



V. Arena and S. Blair (eds.), The Hellenistic World of Roman Republican Antiquarianism (CUP, forthcoming)

V. Arena, ‘The Antiquarians and the City of Rome’, in City of Lights. Edited by J. Richardson and M. García Morcillo, City of Light (Rome: Edizioni Quasar; forthcoming)

V. Arena, ‘The Censors, the Antiquarians, and Accountability in the Late Roman Republic’, in A. Antoniou, T. Smith, and K. Webb (eds.), The Roman Censorship: Perceptions and Realities (Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, forthcoming)

V. Arena, Arena, ‘Roman Republican Antiquarianism: Back to the Future’, Aether 1.2 (2022), 82-7 

V. Arena, ‘Varro, the Name-Givers, and the Lawgivers: The Case of the Consuls’, Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought 38.3 (2021), 588-609 [

V. Arena, ‘Varro and Italy: the de Lingua Latina and the Gauls’, in M. Aberson, M.C. Biella, M. Di Fazio, M. Wullschleger (eds.), Nos sumus Romani qui fuimus ante. Memory of ancient Italy (Peter Lang 2019)

V. Arena and G. Piras (eds.), Reconstructing the Republic: Varro and his Citing Authorities, Special Issue of Res Publica Litterarum (2018)

V. Arena. and F. MácGóráin (eds.), Varronian Moments, BICS 60.2 (2017)

S. Blair, ‘Fors sua cuique loco est: Cosmic order, local chaos in Ovid’s Fasti’ (in preparation)

S. Blair, ‘Verrius Flaccus and the disintegration of Roman knowledge’ (in preparation)

S. Blair, ‘Varro on farro. Cereal offenders and moral decay in Roman historical-antiquarian discourse’ (in preparation)

S. Blair, ‘Euhemeristic translations: Ennius as interpres in the Sacra historia.’ For J. Hill and C.W. Marhsall (eds), Ennius beyond epic (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming)

S. Blair, ‘“Normative grammar” and language theory in late-Republican Rome’, in M. Bellomo and E. Zucchetti (eds.), Power, Coercion, Consent. Gramsci’s Hegemony and the Roman Republic (Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, forthcoming)

S. Blair, ‘Didactic literature’, in J. Sanzo and M. Sloan (eds.), Greco-Roman Literature (Ancient literature for New Testament studies 6), (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, forthcoming)

M. Farese, 'Quintipore Clodio e Pompilio: due casi di polemica letteraria nelle Satire Menippee di Varrone?', Bollettino di Studi Latini (2024) (forthcoming)

M. Farese, Le Satire Menippee di Varrone e la Commedia (in preparation)

M. Farese, ‘Corvum, turdum, non corvam, turdam: Norm and use in Varro’s work and in the linguistic debate in the late Roman Republic,’ in C. Monaco and U. Mondini (eds.), Interfacing with linguistic norms, 323 BCE - 1453 CE (in preparation)

M. Farese and G. Piras, ‘The Representation of the Landscape in the late Republican Antiquarianism’, in A. Cucchiarelli (ed.), Natura e paesaggio italici nelle cultura romana da Augusto a Traiano (forthcoming)

M. Farese, 'Le Disciplinae di Varrone e l’evoluzione della medicina a Roma', in L. Battistini, M. Di Maro, L. Faienza, L. Marchese (eds.), Letteratura e altre scienze. Incroci e sovrapposizioni (Bruxelles: Peter Lang, 2023), 45-56 ;

M. Farese, 'Le testimonianze degli antichi sulla lingua dei Sabini', in D.F. Maras, L.M. Michetti, C.J. Smith, E. Tassi Scandone (eds.), Fontes antiqui Sabinorum. I Sabini e la Sabina nelle fonti letterarie greche e latine, «Acta Flaviana» IV (Rome: L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2023), 107-117;

M. Farese, ‘Un popolo di pastori e contandini? Paesaggio italico e identita’ romana nell’opera di Varrone’ in A. Cristilli, G. Di Luca, A. Gonfloni, E. S. Capra and M. Pontuali (eds.), Experiencing the Landscape in Antiquity (BAR Oxford series, forthcoming)

