
Institute for Global Health



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TB-IPD platform in the news

31 January 2023

The TB-IPD platform is a secure data platform that aims to containindividual records with treatment outcomes of over 50,000 TB patients in 2023.The platform will allow for the consolidation of TB treatment outcomes in a secure open data setting to increase and strengthen the field of TB treatment.

“UCL are delighted to host this new TB-IPD platform. We believe this will be an invaluable resource for the TB field worldwide, allowing researchers to reuse and repurpose data in order to maximize the potential of TB research. The project symbolizes UCL’s commitment to Open Science and Open Scholarship”, said Professor Ibrahim Abubakar, Dean of the Faculty of Population Health Sciences, UCL.

The platform encourages secure and open data learning and future public calls for data will continuously enhance the TB-IPD database.

Dr Lele Rangaka (IGH) and Ruth Goodall (ICTM) are the UCL leads on the project.

Read the full story -

Visit theTB-IPD platformfordata access requests, data contribution and further information.

17 November 2021

The WHO has announced a publicly accessible global individual patient data (IPD) platform for drug-resistant tuberculosis in order to increase the knowledge base for normative guidance on optimal treatment modalities for drug resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB). A team at 911 has been selected as the data curator, led by the UCL Institute for Global Health and theMRC Clinical Trials Unit.