


Saffron East

Saffron’s work centres on the intersections of gender, 'race’ and class in (South) Asian community activism in 1970s Britain. She combines archival research and Oral History, and is also currently conducting interviews for the Wellcome-funded Body, Self, Family project at Essex University. Saffron’s doctoral research is informed by her undergraduate interest in the impact of empire and decolonisation ‘at home’ and her MPhil research into the relationships between popular memory, public history and collective identity formation. This research is supported by an AHRC scholarship from the London Arts and Humanities Partnership.


ܱǰ:Michael Collins (primary) and Andrew Flinn (secondary)
Working title:Indian Workers’ Associations, Southall Black Sisters and “Black” Politics in 1970s Britain

Expected completion date:2022

Papers and presentations

  • “Front room publications”, Black politics and gender in 1970s Southall’, Britain at Home and Abroad, Institute of Historical Research, December 2020
  • ‘Indian Workers’ Associations, Black politics and gender’, UCL Gender and Feminism Research Network PhD Talkgroup, January 2020
  • ‘SouthallResists40: Remembering anticolonial resistance in twenty-first century Britain’, ‘Reframing Empire’, Centre for Public History Annual Conference, Queen’s University Belfast, December 2019
  • ‘Historians and the UCU Strike: community action in postwar Britain’s racialised migrant communities’, Department of History Teach Out, University College London, Nov 2019
  • ‘Solidarity and Intolerance: The Indian Workers’ Association in 1970s Britain’, ‘Can’t We All Just Get Along?’: Tolerance versus Persecution, History Lab Annual Conference, Institute of Historical Research, June 2019
  • ‘Remembering decolonisation in twenty-first century Britain’, Difficult Heritage: Making Sense of Uncomfortable Histories, The Bar Convent, York, April 2018


  • Conference Convenor, IHR History Lab
  • Conference Convenor, Antiracism in Britain: histories and trajectories
  • PGTA Representative, UCL-UCU