2021

picture of Brain with neuron hilighted

Memristors - from memory to the future of brain-inspired computing

Adnan Mehonic, Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow and member of the Institute of Communications and Connected Systems will present case studies and showcase the potential of memristors for future technologies. 

December 2020

Image of Bank rendered digitally appearing out of a computer with many graphs etc.

FPGA technology and its application within Finance

Dr Marcus Perrett, financial technology expert, will explore the application of Field Programmable Gate Arrays within high-frequency trading environments and discuss the drivers for advancements in latency along with execution speeds in trading algorithms.

November 2020

5G text, with icons of robots, analytics and medicare

Beyond the 5G Launch: The Future of Personal Communications & Digital Infrastructure

Professor Tim Whitley, Managing Director of Applied Research at BT, will explore the service and infrastructure requirements in the context of use-cases as we look to the future of communication technologies beyond 5G.

November 2020

Image of Radar display - ICCS Online Seminar -

An exploration of Passive Radar

Professor Hugh Griffiths is the first speaker of our second season of ICCS online seminars, in this seminar, he will introduce us to the developments and implementation of passive radar.

September 2020

Images of many video stills hovering around a vector and node representation of a network

Towards more efficient video compression and enhancement with machine learning

Lead R&D Engineer at the BBC, Marta Mrak showcases work being undertaken to exploit Machine Learning for the compression and enhancement of video, exploring the importance of breaking such systems out of the 'black-box'.

July 2020

Image of probes/products from CreoMedical

Electronics Meets Surgery, Focused Microwave and RF Energy for medical applications

Professor Chris Hancock will introduce the use of Focused Microwave and RF Energy for surgical procedures. Chris is Founder and Cheif Technology officer of CreoMedical, a company that has successfully transformed Chris's ideas into successful medical products for the treatment of tumors.

July 2020

Image of bright waves resembling plasmonic waves on a surface

Plasmonics for nanophotonics

In this seminar Professor Anatoly Zayats will discuss the application of plasmonics to nanophotonic devices, emphasizing work towards realising functionalities such as all-optical and electro-optical modulation, nanoscale light sources, as well as polarisation and dispersion management.

July 2020

A vector like futuristic sketch of city architecture with network nodes/lines at the base

Extracting 3D maps of cities from blockage and attenuation of Positioning signals

In this seminar UKRI Future Leaders Fellow Professor Ana Basiri, of UCL's Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, will talk about the use of GPS and wireless signal blackspots to create 3D map of cities.

June 2020

Business person holding lightbulb with wifi symbol radiating from it

Recent Advancements in Optical Wireless Communications

In this seminar Professor Harald Haas one of the key figures in Optical Wireless Communications, often referred to as LiFi, will present recent advancements in the field.

June 2020

Spectrum superimposed of the characters 'T''H''z'

Photonic THz technologies and their application to wireless communication

Professor Cyril Renaud will discusses how THz technologies are developing as an interesting solution to the increasing demand for data on wireless channels.

May 2020

Microsoft Office

Doing hardware research in a software company

Dr Benn Thomsen talks about his experience undertaking hardware research at Microsoft, a company better known for software.

May 2020

Person holding head in pain under a radio antenna

To 5G or not to 5G, Fact and Fiction

Dr Myles Capstick explores the facts and fiction surrounding the impact wireless communication and exposure to Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMF) can have on our health.

April 2020