

Institute of Communications and Connected Systems



Directors - AcademicsÌý- research FellowsÌý- Research students - Professional services

Profile picture of Izzat Darwazeh
ICCS Director, Professor of Communications Engineering

Wireless communications | Visible Light Communications | Signal processing | Circuit design | Machine learning

Prof Polina Bayvel

Profile picture of Polina Bayvel
ICCS Co-director, Professor of Optical Communications and Networks

Optical Communications | Nonlinear fibre-optics | Intelligent Optical Networks | Optical Architectures | High-capacity optical transition


Alejandra Beghelli's Profile Picture
Lecturer in Optical Communications & Networks

Resource allocation algorithms | Optical networks | reinforcement learning



Dr Francesca Boem's Profile Picture
Lecturer in Control Systems

Control Engineering | Cyber-physical systems | Detection methods for Safety and Security | Networked and interconnected systems | Optimisation and Machine learning

Prof PÌýBrennan

Awaiting details

Dr Kevin Chetty

Kevin Chetty's Profile Picture
Associate ProfessorÌý
Department of Security
& Crime Science

WiFi Passive Radar | Joint Communincation and Sensing | Micro-Doppler based human activity recognition

Kari Clark Profile Picture
Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow

OpticalÌýfibre communication | sub-nanosecond clock and data recovery | clock phase caching | sub-nanosecond data centre optical switching | hollow core fibre synchronised optical networks



Dr Stuart Clayman

Profile picture of Stuart Clayman
Principal Research Associate

Software engineering | programming paradigms | distributed systems | virtualised compute and network systems | network and systems management | sensor systems and smart city platforms

Prof A Demosthenous

Awaiting details

Dr Filipe Marques Ferreira

Dr Filipe Marques Ferreira Profile Picture
Senior Research Fellow

High-capacity optical fibre transmission | Spatially multiplexed systems | Digital nonlinear compensation



Prof Alex Galis

Profile picture of Alex Galis
Professorial Research Associate

Software-defined infrastructures and services | 5G networking and servicingÌý| Network and Cloud programmability and management




Dr Sara Ghoreishizadeh

Dr Sara Ghoreishi profile picture 180 x 180
Lecturer in Bioelectronics

Medical electronics | Analogue integrated circuit | Wearable biosensors




Dr David Griffin

Profile picture of David Griffin
Principal Research Associate

Edge computing | Internet architecture | Routing | Software-defined networks


Prof Hugh Griffiths

Profile picture of Hugh Griffiths
Professor of Radio Frequency Sensor Systems

Radar systems | Signal processing | Antenna measurements techniques

Profile picture of Robert Killey
Professor of Optical Communications

Optical fibre transmission | Optical networks | Optical transceivers | Optical nonlinearity | Digital signal processing

Dr Zhixin Liu

Profile picture of Zhixin Liu
Associate Professor of Optical Signal Processing

Photonic Subsystems | Optical Communications | Fibre OpticsÌý

Dr Anna Maria MandalariÌý

Anna Maria Mandalari 180x180
Lecturer in Communications & NetworkingÌý

IoT | Security | Privacy | Networking | Internet Protocols

Prof Christos Masouros

Profile picture of Christos Masouros
Professor ofÌýSignal Processing and Wireless Communications

Green Communications | Large Scale Antenna Systems | Cognitive Radio | interference mitigation techniques

Profile picture of Adnan Mehonic
Lecturer in Nanoelectronics and Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow

Power-efficient ML hardware | memristive technology | neuromorphic engineering

Prof John Mitchell

Profile picture of John Mitchell
Professor of Communication Systems Engineering

Radio-over-Fibre | Optical Access | IoT

Profile picture of Ioannis Papakonstantinou
Professor of Optical Devices and Systems
Visible Light Communications | LiFi

Prof George Pavlou

Profile picture of George Pavlou
Professor of Communication Networks

Network resource management | Network programmability | Content-based networking

Profile picture of Ioannis Psaras
Lecturer - Networks, EPSRC Research Fellow

Future internet | Edge/Fog computing | Mobile computing | IoT | Network layer algorithms