M. Farese, 'Riflessioni sulle posizioni di Varrone in riferimento alle teorie cronologiche di Dicearco di Messina', Spolia. Journal of Medieval Studies 9 (2023), 143-158 

M. Farese, 'Tra norma linguistica e prassi poetica: giochi di parole e composti nominali in Varrone', ClassicoContemporaneo (2024) (forthcoming)

M. Farese, 'Servi callidi, servi poeti e servi fuggitivi nelle Satire Menippee' (in preparation) 

D. Giordani, ‘A Slave Named Research: Alexander Polyhistor and the Jews in Varro’, in V. Arena and S. Blair (eds.), The Hellenistic World of Roman Republican Antiquarianism (CUP, in preparation)

D. Giordani, ‘Carna. Antiquarianism and Folklore’, (in preparation)

D. Giordani, ‘Varro’s Quaestiones Plautinae’, (in preparation)

D. Giordani, ‘Varro’s Antiquitates rerum humanarum. Defining Roman Republican Antiquarianism' (in preparation)

D. Giordani, ‘Etnografie solentine: frammenti di sdotrrrina antiquria tra Servio, Solino e Ps-Probo’, in Giuseppe Zecchini (ed.), Progetto Solino, (forthcoming)

F. Lazzerini, ‘The stories behind names: Etymology in the service of Roman antiquarianism’, Glotta 99 (2023), 154-200

R. Marshall, The Lost and Fragmentary works of Suetonius (in preparation)

R. Marshall, ‘Natural History by Numbers: Varro and the Doxographical Tradition’, in V. Arena and S. Blair (eds.), The Hellenistic World of Roman Republican Antiquarianism (CUP, forthcoming)

R. Marshall, ‘New light on the history of the Codex Arcerianus and the fate of Varro’s De geometria and De arithmetica’, Revue d’Histoire des Textes 19 (2024, forthcoming)

R. Marshall, ‘The Catalogus geometrarum from the Corpus Agrimensorum. Part II: The Biography of Euclid the Mathematician’, Mnemosyne 76.5 (ڴǰٳ󳦴dzԲ).

R. Marshall, ‘The Catalogus geometrarum from the Corpus Agrimensorum. Part I: Text, Translator, and the Aratean Tradition’, Mnemosyne 76.4 (2023), 665–94 

R. Marshall, ‘Saturae Menippeae and Varro Menippeus’, Paideia 77 (2022), 1–27 

R. Marshall, ‘The theft of Ancient Rome’s chapter in the history of mathematics: Varro’s De geometria, Fabio Calvo, and the Codex Arcerianus’, Endeavour (forthcoming).

A. Pittá, "Editing Varro’s fragments and Statius’ Siluae: different traditions, similar problems" (forthcoming: it has been peer-reviewed and A. Pittá is currently working on its final version).

A. Pittá, ‘Varrone e/in Plinio il Vecchio: capolavori greci nel paesaggio letterario di Roma’ in M. Papini (ed.), Antichi maestri in Grecia e a Roma: letteratura, archeologia, epigrafia, special issue of Thiasos (in preparation)

A. Pittá, ‘First Times- as Touchstones: Late Republican Antiquarianism and the Origins of Civilizations’ in V. Arena and S. Blair (eds.), The Hellenistic World of the Roman Republican Antiquarianism (CUP, forthcoming)

A. Pittá, ‘Saecula compara, Vetustas. Motivi antiquari nel primo libro delle Silvae di Stazio’, in D. Nelis, L. Baumer and M. Royo (eds.), Les mots et les choses (Pieterlen/Bern: Peter Lang, forthcoming)

A. Pittá, ‘Otia come alii labores alla corte di Onorio: modelli letterari e modelli etici in Claudiano’, M. Papini (ed.), L'otium è rivelatore. Imperatori e otium tra archeologia e letteratura, special issue Scienze dell’Antitichitá, 28.4 (forthcoming)