


FRRAnt Events

Ordering, Constructing, Empowering: the Fragments of the Roman Republican Antiquarians Research activities Nov. 2020-June 2

Upcoming Events

International Conference, ‘Antiquarianism: Ancient and (Early) Modern’, Rome, 18-21 June 2024
Workshop on ‘Antiquarian Grammarians or Grammarian Antiquarians?’, with Alessandro Garcea, Javier Uría Varela, Ramon Gutiérrez and Costas Panayotakis), Paris, dates to be confirmed
Workshop on ‘Verse and Prose in dialogue: an Antiquarian Affair’, UCL, dates to be confirmed

FRRAnt International Conferences

‘The Hellenistic World of Roman Republican Antiquarianism’, UCL, 2-4 February 2023. Please see the pdf for
the conference programme below:PDF iconConference Programme, The Hellenistic World of Roman Republican Antiquarianism

FRRAnt Research Seminars, UCL

A. Zago (Pisa), Ordering, Constructing, Empowering the Latin Language: the survival of Republican sources in Latin Grammarian, 26th June 2023
I. Morelli (La Sapienza, Rome), Cassiodorus and his Manuscript Tradition, 25th Nov. 2022
Peter van Nuffelen (Ghent), Antiquarianism in Late Antiquity, 22nd Nov. 2022
Gillian Clark (Bristol), ‘“Varro admits…”: how Augustine cites Varro’, 16th March 2022
Irene Leonardis (Potsdam), ‘Reading Plato’s Laws to understand Varro’s Antiquarianism: Possible New Evidence for Reconstructing the De gente populi Romani’, 18th February 2022
Alessio Ameduri (Turin), ‘Tanta uarietas et historiarum confusio (Serv. ad Aen. 4,427). Varronian authorship about the encounter between Aeneas and Diomedes in Italy’, 24th January 2022
Christa Gray (Reading), ‘“I could not be without my library”: Jerome’s antiquarianism in context’’, 17th December 2021
Federica Lazzarini (Oxford/Naples), The etymology of the Roman antiquarians: theory and methods’, 23rd Nov. 2021
A. Pittá (FRRAnt), ‘Ex reconditis antiquitatum libris: not so certain Varronian quotations by the Early Church Fathers’, 22nd October 2021
Domenico Giordani (FRRAnt), ‘Gods of Doors’, research seminar, 9th October 2021
Martina Farese (FRRAnt), ‘Varro on the creation of the world and the ages of mankind’, 29th July 2021
A. Pittá (FRRAnt), ‘Saecula compara, Vetustas. Antiquarianism in Statius’ Silvae, Book 1’, 2nd July 2021
Stephen Bliar (FRRAnt), ‘Italian prehistory in Ennius’ Euhemerus’, 25th June 2021
R. Marshall (FRRAnt), ‘Reconstructing the lost De philosophis of Suetonius from Themistius Euphrades’, 11th June 2021
G. Manuwald (UCL), Discussion on the design of FRRAnt’s edition, 27th April 2021
Adam Gitner (Münich), On the virtues of ThLL, 26th April 2021

Meetings with FRRAnt Academic Advisory Board, UCL

4th March 2022 on the design of FRRAnt edition -- with presentations on the project (Arena), database (Marshall), Dionysius of Halicarnassus and Pliny (Blair), Solinus (Pittá), Tertullian and Augustin (Farese), Hieronymus and John the Lydian (Giordani)
2nd February 2023 on issues of inclusion and exclusion and digital presentation – with presentations on project updates (Arena), database (Giordani); Varro’s Hebdomades (Pittá), Varro’s Disciplinae (Farese), Alexander Polyhistor (Marshall), on Caesius (Blair)

FRRAnt Reading Groups, UCL

Daniel Vallat (Lyon) in dialogue with Martina Farese (FRRAnt), 8th July 2022 - on Servuis
Nino Luraghi (Oxford) in dialogue with Stephen Blair (FRRAnt), - on Castor of Rhodes (17th June 2022)
Leonfranc Holford-Strevens (Oxford) in dialogue with Giorgio Piras (FRRAnt) 28th April 2022 – on ‘Pliny an antiquarian?’
Adam Gitner (Münich, ThLL), in dialogue with Antonino Pittá (FRRAnt) – on Solinus ‘auctus’ 1st April 2022
Rosalind Thomas (Oxford) in dialogue with Richard Marshall (FRRAnt), 10th March 2022 – on Alexander Polyhistor Wolfgang de Melo (Oxford) in dialogue with Martina Farese (FRRAnt), 25th February 2022– on Varro’s de lingua Latina
Ed Bispham (Oxford) in dialogue with Domenico Giordani (FRRAnt), 11th February 2022 – on Varro’s Antiquitates Rerum Humanarum
Tim Cornell (Manchester) in dialogue with Stephen Blair (FFRAnt), 28th January 2022- on C. Sempronius Tuditanus, M. Iunius Congus ‘Gracchanus’, and Atticus.

FRRAnt Workshops

‘When The Antiquarians meet Laughter’, with M. Deufert and his team (Leipzig) (10th September 2021) and (31st March 2022)
Workshop 1: FRRAnt presentations by A. Pittá, ‘The citing practices of Tertullian and Solinus: some problems’, by Blair, ‘Tertullian’s self-revision (ad nationes and apologeticum)’, and by Marshall, ‘Varro and the de opificio Dei’
Workshop 2: FRRAnt presentations by Giordani, ‘Varro’s Quaestiones Plautinae’ and by Farese, ‘Artes poeticae and literary canons: the Antiquarians' contribution to the reception of Roman Comedy’’

‘Antiquarian Encounter between Greece and Rome: Greek and Roman Antiquarian Fragments, a conversation with Brill’s New Jacoby’ with Stephan Schörn and his team (Leuven), 25th Nov. 2022: FRRAnt presentations on Festus by Blair and Farese; on Augustine’s de musica and Pliny/Solinus by Pittá, on the indices of Pliny’ by Marshall