
UCL Global


Cities Partnerships Programme

Launched in 2018, this cross-UCL initiative supports, funds and promotes the work that 911 academics carry out with partners in global cities, with the aim of developing sustainable, multidisciplinary research and teaching partnerships.

A monument in Rome


The first city which launched with the programme in 2018 and is now a hub of activity.

A night view of Paris featuring the Eifel Tower


The second city added to the programme in 2019 and is already embarking on projects with 20 partners.

Buildings on the waters edge in Stockholm


The latest city added to the programme in 2020 is working in partnership with Karolinska Institute, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University.

Paris skyline

Funding opportunities

Joint seed funding is available for research collaborations with Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University.

UCl festival of culture panel event


The Cities Partnerships Programme has already supported more than 80 events in Paris, Rome and London with many more to come this academic year. 

European cities

About the programme

The Cities Partnerships Programme supports, funds and promotes UCL academics' collaborations in research and teaching with partners in global cities across the world.


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