ࡱ> 465 !bjbjupup 42!"""""6666\6$ ""...""HHH.""H.HH:,8PlID 0RW#DW#8W#"8H"H_j....W# : Training Guide for Employees facing Redundancy What types of courses are considered for funding? Eligible individuals can gain funding for training courses across all industry sectors. However you must be able to demonstrate that the course you choose is suitable, based on your skills and experience and will give you a realistic chance of getting straight back into work as quickly as possible. You can request training for a new career direction or self employment but again must be able to demonstrate your suitability for this option. The National Careers Service / Jobcentre Plus will help you to source Skills Funding Agency funded provision to meet your training needs. How do I apply? Ring the National Careers Service on 0800 100 900 and request a face to face appointment to discuss your needs with a local career adviser. You should do this as soon as your employer informs you that you are at risk of redundancy and please ensure you explain to the operator that you are affected by redundancy. PLEASE NOTE THAT IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS FACTSHEET AT A JOBCENTRE PLUS SEMINAR, THIS SERVICE MAY BE AVAILABLE AS PART OF A REDUNDANCY PACKAGE OF SUPPORT DELIVERED IN YOUR WORKPLACE. The Discussion This is a career focused meeting with an advisor who will discuss your practical experience, current qualifications and career aspirations. They will draw up an Action Plan to help you to reach your goals. They can refer you to local service providers to help you draft or review your CV, fine tune your interview skills, digitalise your job search and access funded occupational training. If this training is not funded locally as standard, the adviser will assist you to apply for Rapid Response Support funding from Jobcentre Plus to cover the cost. Rapid Response Support (RRS) Funded Training RRS can only support short, job focused training which provides a nationally recognised qualification in your most recent / experienced occupation or if it is essential to start your own business. This excludes academic training and vocational training which requires a portfolio of evidence. The course must be designed to get you back into work quickly and should last no longer than 2 weeks full time to ensure that participation does not affect your benefits. Once you have received written notice of redundancy this training can commence before or after you finish work. However you must apply for RRS funding up to 13 weeks before or up to 13 weeks after your redundancy date. If you have a job offer in writing, pending a specific qualification or a self employment business case, this will increase your chance of securing funded training. Please prepare for the discussion The more information you bring with you, the better. Below are a few suggestions that will help you make best use of the time available with the advisor: Your official redundancy letter if you have received this Your up to date CV Certificates of qualifications, licences, apprenticeships including in-house training courses Details of any courses that will help you to get back into work Examples of jobs which you have applied for or seen advertised recently Details of job offer / business case that is conditional upon you completing this course How long will the process take? Some courses are readily available for immediate starts. However, there may be occasion when you need to decide between travelling a longer distance to start immediately or waiting a few weeks for a start closer to home. You will be informed about the progress of your application and we would ask you to inform us if you no longer require the training. If you decide to source and fund your own training, please be aware that these costs cannot be re-imbursed by The Skills Funding Agency or Jobcentre Plus under any circumstances. We are also unable to part-fund training courses.  $%./05I`bcӾ뾦}bG}.1h;"hUB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 4h;"h5{@5B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 4h;"h 5B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 4h;"hU5B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH hUOJQJ^JmH sH .hRh5{@56CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$mH sH (h 56CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$mH sH .h5{@h5{@56CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$mH sH (h/56CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$mH sH  /0bc jk(bu $ & Fa$gdpb$ 7$8$H$a$gdB@K$a$gd/>$a$gdpb$a$gdpbc 3 v    ! 2 ʹiiiiP71h;"h{B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h;"h=xB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h;"hjB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h;"h B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h;"h5{@B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h;"h~B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h;"hB@KB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h;"hoB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 2 : ; < L ʹ͛gL31h;"hgpB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 4h;"hgp5B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 4h;"hDy5B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h;"hoB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h;"hy4B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h;"h=xB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h;"hvB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h;"h~B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH   + 8 ? 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