Profile picture of Cyril Renaud
Professor ofÌýphotonics

5G | photonics | Wireless | Terahertz

Prof Miguel Rio

Miguel Rio 180 x 180
Professor of Computer Networks

Network routing | Quality of service | Edge networking | Network optimization

Dr Matthew Ritchie

Dr Matthew Ritchie profile picture

Radar | RF Sensing | Cognition

Niall Roche

Profile picture of Nial Roche
CTO in Residence, Senior Teaching Fellow

5G | IoT | Blockchain | Machine Learning | Entrepreneurship

Prof Miguel Rodrigues

Profile picture of Miguel Rodrigues
Professor of Theory and Information Processing

Information processing | Information theory | Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence

Prof Alwyn Seeds

Alwyn Seeds Profile Picture
Professor of Opto-electronics


Dr David Selviah

Profile picture of David Selviah
Reader in Optical Devices, Interconnects, Algorithms and Systems

3D pattern recognition | 3D image processing | cloud computing | Silicon Lasers | Silicon Photonics | Waveguides | Optical Fibre Connectors and Interfaces | Artificial Intelligence

Profile picture of Laura Toni
Associate ProfessorÌý-ÌýMultimedia Systems

Virtual reality | Interactive multimedia systems | Online adaptive decision making strategies | IoT | Reinforcement learning

ProfÌýLuis CarlosÌýVieira

Luis Carlos Vieira Profile Picture
Visiting Academic

5G Network | Optical Fibre Links | Advanced Modulation Formats

Prof Kit Wong

Profile picture of Kit Wong
Professor of Wireless Communications

Cognitive radio networks| Full duplex communication | mm-wave communication | Physical-layer security | Massive MIMOMachine learning

Profile Picture of Georgios Zervas
Associate Professor of optical networked systems, EPSRC Fellow

Optical Networks | Data Centres & High-PerformanceÌýComputing | Reconfigurable Computing | Evolvable HardwareÌý







Profile picture of Alhabib Abbas
Research Fellow

Machine Learning | Media Processing | Low-Complexity Neural Net Design


Dr Gholamali Aminian Profile Picture
Research Associate

Machine Learning | Information Theory | Communication Systems | Molecular Communications



Dr Amin Amiri's Profile Picture
Research Fellow

RF and Microwave Circuits and Systems Ìý| Antenna Design and Fabrication Ìý| Radars | RF PCBs Ìý| 3D EM Modelling



Profile image place holder
Research Associate

Future Internet | Edge/Fog computing | IoT | Distributed Systems

Dr Mohammad Ashraful Anam

Profile picture of Mohammad Ashraful Anam
Research Associate

Error-tolerant computing | High-performance computing | Cloud computing | Error detection & correction | Approximate computing

DrÌýHedaia Ghannam

Profile picture of Hedaia Ghannam
Visiting Researcher

Modulation | physical layer | channel coding | non-orthogonal | SEFDM



Dr Alan Guedes

Research Associate

Interactive multimedia |Ìýimmersive media | Adaptative streaming | TV systems.



DrÌýXiaoyan Hu

Research Fellow
Profile picture of Xiaoyan Hu

Deep Learning | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Type Communications


Dr Cerys Jones

Cerys Jones Profile Picture
Research Associate

Image processing | Spectral imaging | Machine learning

Profile image place holder
Visiting Postdoctoral Research Associate

Video Communication Systems | Wireless and Mobile Communications | Machine Learning

Dr Aryan KaushikÌý Ìý ÌýÌý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý

Aryan Kaushik Profile Picture
Research Fellow

Dual Communications and Radar Signal Processing | Signal Processing for Communications | Optimization and Compressed Sensing | Energy Efficient Wireless Communication Systems | Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO Communications


Dr Morteza Kheirkhah SabetghadamÌý

Dr Morteza Khierkhah Sabetghadam Profile Picture
Research Associate in Networked Systems

