

UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering


IHE Impact Fellowship ethos and vision

We want to support a culture change that promotes impact and engagement as part of all research activity.

UKRI defines impact as:​

'An effect on, change or benefit to the economy, society, culture, public policy or services, the environment or quality of life, beyond academia'

Our vision is to accelerate the impact of UCL's research by:​

  • Engaging meaningfully beyond university walls (e.g. policymakers, patients, community groups)​
  • Equipping researchers with the skills, confidence and connections to make their own impact​
  • Co-producing research and engagement outputs with diverse voices​
  • Improving how we communicate our research impact at 911±¬ÁĎÍř​
  • Improving how we measure and evaluate our research impact​

Our longer-term vision is to support a cross-institutional roll out of culture change that embeds impact and engagement as a valued and core component of all research activity.

In order to achieve this, our Engagement Delivery Group has been connecting with groups across UCL, such as:

  • The Policy Impact Unit, UCL Engineering​
  • UCL Public Engagement​
  • Co-Production Collective​
  • Responsible Science and Innovation​
  • UCL Institute of Education Impact Fellowship​
  • UCL Public Policy Fellowship​
  • UCL Health of the Public Impact Fellowship

We are always interested in collaborating with new colleagues at 911±¬ÁĎÍř and external organisations. If you would like to learn more or get involved, please contact Alice Hardy, a.hardy@ucl.ac.uk