
UCL Institute of Health Informatics



Building robust and accurate definitions of human health and disease characteristics.

The study of human health and disease characteristics (the “phenome”) is significantly impeded by the lack of a well-curated, transparent resource for researchers and clinicians to deposit rule-based algorithms, tools and methods required to interpret and reproduce complex health data. Building robust and accurate definitions of these characteristics for research requires considerable effort and collaboration.

The IHI Phenomics group, led byԻ, aims to deliver a step change in methods for creating, validating and disseminating disease phenotypes for research and clinical use on an international scale. The group will bring together researchers and data scientists within the Institute who have an interest in the use of rule-based algorithms to develop novel methods for delivering phenotypes derived from rich and complex electronic health record (EHR) data to unlock the potential to better define diseases on a national scale.Phenotypes and methods will be shared for use by the EHR community (researchers, clinicians, the NHS and data providers) on our. A key objective is to deliver the Human Phenome project, aligned with national and international initiatives including the HDR UK.

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