Datacenter networking | Mobile networking | Edge networking | Transport protocol | Congestion control



Dr Wenda Li

Wenda Li's Profile Picture
Research FellowÌý
Department of Security
& Crime Science

Wireless Sensing | Passive Radar | Joint Communincation and SensingÌý

DrÌýMu-Chieh Lo

Profile image place holder
Research Fellow

Optical communications | Semiconductor lasers | Photonic integrated circuitsÌý



Dr Dhecha Nopchinda

Profile image place holder
Research Fellow -ÌýLeverhulme Early Career Fellow

Wireless communications | Signal processing | Millimeter-wave measurement techniques and instrumentationÌý



Dr Temitope Odedeyi

Profile picture of Temitope Odedeyi
Research Fellow

Microwave circuits | mm-wave devices | THz circuit design and analysis


Profile Picture of Waseem Ozan
Visiting Researcher

802.11 | WiFi | 5G | Spectral efficiency | Advanced wireless communication systems

Andrea Piccione

Profile of Andrea Piccione
Research Fellow

Fusion Energy | Image analysis | Disruptive events



Dr Wei Pu

Wei Pu Profile Picture
Honorary Research Fellow

Deep Learning | Artificial IntelligenceÌý| Signal processing | Art investigation | Robust optimization



Dr Sergi Rene

Profile image place holder
Research Associate

ICN | Wireless | Edge Computing | D2D

Profile picture of Francesco Tusa
Research Associate

Distributed Systems | Cloud Computing | NFV | Network Management and Orchestration | Information Security | Virtualisation


Dr Nafiseh Vahabi

Dr Nafiseh Vahabi Profile Picture
EPSRC Research Fellow

Machine learning | Image Processing | Signal ProcessingÌý




Dr Shelly Vishwakarma

Shelly_Vishwakarma's Profile Picture
Research FellowÌý
Department of Security
& Crime Science

Radar | Sensing | Activity Recognition | Micro-Dopplers

Dr Tongyang Xu

Profile picture of Tongyan Xu
Research Associate

5G | IoT | data analytics | antenna design | real-time testbed design

Profile image place holder
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Next generation network |Ìýwireless cellular network |ÌýIoT | 64QAM, 256QAM

Research students

Profile image of Motasem Alsawadi
Student, PhD

Deep learningÌý | Machine learning | Wireless communications | Digital image processing

Jaweria Amjad

Jaweria Amjad Profile Picture
Student, PhD

Deep Learning | Inverse Problems | Machine Learning | Signal Processing


Profile image place holder
Student, PhD

Radar | RF Sensing | Novel Radar TechniquesÌý | Multi-Static Radar | Bistatic Radar

Zhiyuan Chu Profile Picture
Student, PhD

MetasurfaceÌý | Millimeter wave | System-on-Chip (SoC) | Surface wave



Callum Deakin Profile Picture
Student, PhD

Optical frequency combs | Optical signal processing | Data converters | Directly modulated lasers



Dilan Dhulashia's Profile Picture
Student, PhD

Radar | RF Sensing | Multi-Static Networks | Electronic WarfareÌý




Hubert Dzieciol's Profile Picture
Student, PhD

Digital signal processing | Optical fibre links | Advanced modulation formats



Martin Ferianc

Martin Ferianc Profile Picture
Student, PhD

Bayesian neural networks | Neural architecture search |Ìý Machine Learning | Information Theory | Uncertainty Quantification



Pedro Gomes

Pedro Gomes Profile Picture
Student, PhD

Graph Signal Processing | Point Cloud | Deep Learning



Emanuele Gruppi

Profile image place holder
Student, PhD

Edge Caching | Heterogeneous Networks | 5G

Profile image place holder
Student, PhD

Energy balance | Aerial base stationÌý | Energy Efficiency



Profile picture of Amany Kassem
Student, PhD

Visible Light communications | Optical receivers


Navin Keizer Profile Picture
Student, PhD

Edge Computing | Future Internet | Network Design



Profile image place holder
Student, PhD

6G | Automation | Control

Xinyue Liu

Xinyue Liu Profile Picture
Student, PhD

5G | Wireless Communications | Signal Processing

Zhaoyan Lyu

Profile Picture Zhaoyan Lyu
Student, PhD

Deep learning | Lightweight | Information theory

Sephora Madjiheurem

Profile picture of Sephora Madjiheurem
Student, PhD

Machine Learning | Reinforcement Learning | Large-Scale Networks | Signal Processing | Graph Theory

Hadumanro Randani Malau

Profile image place holder
Student, PhD

6G wireless communications | Programmable Metasurface | Artificial Intelligent


Abdullahi Mohammad

Profile picture of Abdullahi Mohammad
Student, PhD

Convolutional neural networks acceleration | Cloud computing

Xun Mu Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý

Profile image of Xun Mu
Student, PhD

Scalable and Intelligent Optical Network Systems | Designing and modelling of scalable space divisionÌý multiplexed technologies | Specialty SDM fibers and switches with Artificial Intelligence methodsÌý

Fiona Neufeldt

Fiona Neufeldt Profile Picture
Student, PhD

Optics | Neuroimaging | Two-photon microscopy | Remote focus microscopy


ICN | Edge Computing | Network Design

Afroditi Papadaki Profile Picture
Student, PhD

Computer Vision | Privacy | Multi-task Learning | Deep Learning

Profile image place holder
Student, PhD

Wireless communications | 5G | massive MIMO

Profile image place holder
Student, PhD

Deep Learning | Reinforcement Learning | Network Optimisation




Silvia profile pic 180x180
Student, PhD

Video Processing | wireless networks | virtual reality | machine learning | optimization

Zahra Sabetsarvestani

Profile image place holder
Student, PhD

Machine Learning | Statistical Signal Processing |
Low-rank Matrix Completion | Source Separation

Fangzhan Shi's Profile Picture
Student, PhD

Passive Passive Radar Sensing | Locatization and Navigation | Dectection and Recognition

Ronit Sohanpal

Profile image place holder
Student, PhD

Optical frequency combs | Optical signal processing | Data centre transceivers

Nanchi Su

Profile image place holder
Student, PhD

MIMO communication | MIMO radar | Physical layer security | RadCom Spectrum Sharing


Chong Tang

Chong Tang's Profile Picture
Student, PhD

Passive WiFi Radar Sensing System | Deep learning | Activity Recognition

Iman Valiulahi

Profile Picture Iman Valiulahi
Student, PhD

Energy Harvesting | Arial Base StationsÌý | Convex Optimization | Unmanned VehiclesÌý



Michael Woollard

Profile image place holder
Student, PhD

Automatic target recognition | Synthetic aperture radar | RF sensing


Fan YangÌý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý

Student PhD
Fan Yang Profile Picture

Reinforcement learning system design | Congestion control | High link utilizsationÌý


Jiaqian Yang

Profile image place holder
Student, PhD

Nonlinear Fibre Optics | Machine Learning | Ultrawide BandÌý


Kaige Yang

Kaige Yang Profile Picture
Student, PhD

Graph Signal ProcessingÌý| Recommendation System | Reinforcement Learning

Wenting Yi

Profile image place holder
Student, PhD

Coherent and direct detection optical transceivers | Digital signal processing algorithms | Machine learning

Hui Yuan

Profile image place holder
Student, PhD

DCN based on T/O band routing systems | Crosstalk variations in trench-assisted multi-core fiber | Optically disaggregated DCNs and SDM-WDM based DCNs

Chao Zhou

Chao Zhou Profile Picture
Student, PhD

Deep learning | Image processing | Inverse problem

Zichuan Zhou

Profile image place holder
Student, PhD

Optical Communications | Data Center Interconnection | Optical transceiver

Professional services

Profile picture of Robert Thompson
Acting Institute Manager